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Here's the story: I am 31 years old, divorced with three kids (actively involved in their lives, coaching sports, PTA, and volunteer work, 50/50 custody), a professional (suit and tie) career, the whole nine. I have always known that I live outside the Christian boundaries and searched for years for a belief system that is aligned with mine. Finally a number of years ago, I discovered Satanism. It pretty much defines what I believe. I live a relatively hedonistic life, living for pleasure and good will. I bother no one, judge no one and usually keep my beliefs to myself. The other day, I shared my beliefs with a Wiccan co-worker and a Christian. The Christian was appaled and the Wiccan wanted to know more about my beliefs. I tried my best to explain the principles using the Church of Satan website. The problem is this: the Christian co-worker will not speak to me now. We were good friends before he found out about this. What does the general public think of this topic?? Help me out!

2006-10-02 10:19:28 · 17 answers · asked by dumb guy 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

The essence of true Satanism has nothing to do with worshipping any deity. There is no "Satan". The name is used for the rebellion against the hypocrisy and closed mindedness of the Christian faith. Thanks for all your great comments and answers!

2006-10-02 10:59:53 · update #1

17 answers

I have friends that are true satanist, and they are very hard working and caring people. We are all about the same age 30's and 40's. they love there kids and family and are very responsible people and college educated. Sorry about your friend, seems a little close minded to me.

2006-10-02 10:40:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I was a Catholic and I converted to Satanism. And my life is much better. Christianity is a power hungry and money greedy religion and it's only purpose is to control the masses and suppresss their spiritual knowledge. All it does is lace the bible with teachings ov love but behind it all you can really see the evil and immorality that the bible really teaches. My advice is that every Christian should convert to Satanism. Hail Satan! oh and by the way, to that ignorant Christian below who said Satanism is a joke, go read up on Satanism before you claim that it is a joke. If you read more about Christianity, you'd probably realize that it is the joke, just employing scare tactics ov "Hell" and burning forever to get you to blindly follow it and not trust yourself.

2016-03-27 02:30:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christians naturally assume that you worship Satan and you are their enemy. I have read some things on Satanism and understand that most Satanist don't worship or believe in Satan and most of the philosophy makes sense (don't harm animals except if you eat them, don't have sex with a girl accept if she gives you the mating call etc.) Christians are not always very tolerant of religions other than their own. I don't worry about it anymore. I am a Pagan studying Chaos Magick and Discordianism. I don't really see things as 'good and bad' or 'black and white', I have come to understand that there is 'good in black' and there is 'bad in white'.

2006-10-02 10:39:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Well, it is scary for a lot of people - no matter what they believe.

What I don't understand is why a person must affiliate themselves with satan worship just to be hedonistic. I mean, you're only one person. One person can only do so much sin and derive so much pleasure from sin, etc. And we've all got our appointment with death. It's not like the devil can save anyone from theirs or anything.

And regarding your friend, light has no fellowship with darkness. It's going to be the natural tendency for a Christian to recoil to learn such a thing about someone they've been friends with. And I'm sure your friend is grappling with coming to learn that you would even be interested in aligning yourself with something that is so diabolically opposed to all that is woven into the very fabric of his or her being by Jesus Christ Himself.

It's not scary to me because I got into many facets of the occult before I came to know, love and believe in Jesus Christ. And even though I have no fear of this particular sect, I can't say I woudln't do the same thing that your friend did were I to find myself in a similar situation. I've done my dance with the devil. I've no interest in dancing there again. And I'm really not interested in giving my time and affection to those who aren't done with that. It doesn't mean I won't pray for them and wish them the best. It's just as the Bible says, though. There just is no fellowship, no comradery, there.

2006-10-02 10:42:14 · answer #4 · answered by Carol L 3 · 1 1

True Satanism?

Granted Church of Satan do not shun the idea of arrogance but they do not support its blatant use either, the Church of Satan is only one form of Satanism and a rather self-deluded one at that given as the majority of it's members seem to consider themselves the only 'True Satanists' ignoring the fact that Satanism pre-dates not only the Church of Satan but also Christianity.

Many Satanists do in fact worship supernatural beings, Lucifarians for example worship Lucifer, Setians worship Set, Cathars worshiped both Satan and God, and then of course there are countless number of people within various religions that follow the philosophies that make up Satanism.

It is interesting you feel you have the right to re-define Satanism as how you see fit, either you are ignorant about Satanism or hold the stereotypical Satanist attitude that you are better than everyone else – not all Satanists are like this, certainly not all Satanists fit into your narrow definition of Satanism.

The name of 'Satanist' is because the Satanist philosophy is that of the left-hand path, often opposing religious laws in favour of faith in humankind, Satanism gets its name from the very simple fact that Christianity is the primary religion in our culture and so the primary philosophy or movement against would then logically fall to the side of Satan.

Church of Satan is primarily opposing to Christian ideas on moral codes and opposing to the idea of religion – excusing for a moment that Church of Satan is hypocritically religious itself – however Church of Satan is just one form of Satanism, a very modern and flawed one at that given it's limited philosophical depth.

I much prefer duellists within Judeo-Christian mythology for the simple fact they have a beautiful basis for their own mythology, or Lucifarians [who follow Satan not as an evil being but simply objecting to God's ideas] who have a rich understanding of their mythology and continue within Satanic philosophy of having belief in human kind rather than religious doctrine or morality supressing human nature.

2006-10-02 12:18:57 · answer #5 · answered by Kasha 7 · 0 0

I too am a LaVeyan Satanist and I feel where you're coming from. I too have felt the sting of misunderstanding co-workers. There is really nothing you can do. Thier mind is probably already made up. The best you can do is go on with your life and not worry about petty little people like that. Just watch your back that they not become an enemy which has happened to me.

2006-10-02 10:31:46 · answer #6 · answered by Spookshow Baby 3 · 1 2

Can you define "true Satanism" briefly and accurately?
I have found pamphlets and bible tracts left on my porch, by Christians. And they want me to behave AS THOUGH Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead by his own power. (Even though there is no proof of the event.)

And, most surprisingly, the only person I ever emt who admitted being a "LaVey Satanist" once signed his name to a message, also left on my porch. And he wanted me to behave AS THOUGH a statement made by an acquaintance of his was true, even though neither he nor she offered any proof.

My opinion, not humble, is that Satanists and Christians share many common human traits. Hypocrisy is one, and the inability to recognize one's own hypocrisy PRIOR to making oneself look stupid, is another.

My THEORY, also not humble, may be stated thusly:

Religions are like boogers.
You get to pick your own. And then, your friends and neighbors get to say that they are either amused or disgusted by what they see you willingly swallow.

2006-10-02 10:36:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First of all I will have to tell you that I am a Christian.. Next I would like to explain that God loves you. No matter what you are doing no matter what you have decided.

Satan doesn't love you. He is jealous of God and therefore wants to pull you away from salvation and God's precious Son, Jesus.

We are all born with a sinful nature. Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden. Satan was there to help make it happen..

Because of Adam and Eve's decision to disobey God, we too are born with that same sinful nature.

God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth to live as a man. Jesus never sinned. Jesus is God's sacrifice for us for our sins. God will not allow sin into heaven.

Jesus lived, suffered and died on the cross and there He defeated Satan because He came back to life again. He defeated death also. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and now lives in Heaven with God.

Belief and acceptance of Jesus as your Lord and Savior and repenting (turning away) from your sins is what God requires for salvation and everlasting life with Him. Not how good you are and not a religion. Just Jesus.

God has prepared a place for Satan and his angels and for those who do not choose Jesus. That place is Hell. Satan will not be king of Hell. He will suffer torment and he will not be able to comfort you. He never intends to comfort you any way. Satan has read the end of the book, the Bible, and knows everything that I have told you..

2006-10-02 10:49:05 · answer #8 · answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7 · 1 2

I can only say that Christ has defeated death already and will reign until all His enemies are defeated and Satan is the main one. He is called the deceiver because he tricks people to believe his way is OK when it is the path that leads to destruction. Watch your step it may lead to the pit.

2006-10-02 10:27:32 · answer #9 · answered by beek 7 · 2 1

I just gave up trying to explain that satanists don't worship satan. People just hear satanism and they think satan worship. I don't think you'll be able to convince the Christian otherwise...

2006-10-02 10:25:49 · answer #10 · answered by i luv teh fishes 7 · 2 2

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