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1) An hour before the ceremony the priest refused to marry us because he did not receive our baptimal records. (Long story on how we got them and rushed them to the church, but it was a horrible, frantic way to start the day!)
2) The limo died on the way the church.
3) We returned to my husband's house at the end of the night only to find the hose to the washing machine had broke during a cycle from the morning and had been flooding the bathroom floor for about 14 hours.

Anyone want to share their wedding horror stories? LOL.

2006-10-02 13:26:17 · 22 answers · asked by Sugar_Mama 3 in Family & Relationships Weddings

22 answers

1. At the rehearsal dinner my mother-in-law to be bad mouthed me to my best friend (who came and told me).
2. Also at rehearsal dinner (we had a cookout at home) mother-in-law to be b*tch'd me out in front of 36 people b/c I forgot to get more cheese at the store (Did I mention I planned entire wedding/rehearsal dinner/reception all by myself with just a little help from my now-husband b/c he was working 2 states away at the time?) God forbid I forget a pack of cheese!!! :)
3. Everybody was too busy chatting at rehearsal to pay attention and the coordinator was too busy playing with a child to direct them at wedding- so I yelled from the top of the balcony I was to come down from "Hey, you guys are supposed to be going down there! Do you not remember what song it was!!- So then the DJ stops in middle of song and re-starts the music in the middle of the previous song (Geez!!) and yet the wedding party had already RUN down the aisle!!
4. The minister (also husband's grandfather) choked on a bug that flew in his mouth during our outdoor wedding.
5. Minister also got confused and used the wrong ceremony so we did not get to say our vows. Then started to end wedding without doing the unity candle we requested so we had to stop him and correct him.
6. THen he forgot to say "you may kiss the bride"- so we didn't get to "seal it with a kiss"
7. My bridesmaids could not get it together and go pick up their dresses, so I went and got them (and paid for all of them myself and told them how much they owed me) 2 1/2 years later 2 of them have yet to pay me. And I had gotten them jewelry to wear and a really nice gift too. One of them never got us a gift, after we got her a $80 place setting she'd registered for when she got married the year before.
8. I got a regifted gift form another bridesmaid (which I think was a gift she got regifted to her at her wedding 2 months before ours. It was a pot that said "It's the newest way to cook in the 90's on the box-- this was 2004!)
There were a few other things... but I think I've said enough.
Needless to say nothing ever turns out the way you dream it will...and you really learn who your true friends are...but hey we are married regardless.

2006-10-03 05:34:11 · answer #1 · answered by richkaryn 2 · 0 0

Oh wait I got this one !!!!!!!! My father is not a small man.....his has a rather large waist. I was in a side room of the church taking some pre wedding pictures and my bridesmaids and some of the grooms men were there as well and some of my sisters. Well my sister tells my dad (who is in a tux), Wait, I need to tell you that on the other side of the hallway was the grooms dressing room and one of the wives of the groomsmen and some others were blocking the door so that when my dad came in that he (the groom) would stay in and not see me. well like I was saying my sister told my dad to come in and see me (we were seeing each other for the first time with me in my dress ) so all eyes were on us , including the photographer.......well just then my dad's pants fell down.........OMG I was sooooo embarrassed, and the poor lady behind my dad when he bent over to pick up is pants....like I said he is a large man.......and he is notorious for wearing not so white tighty whities..............

well good news that was all and we had the most perfect day and evening we could not have asked for more.......if that was all that happened then so be it, at the end of the day I was able to call the man of my dreams my husband.

2006-10-02 21:01:23 · answer #2 · answered by NolaDawn 5 · 1 0

Nothing real big but..... my sister decided to redo her lipstick in the middle of the short time we had to take outdoor pictures before the wedding. It was the long lasting kind so she decided she needed to go wash it off and start over.
I received a re-gifted item as a wedding gift. A fluffy lace photo album that in the interior pocket - I found a pack of wedding matches in it from a wedding that had occurred 10 years prior.

2006-10-02 23:12:30 · answer #3 · answered by treday25 5 · 1 0

I did not schedule for the mother of the groom to make a speech. The father of the groom did not attend. After my parents made their speeches, my husband asked when would his mother speak. I asked the DJ to let her speak then told his sister to tell her and bring her up.

I heard about this after my honeymoon............... my mother in law basically screamed and refused to make a speech. Everyone was begging her to go up the DJ was holding the cake cutting ceremony and she was acting like a child refusing to make a speech. I had several friends that were sitting near her asking me why she acted like that, and what was her problem.

In my mind I am like DUH, that is why I never put her in the program I knew she was going to do something stupid.

Besides that it was a perfect day my bridesmaid did their JOB perfectly, shielded me from any form of nonsense so I could have the perfect day on Earth.

2006-10-03 00:09:48 · answer #4 · answered by justthetwoofus 3 · 2 0

I eloped so mine went well. Here are two others though...

My best friend, I was her maid of honor. I made the dresses, hers and all the girls. Hers had a floor length lace overlay, well I took all of it to the cleaners a week before to get a proper press. When we got the dresses back I took them straight to her house b/c that is where we were getting ready. The cleaners gave me someones lace curtains instead of the lace overlay. Her nephew got into the box with the bouguettes in it and tore flowers out of all of them. Her pastor had a death in the family and called her the day before the wedding telling her she needed to find someone else (luckily the Mayor felt sorry for her and did it for her). Her step-mother and I got into an argument at the reception b/c I wouldn't let her smoke in the building after my friend said she wanted no one smoking inside b/c her son is asthmatic and was there.

My ex's wedding was about as bad. The maid of honor backed out the day before. One of the ushers broke his leg in 2 places a week before the wedding. Their friend who was suppose to DJ for them backed out the day of b/c he had a paying gig (he was doing it as his wedding gift to them). The lady who made the cake lived an hour from where the wedding was and her car wouldn't start, they had to send someone to go get it. They had 60+ people RSVP so they had enough food and there was only 22 people there including the wedding party.

2006-10-02 20:59:13 · answer #5 · answered by channielynn 3 · 3 0

some bright spark wrote" help me" on the bottom of my husbands shoes so when we kneeled at the alter in front of everyone the church broke up in laughter and i was also given a sympathy card with a gift instead of a wedding card (obviously the person didn't like him)

2006-10-02 20:48:51 · answer #6 · answered by tori 3 · 3 0

Wow, I am terribly sorry for your wedding day. Now im scared how mine will turn out as I don't have such good luck either. Something always goes wrong where plan F happens as A through E hit the dust.

2006-10-02 22:13:32 · answer #7 · answered by Mutchkin 6 · 0 2

my wedding went fine....except my sister in law put a poopy diaper in my car and somebody wrote on the hood with white out

the honeymoon, on the other hand was quite bad
we rented a canoe and it had a leak and flooded
then my hubby, who swore he knew how to canoe...BROKE HIS PADDLE...and then insisted on taking mine
and then the canoe went under a fallen tree...i jumped onto the tree...while he was pulled under it..... i looked down and there was my husband's face looking up at me over the streaming water
so i pulled him out....he grabbed my life jacket & IT TORE OFF OF ME!!!
so then he tells me HE CAN'T SWIM...and i have to swim across the RIVER.....fast current....very deep.....and i wash 50 or so feet downstream before i make it across
then we walk up the river bank and onto the road.....clothes & shoes ruined....freezing cold...have to walk about 10 miles back to our car....DIDN'T GET A REFUND....and when we finally get back to the hotel, i go to take a hot shower and what do i get early???? MY PERIOD!!!!

i should really ask for a re-do, it will soon be our 10 year anniversary.....

2006-10-02 20:37:01 · answer #8 · answered by Cap'n Donna 7 · 6 0

It was a hot, muggy (NO! no my mug) Sunday afternoon. My bride was resplendent - me, just plendent. We reached across the chasm of loneliness to hold unto each other's hand as the pastor turned toward the altar to pray.
A wee creature of God's creation, i.e. fly, flew to the tip of my nose. Too paralyzed to move my hand and thus disclose my plight to the assembled, teeming masses, I began to do a jig w/ my nose. The pastor turned to ask us to pledge our troth. A jealous sort by nature, he saw the multidirectional movement of my nose and....

2006-10-02 20:51:56 · answer #9 · answered by Joe Cool 6 · 0 1

The worst thing that happened at my wedding was my mother-in-laws dress. My husband was so embarrassed he could have died.
All of our wedding photos with her in them are in the back of our wedding album.

2006-10-02 22:41:36 · answer #10 · answered by together420yrs 3 · 0 1

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