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The Christian right is constantly complaining about how the "liberal" media is slandering them. (If you hear this from the most radical edge of the Christian right, the phrase becomes "the liberal Jewish media.") If this is true, then why is it that the fact that the gun-toting psychopaths in the United States who are constantly featured on the news (like the "Freemen") are almost never referred to as Christians?
If a group of Muslims commits an act of terrorism, the first word in the media description of the group is "Muslim"? Could it be "we" don't like Muslims because they aren't like "us." I think so.
Tonight on the news, it was revealed me that Timothy McVay, the guy who is accused of the Oklahoma City bombing, is a Christian. Not only that, but a radical Christian. This makes perfect sense to us. Who else but a man motivated by his deep religious convictions could pull of an act of such unearthly evil?

He has connections to a Christian compound called "Elohim." How do I know it is a Christian compound (compound meaning a place where armed loonies try to avoid adhering to federal law)? Not because the media told me. The only way I know this is because "Elohim" is a name for God which is often used by these nuts. It has actually been mistranslated to mean "God" when it actually means "dieties" (plural), but that's beside the point.

McVay called these loonies two weeks before the bombing. McVay's attorney is trying to prove that these nuts are somehow involved in the bombing. This is of little concern for me, because either way it was an action by Christians who feel that a Godless government has no right to govern them.

The so-called "Freemen" also feel this way. They don't go to the department of motor vehicles to renew their licenses. Nope. They go to church. That's right, a protestant minister gives them their driver's licenses.

Sure, the media calls them racists; it calls them right-wing; it calls them extremists. But it never calls them Christians. The media is protecting Christianity. It's that simple. Right after the McVay story (on NBC's Dateline), they gave a quick summary about some act of terrorism by Muslim radicals. Why "Muslim" radicals and not "Christian" radicals? Makes you want to barf on Stone Phillips' shoes, doesn't it.

2006-10-02 09:41:13 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

That is the question of an Athiest to Christains?

2006-10-02 09:42:17 · update #1

20 answers

Thanks for this question, german pagan here.

The american media is not free, they are only propaganda machines. And you are right, of course the common people are not supposed to know any of these.

And even worse, all the evil atrocities done in Iraq BY CHRISTIANS (like shooting 9-year-olds in their beds, old men in wheelchairs, because the gunmen felt so threatend etc.), that is hardly ever mentioned on TV or in any news. You have to be a liberal to even read magazines where that is mentioned, the free media (that come for free to your house, like local TV) will never ever mention that.

I get my news from german online magazines, and many of you Anmericans would be ashamed of being American if you ever knew what is done overseas in your name.

You always wonder why the world hates you. The answer is so simple: Because of all the evil crimes you commit overseas to simple people who want nothing else than living their lives in peace...

2006-10-02 09:56:57 · answer #1 · answered by albgardis T 3 · 3 0

Many people who profess christianity has no clue what being a christian really means. Also just because a person is of the christian faith and beleives in Jesus that does not make him a christian. The Bible does not advocate terrorist activity such as the Oklahoma City bombing. I am a christian and I don't like many things the government supports or does, but have never protested or acted out in violence over any of it. Our government does have the right to govern us, and we are to obey its laws.

2006-10-02 17:09:41 · answer #2 · answered by chios78 4 · 0 0

No. Because a Christian does not do what you have mentioned. There are not any religions in between. You can be on this side or that. You cannot be in the middle. Anything other than Christianity is not Christianity. The media, unlike yourself, knows enough about Christianity to know that either you are or are not a Christian group. I can dress like I'm a different race, kill someone, and call myself that other race, but I am still that race. My features that determine my race are not affected by the fact that I dressed and proclaimed myself as that. As is religion.
You can pretend to be of a certain religion, you can even proclaim yourself as being of that religion. But if you do what is the direct opposite of that religion, then you are not that religion.

2006-10-02 16:55:07 · answer #3 · answered by 2ndammendmentsupporter 3 · 0 1

Any belief taken to fanaticism can be wrong...

However, I have to question the timeliness of your posting. You do realize that Timothy McViegh was executed in June 2001. Your posting uses a good deal of present tense verbiage.

McVeigh during his trial said that the motivation behind the bombings was revenge against the US Government for the Waco and Ruby Ridge incidents. Not a religious ideology.

I do not condone or support terrorism for any cause, the stated purpose of this bombing was not religious, but political. So your argument, while well written, is not applicable.

2006-10-02 16:52:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I 100% agree with you. A lot of people used "but the Muslims did it in the name of religion, Timothy McVeigh didn't." Do we really know that he DIDN'T do it because of his radical beliefs? We have no way of knowing.

In addition, in my city in the past, there have been mosques and synogogues that have been vandalized. There is no way of saying "but that wasn't done in the name of religion" otherwise Muslim and Jewish places of worship would not have been targeted.

The media has been created for the only purpose of getting ratings. The "flashier" they get, the more ratings they get. How can anyone actually think they are there to give us the honest news. They are there to make money.

2006-10-02 17:01:15 · answer #5 · answered by Allison L 6 · 2 0

These are excellent points you raise.

Why doesnt the media report that these people are radical Christians? Probably because they dont want you to know the truth - that there are radicals in every religion, and that the radicals are the ones that make the whole lot look evil. Being Christians themselves, they do not wish to associate themselves with those radicals. However, when it is advantageous to associate all MUSLIMS with terrorists, they are happy to do so.

Its that whole HYPORCRITE thing....

2006-10-02 16:47:17 · answer #6 · answered by YDoncha_Blowme 6 · 3 0

People are hypocrites, and unless we seek only the truth, then we'll still all be hypocrites. I'm not sure to even put people as Christians or Muslims, or whatever, since none of those that commit the crime seem to follow what is need to be part of the religion!

2006-10-02 16:45:57 · answer #7 · answered by Beanie 2 · 1 0

The Christian right, with the help of the Prez, controls the media-no one else. G-d save us from them all! They are doing everything they can to get us to blame everyone else, while they try to change our constitution and laws.

Hopefully that will change once this Prez is gone. But, he has 2 more years to screw more things up!

2006-10-02 16:49:54 · answer #8 · answered by Shossi 6 · 1 0

The far right is not representative of most of us, just like the far left is not representative of most of you. Hell I'm not even a Christian. I just agree with the fundamental aspects of the republicans and have yet to see the Democrats show any kind of platform other than just trying to beat up on the other side.
Their answer is always 'I would have done it differently', but that's the end. They do not offer how they would handle problems, just that they would do it better.

Edit: Besides most of our media is left-wing biased:

All we have is FoxNews and they are at least trying to be fair to both sides.

2006-10-02 16:48:27 · answer #9 · answered by bc_munkee 5 · 0 2

I think the difference is that when an act of terror is done by a Muslim, they are doing it in the name of they're religion...they're doing it for Islam. When an horrible act is done by a Christian, often they're just horrible acts.

If they're done in the name of Christianity, we often hear of it. Like David Koresh.

2006-10-02 16:47:17 · answer #10 · answered by DougDoug_ 6 · 0 0

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