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they only want other people to know of Gods awesome love. We"Christians" are sinners just like everyone else, The difference is we adk God to forgive us our sins, and we are forgiven as can everyone else be, if you only ask. We are all created equal, no one is better than the the other.

2006-10-02 16:27:55 · 39 answers · asked by tanat 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

39 answers

One word answer.....ignorance

2006-10-02 16:29:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

The quote "it is easier to do then ask permission" comes to mind. I'll do what I please say my prayers and be forgiven then point fingers at "sinners" could be why they find many self righteous. I'll engage in premartial sex while condemming abortion. I'll then declare my shallow gospel from the mountains from whence I claim my help comes from. What help ? If you're forgiven but still pratice sin while condemming others of theres what do you really have to offer anyone ? This has nothing to do with perfection and if it did many condemmed unbelievers adhere to a greater morality then confessing beleivers. That's why it's self righteous it's a aprart from the surrender to the Christ you profess. If the pinnicale and substance of your faith is "we're all equal and forgiven" it's sin based there is no victory to offer only ritual. They sense that hypocracisy the gospel of Christ isn't "your forgiven" it's "your forgiven go and sin no more" it's life in Christ not a perpetual offering of the same things at the alter. In the days of Abraham there came a time when God called a man to deviat from the common sacrafice and offer up his son as a mirror of things to come. When you identify with Christ you stop bringing the (ram) or the same sin to the alter and accept his life and nature as your own. Those who understand this understand that mercy truimphs over judgement.

2006-10-02 16:54:30 · answer #2 · answered by benhawkins1970 1 · 0 0

It's unfortunate at times some Christians can be a kind of harsh in judgement. There can be a whole gamma of reasons for this one of which is not understanding the message of reconciliation. But I've noticed the world in general is pretty harsh in judgement when we have a very limited understanding what has caused people to do some of the things we do. One final thought if we think ourselves better than the self righteous doesn't that in a sense make us self righteous? We've all missed it so lets not allow other peoples behaviours excuse us from seeking.

2006-10-02 16:50:11 · answer #3 · answered by Edward J 6 · 0 0

I am not certain of the right answer, but I must agree with you that Christians are sinners just as anyone else. I am also a Christian; but I also know that I sin against God every day. But I must also ask for his forgiveness every day. The only difference between a Christian and a lost person, is that Christians have asked Jesus Christ to come into their hearts, and forgive their sins. This does not mean that we are not going to sin any more; but that when we do so, all that we must do is to ask for God's forgiveness. God is no respecter of persons. As you say, He will forgive anyone who will ask Him to do so. The only way that a Christian becomes righteous in the eyes of God, is by receiving by faith the righteousness of Jesus Christ; which is perfect righteousness. Our own righteousness is as filthy rags in the eyes of God. We are told this in Isa. 64:6. As said before, God is no respecter of persons. So if you have not asked Jesus Christ to forgive your sins, He will do so the very moment that you ask Him to do so; whoever you may be, or no matter what you have done wrong. And then you will be righteous in the eyes of God. But not by anything that you do on your own; but by what Jesus has done for us all; shed his blood on the cross of Calvary. He is coming soon; very soon. So if you have not already done so, tomorrow may be too late!

2006-10-02 16:46:28 · answer #4 · answered by Calvin S 4 · 0 0

I'm a Christian for the record. I think a lot of the self righteous stereotypes stem from the perception by atheists and other non-Christians that Christians are hypocritical. I will not apply a stereotype to any one group, but it is true that within Christianity certain people tend to go out of their way to appear righteous or holy. Jesus actually condemns this in the new testament. He say something like "do in secret for your father sees in secret." A lot of people try to make a show of their faith and then do deeds that are contrary to this. While, like I said, this doesn't reflect all Christians, non-Christians see this group within Christianity and apply the stereotype to the whole. Doing so is a logical fallacy known as dicto simpliciter.

2006-10-02 16:39:35 · answer #5 · answered by James A 2 · 0 0

Probably you don't know this but the 'trooth' is the more you masturbate the more you want to do it. It's like being on a drug - the more you take, the more you want. The benefits you have mentioned are the benefits of sex, otherwise we would have fallen dead engaging in the activity that propagates the human race. That would be counterproductive. Of course, one can easily have the same benefits with a little exercise because sex mimics exercise. Whether you believe it is wrong or not depends on what you believe life is. If you believe we are just advanced forms of animals with no moral nature and no higher purpose then you can do whatever you like as long as you can get away with it. But if you believe you are a special creation of God and He wants you live life in a certain way then your entire perspective changes.

2016-03-27 02:53:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

fair enough of a question, but lets not only expose self rigteous christians, lets expose sef righteousness of mankind. The BIBle says no self rigtheousness will get any of us inot heaven, it wont matter whether we call ourselvs chrisitans or atheist, we have a deadly problem. Let me explain by asking you a couple of questions…
Have you ever lied (even once--fibs, white lies, etc.)? Ever stolen (anything--the value is irrelevant)? Jesus said, "Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery already with her in his heart." Have you ever looked with lust? If you have said "Yes" to these three questions, by your own admission, you are guitly of breaking four of the Ten Commandments, and the BIBle says whether you call yourself a christian or a Jew or an atheist, the penalty for our sins is death and Hell. That’s not God’s will. He provided a way for you and I to be forgiven.
He sent His Son to take our punishment: "God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." He was bruised for our iniquities. Jesus then rose from the dead and defeated death.
Your own so-called “goodness” can’t get you into heaven any more than mine could. Jesus is the only way to Heaven. He is the "Door," the only "mediator." There is salvation in no other name, so Repent(turn from sin) and trust Jesus as Lord and savior, when you do this God wil forgive you and grant you eternal life, Not because your a good person (we could never be good enough) but because God is Merciful. thtas the true story. the ones who are self righteous and depending on there own rightoeusness to get them inot Heaven are trusting another Gospel, and they will find themselves in big trouble on Judgement day.

2006-10-02 16:45:11 · answer #7 · answered by WDJD 3 · 0 0

The whole One True Faith thing is what makes others think you are self-righteous. Some Christians take that fanatical and extremist concept to heart and become judgmental jerks. By saying anyone who isn't a Christian will be Damned for Eternity, some Christians alienate themselves from the rest of us. Some Christians claim that all other religions are False and Paths to Damnation. If that isn't self-righteous, than what is?

2006-10-02 16:32:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because they don't have god in their lives to guide them and support them. God does love everyone and wants a relationship with everyone but some just don't get it. The power and love of god is the greatest thing ever and he has done so many wonderful things for me in my life and he wants to for everyone but if you do not believe then it's hard to see the good. Anyone who would put their son on a cross to die for me so I can have my sin's forgiven is a great person and deserves the highest respect.

2006-10-02 16:34:54 · answer #9 · answered by lisa_sonydadc 6 · 0 0

Unfortunately many Christians will not be under the authority of God when they try to defend their faith. They will respond with their natural being instead getting themselves right with God first so that their response will be as an imitator of God. When we are in our spirit (which happens when we ask for forgiveness of our own sins) the words will be coming from God and not from our flesh.

2006-10-02 16:47:08 · answer #10 · answered by ckrug 4 · 0 0

Actually, a lot of people think Christians are self-righteous because a lot of Christians are self-righteous. They may not be the majority, but they usually are the loudest. Famous examples: Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Charlton Heston, Ann Coulter, Rick Santorum, Hon. Roy Moore.

2006-10-02 16:34:03 · answer #11 · answered by answersBeta2.1 3 · 1 0

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