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Honestly, What have you read (book titles), who has taught you (Positions and titles), and what media have you searched (internet links) that have taught you what you know about the Mormons religion?

Im curious because I have a theory that there are two groups of people when it comes to Mormonism. Those who are opposed to it, and those who are for it (in the religious community). And the two groups VERY rarely cross each other. Those who are against it, only read and studdy how it is wrong never looking to see if it holds any truth. And those who are for it, only studdy why it is true never questioning any aspect, only really looking for more sources to rebuttle the "Anti's" with.

So those of you Against mormons, Have you ever tried to understand it (reading the book or mormon, Mormon Doctrine of Diety, Hugh Nibley, BH Roberts) open mindedly?

Those for Mormonism, have you ever read Anti-material (The God makers, and various other material on the internet) to try and disprove it?

2006-10-02 11:45:09 · 16 answers · asked by jiggliemon 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

I am a convert to the LDS church and hope that I do not offend anyone by my answer. I was catholic prior to my baptism and had visited and studied with many other churches. As a member, I have read all of the scriptures many times and would recommend that those studying the church (member or not) keep their focus on the scriptures as they are God's word (nothing against other church books).

I have answered many, many anti-mormon question and am very familiar with their arguments. Usually, I answer them for the sake of those exposed to the questions rather than for the questioner. This may seem odd, but I have yet to meet an anti-mormon person who actually cared about any explanation that I could offer, even if I were to solely use the bible.

I would, however, never waste my time studying such arguments as they are not uplifting, edifying, or of God. First, the arguments are often based inaccurate information, misquotations, or even accurate quotations taken out of context and without further explanation which is usually readily available. They are meant to produce a shock effect as well as a spirit of animosity, distrust and misunderstanding. They are also often focused on trivial points that have little or nothing to do with our eternal salvation and are, in my opinion, deceptively designed to take people away from God's word, take their focus off of Christ and send people on wild goose chases. Furthermore, bashing anothers religion or trying to disprove another's faith is not part of God's plan. The truth of the Gospel as received by the witness of the Holy Ghost is what converts people to Christ, not proving and disproving. A testimony of truth can only be gained when truth is taught.

I realize that most anti-mormon people have good intentions (to save us and lead us to the Jesus that they know) and for that matter so do Mormon missionaries (I was one!). However, if we are ever to come to a unity of faith, under one Lord, one God and one baptism, how can we possibly do that if we are wasting our time studying the words of man about another religion, not even his own, rather than studying the word of the Lord himself and abiding by His teachings?

2006-10-02 15:10:30 · answer #1 · answered by whapingmon 4 · 3 0

I have read literature from both sides in order to see what the truth is. The truth is that Joseph Smith is a false propet. This is borne out not only in the "Anti Mormon literature" but in that of the church.
Mormon Doctrine Bruce McConkie
A Marvellous work and a Wonder LeGrand Richards
Our Heavenly Father's plan LDS Church
Articles of Faith Talmadge
Jesus the christ Talmadge
History of the church - volumes 1-7
The Ossian Chronicles James MacPherson
Doctrine and Covenants
LDS Boook of Mormon in English and French
RLDS Book of Mormon
Will the Saints go marching in Floyd McElveen
Mormonism - Shadow or Reality Tanners
Exploring the Faith RLDS
Invesitaging the Book of Mormon Witnesses Deseret Press
Truth Restored Hinkley
The mormon murders? Story of Hoffman the forger.

2006-10-03 15:18:36 · answer #2 · answered by Buzz s 6 · 0 2

I get my knowlege from going to church, listening to the apostles and prophets teach us, studying the spcriptures, (Bible, Book of Mormon, D&C, Pearl of Great Price), reading uplifting books (one of my fave "The Holy Temple.) I am constantly learning every time I go to church, attend the temple, everything.

I do not waste my time, as whapingmon also pointed out, reading or listening to other people's "arguments" or "proof" that Mormonism is incorrect. I have a testimony and I know it is true. It would be like you knowing the sky is blue but still listening to other people try to convince you it was any other color. It just doesn't make sense.
I have attended other faiths (Catholic, Baptist) and conversed with many Christians. There is always something missing in their doctrine. I also agree with whapingmon that most anti-mormons do not care what we have to say to them about their questions/concerns even if we ONLY use the bible. They already have their mind made up, and sadly most Christians have the same ten "points" they all bring up, which can easily be explained. But, like I said, they already have their mind made up and know what you are going to say and try to prove you wrong.
I find it interesting most Christians i have come in contact with are more concerned with proving others wrong rather than proving theirs right, and they always want "proof".
I cannot and will not even try to prove to anyone what and how I believe. I can't because it is a personal testimony, I cannot just tell someone these are the things I believe and expect them to just rely on what I say, nor would I want them to. Each individual needs their own personal testimony of the gospel.

2006-10-04 08:20:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In 1965 we bo't a house that had had only one owner. The owner had built it, and died in it. We found a big, old, beautiful trunk in the attic filled with crocheted articles and hundreds of photos of rituals that I tho't were Masons (I had relatives who were Masons) and I told my husband "we better get these to someone, they shouldn't be floating around, they are private." It turned out the couple were Mormon and the photos were Mormon from rituals done in the temple. I got books from the Library and started a 10 year search into the history of Joseph Smith (who initially was a Mason, but got kicked out) and then on into the history of the Mormon Church. It was a natural fit for me because I had always had an obsession with death and the Mormon religion is alot about death. I'm absolutely fascinated with Mormonism. I have the necessary heritage to be an Eastern Star (Masonry women) but I just have no interest there yet.

I haven't read books for or against Mormonism. I'll write these down and maybe check them out, but I've certainly read The Book of Mormon. Have you read the Urantia Book? You can find it on line

2006-10-02 12:18:18 · answer #4 · answered by dvjduchess@verizon.net 2 · 0 1

I have read:

The Book of Mormon
Doctrine and Covenants
Pearl of Great Price

A Marvelous Work and a Wonder by LeGrand Richards

Mormon Doctrine by Bruce McConkie

Early Mormonism and the Magic World View by D. Michael Quinn

No Man Knows My Story by Fawn Brodie

The Refiner's Fire by John L. Brooke.

And everal other books whose names and titles I can't recall at the moment.

2006-10-02 11:51:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I have read a few Mormon pamphlets left by Mormon missionaries. I read everything with an open mind but it just doesn't jive with the Bible. And, yes, I have seen quite a few anti-Mormon documentaries. I can't recall the names right now though. I also know a few Mormons and have talked to them a little. I think as people they are very kind and I admire them a lot. I just don't agree with their view of religion, Jesus, God, and the Bible.

2006-10-02 11:50:26 · answer #6 · answered by Cybeq 5 · 0 0

I do not care if different folks reply questions approximately Mormons. To me, it simply is sensible that their solutions must be desirous about a grain of salt. I've requested questions approximately different religions, and the solutions that I pay awareness to are those that belong to that faith. Most of the alterations had been both in spelling, grammer, or structure. Like how I could difference your query in a couple of areas: i to I; latter day sints to Latter-Day Saints; mormans? to Mormons?; booklet of mormon to Book of Mormon; no in which to nowhere; exsample to instance; james to James; promices to guarantees; correctly there are severail scriptures to In reality, there are a couple of scriptures; and beieng decieved to being deceived. If you depend each difference I made there are nineteen alterations. Galations five:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, pleasure, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, religion, Meekness, temperance: in opposition to such there is not any regulation.

2016-08-29 09:01:57 · answer #7 · answered by cerenzia 4 · 0 0

In some of my classes I had to visit every faith I studied. Had some Mormons come to my house almost every day for three weeks straight. Was amazed at their patience, perseverance, and commitment, but even more so at some of their beliefs. When I had a question they couldn't answer they brought another Elder the very next day to supply that answer. Very sweet people, even though they all seemed as dumb as a box of rocks.

2006-10-02 11:51:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The only place I get my information (or lack thereof) about Mormons, is the media, the young men on their "missions" and my sister dated one once. I don't care about other religions...so I don't really make a point to educate myself. I hold no prejudice, I just don't care.

2006-10-02 11:48:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I was a Mormon and I accepted it, studied it, and defended it when I was in it. I was ready to marry a missionary after his mission, and he wanted to make sure as the first wife that I would accept others because Mormons believe in Polygamy. I was in a normal Mormon church in an affluent neighborhood in southern CA. My family has been Mormon since 1853 and were polygamists in Utah with Brigham Young.

I left the Mormon church after a friend gave me a book to read about the screwed up things in Mormonism and the Bishop couldn't give any answers. I walked away from Mormonism because I wanted to be a Christian. It's been 26 years and I have never stopped studying about this.

I am opposed to Mormonism because I lived it and it is a lie. Mormonism separates people from God, it's a living hell. Mormons are not Christians, they oppose every Christian doctrine. They should stop lying about being Christian and admit what they really are:

Mormons are seaprated from God they are not reconciled. They have no forgivenss, mercy or grace because they deny their sin nature. Their works and sins are judged and condemned because they reject the blood of the cross. They have no idea how to get to heaven. They think Satan is their brother and Satan's father is their god - a man who "obtained" godhood. Lucifer is their temple god and it is his priesthood they invoke. The whole religion is occultic with an emphasis on contact with the dead. They do not worship Jesus Christ as God, they do not pray to him, they do not have a personal realtionship with him. They reject the Bible as the inerrant, infallible, inspired Word of God.

I know this because I experienced it. There are many books which support what I say. Mormon authorities, books, writings, and articles support what I say.

Mat 7:21
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

2006-10-02 16:54:31 · answer #10 · answered by kirstycristy 3 · 0 3

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