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Stories of the atrocities and the bigotry of Muslim fundamentalists embarrass the moderate and educated Muslims who desire to live in harmony with their non-Muslim neighbors and feel nothing but compassion for the rest of the world. As we all condemn these religious extremists who blow the buildings, make bombs and engage in acts of terrorism as misguided fanatics we have to question ourselves whether we have any part in these terrorist acts of our most radical fellow coreligionists. Are we, the moderate, intellectual, law abiding, good citizen Muslims strengthening Islamic fundamentalism by merely upholding Islam? Is really Islam a religion of peace that is being misinterpreted and abused by few unstable individuals who use it as an excuse to justify their criminal tendencies, or is perhaps their crimes against humanity inspired by the teachings of Quran, the very book we call holy and the sacred words of God?

2006-10-02 12:19:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers


At last words from someone who sounds reasonable. At least until your last sentence. I have never known a Muslim to actually ask that question.

The terrorists who cause these troubles are not merely at war with the West, but with their own countrymen. They consider any Muslim who even considers moderating action to be some kind of traitor and seek to silence or kill them as well. In Baghdad they have been eagerly blowing up at least as many Muslims as they have Americans...without the slightest hesitation. Muslims have to band together and clean their houses of these madmen, or they will turn their guns on anyone in their way.

2006-10-02 12:35:07 · answer #1 · answered by Scott M 7 · 2 0

True, some people draw inspiration from the Qur'an to commit violence. Guess what though? People also draw inspiration from Marx, from money, from Jesus, from "democracy" to commit violence.

Your argument is flawed in that you put everyone on the same field. CLEARLY, extremists are on the fringe. CLEARLY, terrorism is condemned in Islam.

It is misused by a few individuals. Because if you ever notice you will see that MOST (probably 99%) of these big name extremists are NOT SCHOLARS. They actually have little training in Islamic scholarship. They're usually engineers, western-educated many times, science types or angry unemployed men who want a way out. Do not blame a religion for certain acts. God says clearly in the Qur'an, Do not transgress your limits in war. Technically, terrorism is not even allowed legally in Islam even if you hit military targets because legally as a Muslim you can't go ahead and attack another state (forget attacking civilians for this argument, I'm talking military) without a declaration of war by an Islamic state or your government.

VIOLENCE will always be here. It is mankind's nature. Christians (Crusaders), Buddhists (there are buddhists that are violent believe it or not), Hindus (hindu extremists), ATHEISTS (communists, need I say more?), Muslims (extremists). ISLAM PUTS LIMITS ON VIOLENCE. It says, ok fine, you want to have a war, go ahead, but women and children can't be killed. It must be officially declared (an individual can't go ahead and act out), you can not harm trees, places of worship, men of worship, etc.

As a moderate Muslim, you have to suppress extremism at its ROOTS. You have to educate your fellow Muslims and promote the true teachings of Islam -- not some politically motivated terroristic doctrine which has no place in Islam.

2006-10-02 19:40:48 · answer #2 · answered by Ibrahim 3 · 1 1

All religions have their radicals, unfortunately. How many wars have been fought in the name of religion, too many. I have always said if those who do evil deeds in the name of some God, then they are not real believers of their God, or their religion. If we believe that some supranational being created haven, and earth, and mankind, and look closely at these creations, we will know that He is a loving and caring God, no matter what name we might give Him or Her. Everything in nature, down to the smallest micro are beautful in thier own way. And most amazing of all is how all things, fit into the puzzle of life. Not some random, helter-skelter, pieces thown together. All these things can only be the work of a caring, loving, God. And He would never demand his creations to kill each other let alone women, and children. The Laws that I think were the only written laws of God, are the Ten Commandments, of which if we follow, things would be beautiful here on earth. Love would rain surpreme among Gods people. Its mans pride that muddies the waters of their written religions, of which God, never gave any religion to man. It is mans own invention, written by men of ignorance, vainest, and self inportance. It is mans attempt to elivate themselves to eminence among man. Or as Rulers, who keep the masses well below them, and forever dependent on these Rulers for every scrap of food, and life it self. They make sure that the only enlightment, or knowledge come from their lips, or via some puppet priest, or cleric. The ideal is to enforce complete control of the people, and allow no one to question their authority. Truth, and knowledge is outlawed by these individuals, or they would be ousted by their followers. This world is full of tin rulers, that keep their people poor, and stupid, thus controling there every move. Till the masses raise up against them, their lives will be filled with sorrow, and dispair, with hate filling their hearts, not love. Bismillah Rahim!

2006-10-02 20:17:24 · answer #3 · answered by Ray 2 · 0 0

Don't be hard on your brothers. Look at the 9/11 truth movement. It's only the government and a few undereducated followers who believe that Muslims were involve at all.
Every body else is well aware that 9/11 was a government hoax, in order to gain support for attacking Afghanistan and Iraq.
Many of the events blamed on Muslims are similar; like the London underground bombs, the Madrid train bombing, the Bali bombing, the Mumbai train bombing, all carried out by government secret services and blamed on Muslims.

Of course those who believe the newspapers and television think Muslims were involved, because that is what they have been told, and they are too naive to believe that their government might lie to them.
I don't believe the Quran teaches terrorism. and I, a non-Muslim, don't believe that Muslims are terrorists.

2006-10-06 07:34:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

There is No where in The Holy Quran that condones these activities. Infact one verse from The Holy Quran is enough to Condemn these actions :
"One who kills an innocent, is as though he has killed The whole of Human-kind, and one who saves an innocent, it is as though he has saved the whole of Human-kind." (its Not the exact translation, and i don't remember its reference as well, but anyone who has Read The Holy Quran knows this Verse of It, maybe someone help me out on the reference of This Verse?!!)
So, its clear that such crime against humanity is NOT inspired by The Holy Quran, as Not a Single Verse of The Holy Quran is against the humanity as a whole.
don't be over-critical of Muslims, and don't dismiss the idea of 911 being an american conspiracy. there are so many evidences out there indicating that it was an american conspiracy to take over Muslim lands and its resources. Peace to All.
P.S. ... check out this link http://www.pentagonstrike.co.uk/flash.htm#Main

2006-10-02 19:37:45 · answer #5 · answered by Valentino 3 · 2 3

You ask if bad deeds might be inspired by the teachings of Quran, the very book we call holy and the sacred words of God.

I answer this way:
Who would discredit love based on bad things done in its name?
Who would discredit democracy based on things done in its name?
Who would discredit peace based on things—even war—done in its name?

And yet it comes easy to many to discredit a prophet, or a religion?


I highly recommend this very well-structured 14-point answer that I just found at another Yahool!7 Q&A page. (see link below).

2006-10-04 04:35:38 · answer #6 · answered by thinking 2 · 0 2

Well put. The Quran certainly does inspire violence, thats obvious, the remaining question is simply whether humanity can survive this crisis and what measures will be needed in order to survive it.

2006-10-02 19:29:56 · answer #7 · answered by WWND 1 · 2 2

WOW! I am very impressed with your intelligent take on things. I hope you get some equally intelligent answers.

2006-10-02 19:27:22 · answer #8 · answered by ♥ terry g ♥ 7 · 1 0

History and recent events prove the latter without question.

2006-10-02 19:22:53 · answer #9 · answered by beek 7 · 1 1

christian terrorists flew the plane into the WTC, for the record i support neither christianity nor islam. I just get my news from better sources than the government.

2006-10-02 19:22:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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