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why dont anti-war protesters start protesting somthing really harmful to this planet? like religon. more people have died from religous clashes over the course of human history than any other cause. the ultamate irony of that is that the most violent religons (Christianity, Judism, and to lesser extent Islam) have a freaking commandment stating: "thou shalt not kill." just look at northern Ireland, Israel, and back to the crusades and the inqusistion to see how seriously they take that. perhaps they should amend it to "thou shalt try real hard not to kill anyone unless of course they pray to a different invisible avenger than the one you pray to."
specal thanks to george carlin for his revised edition of the 10 commandment from which this was barrowed

2006-10-02 13:49:55 · 11 answers · asked by pockettanx90 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

Ok friend,
I know you won't believe this but most wars use religion as a reason to rally others, not as a real reason for war. Muslims could care less about the West and our ways. Wars are about power and control. Stalin killed millions in the Soviet Union and he was about as anti-God as any leader ever was. Hitler believed in, his own mind, that he was Godly and doing the right thing. Both Stalin and Hitler were anti-God.

Your question though seems to center on a belief that if there were no religions then there would be no wars. That is absurd.
Mankind has been at war since before recorded history. about land claims, power struggles, domination over others, food sources, etc.

George Carlin was making a joke that I doubt if he even actually believed. We, the US, sat by and watched as the Japanese over-ran China, Hong Kong, many of the Pacific Islands and after we watched for about 10 or 15 years, we finally acted. Thousands upon thousands of our marines, sailors and Army were killed trying to retake those Islands.

During the 1930's we wanted to not get involved in the war in Europe. So, we sat back and watched as Hitler over-ran Poland, France, North Africa, the Middle East, etc. And then we finally acted. The wait cost the US thousands and thousands of troops.
If we had mobilized our army in 1936 when we surely saw what was coming, and entered the war when the Japanese were killing Chinese by the thousands, and another chance came when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. Our inaction cost thousands of lives, British, French, American, etc. And allowed the Japanese and Germans to set up defenses that caused the war to last much longer then it needed to be.

Surely you are not foolish enough to believe that Saddam was a good Muslim, are you? Nothing he did was about religion, it was about power and control.

"The only thing that evil needs to suceed is that good men do nothing." Should we have waited until Saddam controled most of the Middle East? Should we now sit back and watch Iran try to control the Middle East. The Iranians have said numerous times that, that is their goal. By the way, the Iranians don't care much about Arabs, the Iranians are not Arabs. Although they are Muslims.

2006-10-02 14:24:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A quick look at history will reveal that in the last century, the atheist countries of the world managed to butcher over 180 million people with no help from religion. Compare that to the worst of the "religious wars", the Crusades, which only managed to kill 40 million in a 600 year period. The worst single century in that time, the 11th, had a total of just under 10 million Muslims, Jewish and Chrisitans killed. That gives the non-religion wars a 18:1 kill ratio victory on the body count over anything religion ever managed at it worst. Get your facts straight.

2006-10-02 13:57:38 · answer #2 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 0 0

it is true, that man has used religon for millitary and political gain, Naziz party meber has "God with us" enbgraved on there belts, and if you wanted to you could necome a pastor or become the rel;isiougs leader of a dangerous natzi party with a few bucks in the Tabloid. you can do this regardless of how it may smear the name of Christ. Jesus tells us in John 16:23 that there wil be some who in error commit atrocities and murder in the name of God, however he informs us that these or not true belivers, "the time is coming that whoever kills you, thinks they do God a service, and these things they do bnecause they no not me nor the father" John 16:23. Jeus told his folowers to love there enemies, so if a man puts a knife in a mans back i the name of chrisitanity, something isnt right. if we huimans can detect that, how much more will God? he will deal harshely with them on Judgement day.

The BIble says there iwll be a Judgement day, and that The standard God will judge us by is the Ten Commandments, lets go through a few to see how you will do. Have you ever told a lie? even a white lie? if you have you have broken the ninth of the Ten Commandments. the BIble says "all liars will have there part in the lake of fire. Have you ever stolen something? even cheating on a test? the BIBle says no thief will enherit the kingdom of God/ have you ever taken the name of the Lord in vain? ever used the slang (G-d)?
the BIble says "he will not hold them guiltess that uses his name in vain".
judging by those three commandments, would you be innocent or guilty on the day of Judgement? the BIBle says if you have broken those commandments you wil be guilty of sinnign against God, and the penalty of our sins is Death and Hell. perhaps you Laugh at the notion of Hell, you may be the person that says "ha ha ah, i dont belive in Hell!" let me ask you a question? if God is Holy and Just should he Punish murderers?, should he punish rapist? how about theifes? the BIBle says God will punish all of tose but will also punish liars and blasphemers and fornicators ect. Just like if you broke cicvil Law you would go to Jail, Gods Prison is a place called hell. if a prisoner was sentenced to prison for life, and he looked at the Judge and said "ha ha ha ha, i dont belive in prison!" The Judge would simply say "Baliff! take him awaya!" prison wouldnt cease to exist andneither will hell. if your right and there is no hell, you wont even know its good news, but if Hell does exist your in Big trouble. think seriously about this, because there is nothing more important than where you will spend an eternity. Jesus came and suffered and died on the cross for your sins. He stepped in and payed the penalty for your sins with His blood, repent (turn from sin) and trust in jesus as Lord and saviro today, if you you will God will forgive you and grant you everlasting life, not because your a good person, but because God is merciful.

2006-10-02 14:20:39 · answer #3 · answered by WDJD 3 · 0 0

History disagrees with you...all conflicts that involved Christianity, throughout the course of human history, have killed about 2 million people. One atheist, Josef Stalin, killed over 20 million of his own people. One occultist, Adolph Hitler, killed nearly 8 million people.

I can document this, if you like...where is your documentation?

2006-10-02 13:59:34 · answer #4 · answered by stronzo5785 4 · 0 0

YAWNNNN. Please open up a history book and read about American Revolution, Civil War, French Revolution, Korean War, Spanish-American War, Vietnam War, World War I, World War II

Please actually get educated before making such a dumb blanket statement.

2006-10-02 14:00:02 · answer #5 · answered by h nitrogen 5 · 0 0

Because organized religion is always closely tied to money. Money, as we all should know by now, is the real higher power on this Earth

2006-10-02 13:54:50 · answer #6 · answered by zipthump111 2 · 1 0

Kim Sang Bum is a Korean actor - a guy. * call: ?? / Kim Bum * actual call: ??? / Kim Sang Bum * occupation: Actor * Birthdate: 1989-Jul-07 * top: 181cm * Weight: 63kg * huge call sign: maximum cancers * skills business enterprise: EYAGI entertainment * relatives: youthful sister and brother, cousin/singer Jini ^ From Dramawiki

2016-10-01 21:07:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

And when religion goes atheism will take over. Another Religion???

There will be no people without religion.

2006-10-02 13:55:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

News Bulletin:

Religious or not, people make mistakes.


2006-10-02 13:52:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'll say a prayer for you tonight.

2006-10-02 13:53:14 · answer #10 · answered by Maggie 2 · 0 1

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