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I have had a long night (but obviousl not near as long as these other people!). I am blessed and cursed with the gift of being an empath (I feel other people's feelings...including those I only look at or have never met). I was a patient in the ER tonight and there was a tragic accident involving a little boy and a man...they were riding on a tractor and the tractor tipped over and fell on top of them...the little boy died and the man was LifeFlighted to a Major Medical Center. It was bad enough they wouldnt let ANYONE in the ER, including one mother who had her baby back there with her grandma. My questions are...why do I have this gift? Why does God let these things happen? And after I was released from the hospital and waiting on my ride, I was outside and these people were out there, and I was giving them their space, never said a word they didnt even know I was there, I didnt want them to, but I kept feeling DRAWN BACK to them each time I walked away from them. Why?

2006-10-02 17:53:30 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

If this is a Gift from God. and you felt "drawn" to act.

Why didn't you act? When God leads a person to do something, that person does it.

How could this be a Gift from God to you, for you to use for Him and you not use it?

I never read anything about recieving random gifts for "use" whenever.

Gift of "empath".? There are several spiritual gifts. "empath", not being mentioned.


2006-10-02 18:21:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Ever human has the gift of empathy; some may simply be more intune with their gift because of past experience or the environment that they were raised in. God lets these thing happen because if he were to directly intervene, he would be breaking the laws of nature (which he created). If he were to break the laws of nature to change something that he had (ultimately) set in motion, it would prove God wrong, and God is supposedly infallible. Additionally, God granted man the gift of free will -- man can decide if he will drive wrecklesly or walk to the corner store for a soda. Additionally, you may be feeling that you are too intune with this gift of empathy. I think it can be seen as a blessing, though. I always need an empathetic ear when my days are the worst.

2006-10-02 18:05:51 · answer #2 · answered by randydandy2002a2000 1 · 0 4

ther is nothing wrong with that i am that way also. and god lets bad things happen beacuse he has to the baby that died it is sad however its also a good thing the baby gets to go to heaven where it will never have to hurt or deal with this evil world.god has areason 4 everthing he dose even when we cant see it there is one. in time u will see what the reason was. he always reviles it, it may take a whilebut he dose. whta u have is a gift I at times had wished I could be more cold but now I would not wish that at I am galde I am who I am and god made me perfectly no I ma not perfect but he makes no mistakes that is me that dose that. I will pray 4 u and dont listen to the jerkeson here the have nothing better to do than bash God

2006-10-02 18:04:52 · answer #3 · answered by becky 2 · 0 4

Empathy is a rare gift, indeed. And, yes, at times it can be a curse, to be barraged by foreign emotions from all angles. Most empaths (myself included) can't stand to be around too many people in close proximity for this reason.

As to why you have this gift...I don't think anyone can tell you for sure. The real question should be, why doesn't everyone else have this gift? Perhaps you have this gift so that you can help heal. Feeling a person's emotions from their perspective is a powerful means to understanding and connecting with them. Sometimes, when the doctors have done all they can, people just need someone to feel what they feel. To not be so alone. Often, it's the best medicine anyone can have. Cherish your gift, learn to control it and use it often.

2006-10-02 18:04:11 · answer #4 · answered by Avie 7 · 0 6

Gifts from God rarely feel like gifts until one understands calling. It shows some maturity to not meddle with anothers mourning. Why you have it I do not know ? The answer will be a daily journey. That is between you and your God. As for empathy it's a common emotion people feel for others. I can only say learn abide, learn to listen and learn to obey your God. There are no easy answers and often with giftings there are no answers others can give us. Shalom

2006-10-02 18:01:36 · answer #5 · answered by benhawkins1970 1 · 1 4

As far as your empathy, God gave that same thing to me, so all I can tell you is this. It is so you Know what they are feeling and can give truthful WORD based help. For me the down part was I always got too involved in helping and sometimes I made things worst. That's why I wrote WORD based help. You gift is to know how they feel and give them the word of God, but don't try to be their hero. Drop the seeds of God and leave, God is the Hero. As far as why bad thing happen, all i can say is God wants us to show His love through our actions. Don't worry why things happen, just try to help people get through them. And ONLY use the word of God that you were able to apply to your situations.

2006-10-02 18:31:51 · answer #6 · answered by TYRONE S 3 · 0 4

All of us have empathy -- the important point is to not see yours as special or as a special gift. If you do, you run the risk of it being part of your self concept and you will start going around thinking that you have something that others don't. The irony of this will be that you will lose the real empathy of just being completely normal. It's when we think we have a special gift that the problems start.

2006-10-02 17:58:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

I can't answer all of your questions but I can tell you that when God gives people spiritual gifts He gives them so that we can use them in service to others. It sounds like you have what the Bible calls the gift of mercies that allows a person to provide just the right comfort to someone who is suffering. The thing is, you have to have a close relationship with God through Jesus Christ so that you can receive supernatural strength and guidance as you use this gift and so that you can have Him to lay your cares on when you need the gift of mercy yourself.

Romans 12:6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace having been given to us, let us use them: whether prophecy, let us prophecy according to the proportion of faith; 7 whether ministry, let us use it in our ministry; whether teaching; in the teaching; 8 whether exhorting, in the exhortation; whether sharing, with simplicity; whether leading, with diligence; whether showing mercy, with cheerfulness.

2006-10-02 18:17:01 · answer #8 · answered by Martin S 7 · 2 3

You have this ability because God has given it to you for a reason. The reason is HIS to know & HE may reveal that answer to you sometime. God doesn't "let" these things happen, I think, HE can't prevent everything that Man is capable of doing to himself. Some things HE could prevent but again, HE has a reason for them to happen & we do not know what those reasons are.
You sound like a very caring person & you were probably drawn to that family because of that deep caring... you wanted to comfort them, understood their loss & felt it with them. You should not worry "why" or "how"..just be thankful & proud that you have this gift. So many others do not.

2006-10-02 18:06:20 · answer #9 · answered by Mary B In Chester 2 · 0 5

I also have asked that question so many many times. i am as sensitive and phychic as they get, my mother was that way. i was laying in bed woke with a start. stared at the phone till someone called to tell me a friend had died. i was at the hospital and this women killed her husband, i begine to pray. for them. then,,, i felt her go on also.. in a while someone told me she had killed herself also. i cant stand it sometimes. knowing things but not being able to do any thing. i felt evil at a friends home told him to leave, i would pay for everything just leave. no he said. he was killed a week later there. i could write abook. god allmighty, i dont know what to do with this, but i will tell you this. you must have the spirit of god in you are you will be influenced by the prince of the power of the air. the devil .look to the spirit to guide you, trust in god.theres nothing wrong with careing.jesus said for us to have love in our hearts.

2006-10-02 18:06:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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