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I have been reading through many answers here and noticed there are many references to Satan.
If there is a belief that Satan exists as the enemy of Christians, wouldn't that mean Christianity is polytheistic?
I am curious as to your thoughts on this. Please serious answers only.

2006-10-02 17:01:50 · 26 answers · asked by Epona Willow 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

BeReal, I study many different religions and I was seeking serious answers. If you would take the time to scroll through my questions and answers you would see that I do not ever make fun of anothers beliefs. Your assumption is way off base.

2006-10-02 18:56:46 · update #1

The quote on my blog is from a movie. It is a reminder that the only true martyrs are sacrificed Gods, Jesus, Odin, etc.

2006-10-02 19:10:41 · update #2

I was under the impression that Jesus was the son of God and his death was for the sins of others. If I can confirm what you have said from some others I will remove the comment from my blog and apologize.

2006-10-02 19:39:10 · update #3

26 answers

The Bible at 1 Corinthians 8:5 says, "there are many gods and many lords. Even Satan is called a god at 2 Cor. 4:4. But that does not mean that Christians serve all these gods. They serve one God. Jesus told Satan at Luke 4:8, "It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone that you must render sacred service."

2006-10-02 17:38:40 · answer #1 · answered by LineDancer 7 · 5 0

I'm not sure at all how you tie in Satan(the Devil) with Christianity and monotheism. But yes, mainstream Christianity is monotheistic because Christians believe in one God.

Now when we raise the mind-boggling doctrine of the Holy Trinity, I think some people take this to mean Christians are polytheist, which just isn't true.

Christians belive in one God, in three Persons: the Father(or Creator), the Son (or Redeamer), and the Holy Spirit (or Sanctifier).

2006-10-02 17:16:05 · answer #2 · answered by soulguy85 6 · 2 0

Christianity is Monotheistic.

The Trinity followed by Christianity is not a polytheistic belief.

Man can only think and believe what man can see and have seen.

Once the Pharisees argued with Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ asked them, if they cannot believe what is in the earth, then how could they
believe the heavenly matters.
God is not like a human with united Body and Soul.
It is written about the Word proceeds out of His mouth that it do not return with out the completing the things assigned to it.
its again written that the Word of God is Spirit and Life.

All over the Holy Bible it is found the Word of God, the Holy spirit of God and God Himself.
For God nothing is happened accidental like Columbus discovered America.
All things happened and happens as pre determined by God.

As per the predetermination and prophesied through his Prophets, when the fullness of time came God ( Word or in other words Spirit & Life) came in to this world though Virgin Mary as Jesus Christ.
Here the Word (Spirit and Life) accepted the name SON. And the Spirit of God came up on the Son at his Baptism.
Son taught to Worship and pray to Father, from where this Word came from.
This Spirit he sent back to the place it came from during his death.
Then Son the Word ressuructed and and before ascending to Heaven ordered to Preach and Baptise in the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit (Spirit of God is Holy).

This is the Trinity, and not three Gods, as the Anti Christian religions and its author accuses.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit, is God. This what Jesus Christ said the Son is in the Father, Son and Father are one. Those who have seen the Son has seen the Father etc...

Satan exists; he was an ancient and honorable creation of God with power and authority. That is what Bible says.
But due to his Pride he told he will become greater than his Creator. Hence he was cast off from his service before God. He used to worship God with Musics.

Now satan's work is against to God to become Greater than Him by misleading the intellegent creatures of God.
It is written in the Holy bible that satan's spirit is the one which Deny the Father and Son.

Understand the Spirit of God and Spirit of Satan by its nature.

2006-10-03 00:25:29 · answer #3 · answered by Jac Tms 3 · 1 0

I just saw you blog page, and you are a witch, why would you then be concerned with something you are not remotely interested in?
Please do not demean, or belittle our Christian faith, I for one, do not impose my belief system upon you, I see it would be a waste of time, since you have made up your mind. Go about your lifestyle and let us go on about our own.
To answer your question we believe and worship "ONE GOD" (The Godhead). Satan is a created being, just like you, and me, but he fell from the grace of God, we would never worship him, he is a defeated foe. He was obliterated at the Cross, which you make fun of.
In your page, your quote is "Get off the Cross, we need the wood"

Jesus is not a martyr, He is God.

2006-10-02 18:49:24 · answer #4 · answered by twelfntwelf3 4 · 1 0

Yes christianity is monotheistic.

There are three "personifications" of God:
The Father or the creator of all things.
The Son Jesus Christ who saved mankind from sin.
The holy spirit w/c can be called as the messenger/power of God and gave mankind enlightenment.

To my opinion God also has 3 personification.

1 God as the creator of the world. (genesis and the last parts of revelation)
2 Jesus christ the right hand of God, the preserver of mankind.(new testament)
3 God the one who will destroy all evil in the world.(revelation)

God in the book of Genesis and God in the book of Revelation are the same. Jesus Christ is Gods right hand on earth much like a vice president.

Christians only worship one God and that is God w/c makes the religion monotheistic.

2006-10-02 20:08:11 · answer #5 · answered by arcturus pendragon 3 · 2 0

Yes it was until Moses started the Monotheistic Idea. by dropping the worship of Jehovah. and just worshiped Yahweh.This is talking about Judaism from which Christianity sprang.
Christians talk about being Monotheistic as only believing in Jesus the Christ as the son(sun) of GOD(the sun).
So under all the talk they are still Polytheistic . as most believe in the trinity (Father ,Son and Holy Ghost.)
Satan is still a creation of the CREATOR OF ALL THINGS . And was created to be the tempter of human souls to lead them away from Gods laws and to Tempt Christ away form completing his mission on Earth to be the Messiah of the Jewish people.
When the Christians started the Idea of AS ABOVE SO BELOW they created aneven bigger mess as there are 9 levels of Heaven so there must be 9 levels of Hell.Each with its own ruler for each sin.

2006-10-02 17:32:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If you want to get really technical then yeah, it's polytheistic. Monotheism isn't just the belief in one God. It means you don't believe there are any other beings of preternatural existence. Although Satan and angels and devils don't constitute as gods, they fall right under the definition of "deity".

2006-10-02 17:06:37 · answer #7 · answered by Asilos Magdalena 1 · 1 0

The "higher power", that created the universe, gave every person "free choice". However, if those who choose to believe in the concept of Christianity as the "true faith", and choose to invent a secondary, but opposite power of the "one true God", that they claim to worship.....then who are we to argue with them?

Christians are also noted for blaming the secondary, but opposite power (they call it Satan), as the reason/cause for their sins. Sin, being defined as any action that does not conform to their religious belief. Then the idea that "faith alone", through Jesus Christ can save their souls from a "hell" that is ruled by Satan....adds to their reason to believe in their polytheistic concept.

2006-10-02 17:51:42 · answer #8 · answered by ? 5 · 1 1

Monotheism means believing that there is only one God. The existence of Satan makes no difference, since Satan is not God.

2006-10-02 17:05:36 · answer #9 · answered by Kalyansri 5 · 2 0

Satan is not a god. He is a creation of God, fallen angel to be specific.

And the Trinity is not polytheism. Just Wikipedia that ...

Within Christianity, the doctrine of the Trinity states that God is a single Being who exists, simultaneously and eternally, as a perichoresis of three persons (personae, prosopa): Father (the Source, the Eternal Majesty); the Son (the eternal Logos or Word, incarnate as Jesus of Nazareth); and the Holy Spirit (the Paraclete or advocate).

2006-10-02 17:04:02 · answer #10 · answered by Aspurtaime Dog Sneeze 6 · 6 2

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