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I'm a man of reason. I consider myself to be open minded and don't have to have solid facts to believe in something. God however is a concept that I really have trouble believing. I'll explain why I don't believe in god, then maybe someone else can convince me otherwise

- "Gods" are man-made figures that humans create for things they don't understand. Ex: Egyptians created "Zeus" god of thunder cause they didnt understand thunder

- Evolution has better support for how the universe was created than a mysterious god. Maybe not the big bang theory, more like eternal matter, matter that always existed (just like god always existed).

- "Great miracles" don't occur anymore now that we have technology to explain everything (example: men splitting rivers etc.)

- Medical mysteries are the #1 cited source for "acts of god" If a person's dad got better from cancer, it is not an act of god, we just havent discovered everything in the medical field

Plz don't say "it doesn't hurt to believe"

2006-10-02 18:07:25 · 23 answers · asked by true_skillzz 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

The universe has always existed. This is a hard concept for humans to understand, as almost everything we see in our lives has a definite beginning and definite ending. The universe must have always existed in some form or another, because if it hasn't always existed, it would be in violation of the Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy. In a fluctuation vacuum, Stephen Hawking and his colleagues have observed that matter can and does spontaneously arise. From my personal observations, "God" seems to be interchangeable with the phrases "I don't know" or "We'll never know". God exists in the minds of billions of people because: 1) Most people are raised to believe in a god of some sort, and 2) God seems like a plausible concept at face value. God is a way of explaining what science has yet to find out. It's a shame, really, when you see theists on here arguing in favor of their holy book, claiming anyone who has a different holy book, or interprets their holy book differently will go to hell. They take literal the myths and legends that have been in existence for over 5,000 years. So really, there are no "rational reasons" to believe in God, with the exception, maybe, being that feeling of comfort theists get from God.

2006-10-02 18:26:13 · answer #1 · answered by Nowhere Man 6 · 2 0

Isn't it possible that the Egyptians knew of the presence of God?Besides we can never be certain of their beliefs, something might be lost in translation! Why is it difficult to believe that God created us through a process of evolution, God's work doesn't always have to be miraculous and spontaneous. Just look at the way a child is born, it takes a full 9 months to get a final product. That's a pretty long time over which the child develops, or rather "evolves" into a human being!(If you ask me all life is a miracle)
I think the reason that miracles occurred in the past was so that the people receiving the message would believe that the "prophet" was indeed a messenger of God, that is no longer necessary.In medicine, we don't know much about cancer or how to treat it. Some cancer chemotherapy (if not all) has horrendous side effects. If you ask me, anyone surviving that can be classified as a miracle survivor. I hope I don't sound like I' m preaching, But if you keep searching for the truth, you're likely to find it eventually.

2006-10-02 18:17:46 · answer #2 · answered by F R 4 · 0 3

First off God is a concept to me not a personality. God is the sum total of everything. I call it God because it helps me talk to believers but I can drop the word if it makes you uncomfortable.

The eastern religions, for the most part, didn’t apply personalities too the concept, Hinduism being the exception to this of course. They applied everything to many different Gods and said that they were all the facets to a unifying God. I digress…

The ones that did not apply a personality went for the “understand the subtly approach”. Buddhism and Taoism (these are the two I know the most about) seek to get you to strip away all you preconceptions you apply to the world, loose all your attachments. They believe that anyone can achieve a state of knowing the world without filtering what you are experiencing through a concept of self. When you loose that filter of self you no longer experience selfishness or mental suffering do to not getting what you want.

I like this idea and I pursue it………it is actually the same basic concept as getting to know Gods will for you except instead of trying to strip away self with the “God as a human” idea you are suppose to defer you will to Gods.

I accept the evidence that supports evolution, for the record. Evolution offers no explanation on how the universe was created……….that is no where at all in the theory. Evolution doesn’t even explain the origin of life yet (give us time and we will figure it out though).

The Big Bang does not offer an explanation for the origin either. It is the natural conclusion of the observable evidence of an expanding universe. If the Universe is expanding from a central point then logic dictates that it must be from a massive explosion.

There are no theories that are accepted for WHY there was a Big Bang but I have read one I enjoyed here: Gad it was taken down……..well anyway it stated that two universes collided in different dimensions and caused ours to form……the scientists were obviously quantum physicists.

Anyway there is no reason to believe or disbelieve a God on these points………completely up to you. Science is independent of God though I like seeing how the universe works and imagining that we are understanding aspects of the concept God.

Never believed in miracles myself, including the medical ones, I think they are myths just like the Greek and Norse to name a couple examples. If you are wanting miracles you need a religion not spirituality.

What it boils down to is what do you want the purpose of your life to be? I have chosen to seek enlightenment and selflessness through spirituality to be one of my main goals. I am not seeking hidden knowledge I am seeking to understand the unity in all things, to not think of myself as separate from everything else. You can get very close to the same thing if you go through self-help books and therapists but this way is cheaper and a lot more satisfying to me.

You choose not to have the same meaning to your life as I choose for mine and therefore do not need to ponder the unity of life or remove the filters you have in place that define who you are and what you desire. That is perfectly alright and I hope you enjoy the meaning you choose for you life, all I can tell you is I enjoy mine.

My purpose in this was not to convince you I am right, I just wanted to take this opportunity to explain to you that not all believers are illogical and reject science and evidence. May you find Truth in all that you do.

2006-10-02 19:11:09 · answer #3 · answered by thewolfskoll 5 · 0 1

I've been a spiritualist for many years, and I've listened to believers and skeptics alike. It gets frustrating, because the skeptics are looking in the wrong place for proof of God, and most believers (even the most religeous) don't have a clue as to who God really is, and even when they have an idea... it really is very hard for them to put into words something that is beyond words. When you ask for proof or evidence of God.... what are YOU looking for? An old man with a grey beard? A shining figure coming out of the sky? To be pointed in some direction and to be told... God is over there in such and such a place? This will not happen because God is not a single entity in single place. He is the living breath in everything. And proof will come my friend with your instruments of detection in the future. Creation Vs Evolution? God created evolution from the beginning of "time." Miracles? Yes, miracles happen in science, medicine, religeon and spirit. If God created evolution, did he not also watch the unfolding of technology, medicine and all aspects of human development? Of course. I have seen miracles performed from both innocent, good hearted people, as well as miracles performed by medicine. Miracles can happen anywhere where there are good, honest and heart felt intentions. They do not occure outside of nature, but as a part of nature. Basically, miracles are not mysterious, but are naturally occuring events which can be "tapped into" by spiritual people who understand these laws of nature, but also by compassionate people who know nothing of laws or spirit. I hope that my explanation shows that "God" may not be what people think "He" is. To find "Him" you need not go to any church or temple. You simply must go within, silence the restless mind and open the heart. "God" will appear softly, quietly and not with a bang or a grand declaration of His presence. Hopefully, you will get a small glimpse of something that is undescribable. Keep your mind open, and keep asking yourself this question about God. Could it not be "Him" stirring something latent within you? My best to you.

2006-10-02 18:39:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Your life is just a grain of sand in the sea of humanity or a drop of rain in all the oceans. You are nothing. You better believe that after having life you will die on any given time. You do not even know what lies one hour ahead of you? So you better stop your arrogance. What if there is really a God or a Creator who created you when you die?
What would you do to a person you have been nurturing or doing favors for and he doesn't appreciate your effort or even say thank you? Will you ever reward a friend, a relative or your own child for ingratitude?
Don't tell me you do not have a navel and that you did not come to life through your mother. Don't tell me you just popped out of the Earth at your own will. Don't tell me you can control your own heartbeat at your own bidding. Don't tell me you can defy the law of gravity and the hands of time by turning it back. Don't tell me you can revert the spinning world you live in the opposite way round. If you cannot defy or change things to your liking you better come to your senses. Excuse me but you are just another passenger on planet Earth. You are just as a song goes, dust in the wind.

2006-10-02 18:35:44 · answer #5 · answered by Ely C 2 · 0 2

Your argument does not make sense. Any number of autopsies have been carried out and guess what......brains have been found inside skulls. Therefore a brain is provable - it exists - whereas the existence of god has not been (By the way deceive is spelt "ei" not "ie" - it's the exception to the rule). There are many things that we have not witnessed ourselves, like the existence of Malaysia for me, because I have never been there but it exists, so again your argument is not valid. Scientific experiments have tangible results - ergo provable. These are things we can believe in - like the fact that the world is round and not flat - science proved that. Hope that helps. Mo

2016-03-27 02:56:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Science would love to prove the bible is not true but the more we look into science the more evidence that God does exist. example: In the bible everyone knows the story of Noah's ark. Did you know that it has been proven that this earth was covered in water at one point. They have found fossils of fish on top of the tallest mountains. They also have found ancient anchors from a large ship in the facinity that the ark came to rest.
As far as evolution is concerned it is equivalent to the same chance that you can take a full deck of cards, throw them up in the air and not only do they fall perfectly stacked on top of each other but in perfect order. Question: If we supposenly came from monkeys, how come we do not have the same DNA as a monkey nor can we reproduce with one? Speaking of DNA did you know they have proven through DNA that we all have 2 common ancestors?
How come I believe in not only God but in Jesus? It wasn't from anything I was told that's for sure. I was a very rebellious teen. I lost my mother when I was 16 and my father when I was 21 I should of became a very angry indivual but something inwardly happened to me when I found Jesus. It would be like trying to discribe the wind when you can't see it but you know its there because you feel it. When you ask Jesus to become your Lord and Savior something incredible happens to you. It's as if you feel a huge lift off your shoulders and the truth is crystal clear to you. Even reading the bible, before I knew the Lord, nothing made sense to me, but after it was if someone turned on a light and the truth was as clear as day. I encourage you to try this yourself to understand fully. Remember, there is no such thing as chance everything happens for a reason. Good Luck in your search.

2006-10-02 18:32:46 · answer #7 · answered by ckrug 4 · 0 2

The more we learn, the more we discover that we don't know everything, that we can't know everything.
Being a rational man you must know that human senses, human imagination, & human conceptualization are limited, and cannot apprehend everything all at once.
Do you understand everything?
Do you think you will understand everything any time in the near or distant future?
Even if using God or gods is a way of dealing with the parts of the world that we don't understand, is that really a bad thing?

If it hasn't happened to you yet, there will come a time when you are pushed to your limits and find that you can't think your way out, and you will instinctively cry out to the God or gods that you have some connection with, and most likely you will be answered and helped, whether you have faith in them from then on or not.

I believe in those that I communicate with who have helped me thru places I could not get myself. This might not be rational, but it isn't fanatic either.

2006-10-02 18:18:17 · answer #8 · answered by raxivar 5 · 1 3

There are as many reason to believe in "god" as there are reason to believe there is a yellow tea pot orbitting the planet saturn.

It makes me laugh when people attribute their superstitious praying to a "miraculous recovery" and barely even mention the person was in chemo for 12 weeks.

Religion = Superstition = Delusion

There are no reasons to beleive in a "god"
This web site pretty much gives you all the evidence you'll need to prove that GOD DOES NOT EXIST

2006-10-02 18:12:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I agree with you. I have a hard time believing myself. And people say read the Bible, it has all the answers. Well, when I read it, there is so many things that are contradicting. For instance, in the Story of Adam and Eve, God lied and told them they would die if they eat the fruit, they ate the fruit and did not die. The serpent told the truth, not God. Why would a God lie? I thought Lying was a sin? Anyway, I could go on and on, but I feel the same as you.

2006-10-02 18:12:44 · answer #10 · answered by Becsteroni Magl 2 · 3 3

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