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I don't usually pose questions, but the attitudes of various people just baffle me. I need some answers. How does one justify the EXTREME bashing given to the Islamic faith. Yes the Christian faith as well, but I encounter (personally) far more bashing of muslims and the Islamic faith. People pose as muslims and answer questions with profane, base answers used to reflect poorly on muslims, answers which are obviously couched in stereotype. People insist that 'it is a fact that Islam is false...' people insist that all of Islam is meant to kill, and twist and warp out of context phrases form the Quran to support their arguments (without realizing that it is VERY easy to do the same with the bible.) What makes you think that, if someone is a muslim, they are a bad person? So many of you treat them as even less than people... and it really scares me. I draw far too many parallels between those of you who ignorantly hate all muslims and the hatred for Jews present in nazi germany in WW2...

2006-10-02 12:43:54 · 21 answers · asked by seanswimsnrt 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

sandy- my question about the lack of answers to serious questions was not exclusive to my question... it is a trend I have noticed, and I simply used my question as an example becase, well... I want answers...

2006-10-04 08:25:30 · update #1

Beekay - I think you misunderstand me. I have no affiliation with the Islamic faith and am not Muslim myself. And please, let me read my history, after all, I am a history minor... And the truth is, a threat written by one person does not represent the feelings of 11.3 billion people... And one must realize that the repeated acts of violence from Muslims often stems from the same select few. I certainly don't agree with these violent actions, and am as disgusted by those as I am by the actions of those who hate muslims... but the actions of a few do not project the feelings of an international community

2006-10-04 08:33:10 · update #2

And for those who see Beekays citation of a death threat in which 11.3 billion Muslims supposedly want to kill a teacher in France... besides realizing that the death threat was penned by one man or a small group (who could not have consulted 11.3 billion people)... more importantly...

The estimated Muslim Population worldwide is approximately 1.6 billion... not sure where the other 10 billion muslims are.......

2006-10-04 12:29:10 · update #3

Forget the comment above. He/she simply had a typo in their answer

2006-10-04 16:14:18 · update #4

21 answers

Those of little faith are of little hatred.

2006-10-02 12:47:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Aren't you the only with the homosexual pastor? And you *nonetheless* feel that homosexuality is a sin? People make the Bible say anything they desire it to. That article is an high-quality instance. I propose you take a seat down and browse it for your self. Anyway, like I mentioned the final time I responded this distinctive query, I understand now not all Christians hate gays. I do bear in mind calling homosexuality a "sin" hatred in view that it tells a character that a primary detail in their person is morally corrupt and wicked and calls for correction. If that is now not hate, I have no idea what's. Fortunately, now not all Christians feel such as you. Some forget about or twist their Bible to suit twenty first century ethical necessities, which in my view is larger than being caught within the fifteenth century- the lesser of 2 evils, if you'll.

2016-08-29 09:00:22 · answer #2 · answered by cerenzia 4 · 0 0

Perhaps people have an inherent need for an evil to "fight" against. For Hitler, it was Jews. For Americans, it's Islam. I mean, people seem to need a bad guy, you know? Much of the problem to my mind is that people fear that which they don't understand. I have a Quar'an sitting next to my Bible because I'm one of those people who needs to understand where all the hatred and misinformation comes from. I do not think anyone is bad based soley on their beliefs - I think that if more people would at least try to understand, their views would change. But just as people fear what they don't know, they fear change. Many people don't know Jesus is mentioned in the Quar'an repeatedly. Just as many don't know that the Jewish bible is the first 5 books of the Christian Bible. Most right thinking people know that not all Muslims are terrorists. I can't justify what other people think, I can only share my personal views. I think it's scary and sad that the Muslim bashing continues. It shows how backward we Americans really are when it comes to the rest of the world.

2006-10-04 08:21:12 · answer #3 · answered by ReeRee 6 · 0 1

I'm an atheist too, and I don't care which invisible sky person that anyone prays to. But, as an American woman, I am extra-biased about Islam and it's followers for the stereotypical reasons. Why do you, as an atheist, have a soft-spot for this particular religion? What I hate is the violence that is encouraged and celebrated by muslims aggainst women and anyone who doesn't share their beliefs. Sure, not all muslims are terrorists, but it seems all terrorists are muslims. Plus, everytime they feel that they have inflicted damage on our country, they are shown celebrateing and burning our flag. Do we do that? No. no we don't. My sister happens to be married to a peaceful seeming muslim. But, she shakes her head and tries to prevent us from asking him about his political views and jewish people. I'm guessing their must be some hatred she wants to hide from us so we don't think poorly of him. If the non-violent muslims don't stand up aggainst what the violent ones do, we have no choice but to assume they feel the same about us as those who caused the 9-11-01 attacks.

2006-10-04 08:34:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Maybe you should write to the teacher in France who had to go in hiding recently because he wrote against Islam and now he and his family are receiving death threats and according to one there are
11.3 billion Muslims who want to kill him. Your stating that those who write (many honestly) against Islam is hatred or bashing is just a false cloud to cover truth. Those who cry hatred when one opposes them are the ones with a hate problem. They hate the truth. This is one reason they respond with accusations like you did or in the case of those who say anything against Islam with threats of violence which are often carried out. Read the news and your history and no I don't hate you just disagree strongly.

2006-10-04 08:24:47 · answer #5 · answered by beek 7 · 2 1

You really ought to get out more often. What cage have you been kept in? 9/11 really ticked people off. The bombing in Africa and maybe the fact they killed millions and took 25,000 children as sex slaves. They gripe about the torture, but Sadam gassed 400,000 Kurds. Fellow muslims. that gives them a bad name. Or the other World trade center bombings that killed a bunch. They hack off peoples arms and legs and cut out there tongue and throw them off of buildings. Every day soldiers are killed in the middle east trying to bring them peace so the muslims won't kill each other. How many young men have given their life so far 3000 or more to bring them peace in the middle east I am certain their wives and mothers reading your stupid question would like to throw up. When muslims quit killing each other these young men can come home. I say leave and let them kill each other good ridiance. There now you have your answer.

2006-10-04 08:24:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You cant watch the news without hearing about the Islamic terrorists. This is up to date, and in your face every day. The Catholics did the crusades and the inquisition, not the Christians. Why would we as Christians want to respect and hear about a religion that wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth?

2006-10-04 08:19:14 · answer #7 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

I think the answer to both of your connected questions is that a large portion of the people in this forum aren't here for any constructive purpose. They're here to make people angry, to post their opinion without want of a response, or to otherwise just waste their time and ours. So, they bash. They let the anger in their hearts pour out onto the forum. I often wonder about the average age of the person on here. I suspect many are under the age of 18, but that's based more on their manners than any evidence.

Peace to you.

2006-10-04 08:17:26 · answer #8 · answered by luvwinz 4 · 2 1

You may not have gotten many responses because people are at lunch, or because this question is asked a lot and people might be tired of answering it, or because the answer is lengthy and involved, or because those who do the bashing aren't responding to the invitation to justify it to you. Who knows why? But I wouldn't automatically assume that you got no answers because your question was "serious."

Anyway, I don't know how people who bash Islam justify it. That's why I didn't answer--because I'm not one of those people, and any theoretical answers I can give you are just speculation.

2006-10-04 08:15:14 · answer #9 · answered by Gestalt 6 · 0 1

Hatred is merely a composite mirror-image of Ignorance and Fear that grows within an individual or group of individuals. It fosters among various groups that tend to think alike such as families [what children get exposed to as they grow up] for one, and peer groups--which is the gateway for one's acceptance into a given environment--for another.

Other than that, those who claim to be so-called self-righteous "Christians" but who continue to debase and humiliate ALL OTHERS who do not belong to their church or happen to share their beliefs--which, for the most part, is nothing but complete falsehoods and lies anyway --can only be termed as what the Bible calls in one word: HYPOCRITES!

Peace be with you!

2006-10-04 08:29:44 · answer #10 · answered by Arf Bee 6 · 0 0

I think 9/11 and the wars going on right now just absolutely whipped up hysteria and prejudice, the way the attacks on Pearl Harbor led to suffering for Japanese-Americans. (One woman who was punished for it, Iva Toguri, recently died. She was accused of being the treasonous "Tokyo Rose", a possibly mythical radio personality who broadcast demoralizing propaganda to American soldiers.) Before then, people just didn't understand Islam.

2006-10-04 08:16:05 · answer #11 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 0 1

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