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Are you comfortable with the idea of drawing terrorists to one particular country, where innocent Iraqi civilivans are killed in the "crossfire"? Is that an acceptable alternative to innocent Americans being killed by terrorist attacks? Isn't the phrase "let innocent people die over there so they don't have to die here" a better and more accurate one?

2006-10-02 09:25:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

Well, Bow Hunter, that's not what Donald Rumsfeld said. He said that they were coming from places like Syria and Egypt.

But then again, he's the guy who said that the WMDs were in Baghdad and Tikrit and point North, South East and West.

2006-10-02 09:33:23 · update #1

Yeah Why, I like your way of thinking.

Oh, Sorry for the typo. I meant I LIKEN your way of thinking - to Hitler's.

2006-10-02 09:34:34 · update #2

Wayne H and Bowhunter have resorted to the "Tom Cruise" argument style. If you remember in "Born On the 4th of July" Tom's Character droned on and on "love it or leave it."

Well I got news for you to clowns - this is just as much my country as it is yours. Perhaps if you're so passionate about killing Iraqis and other "terrorists," why don't YOU go there and put your @ss where your mouth is?

2006-10-02 09:41:57 · update #3

15 answers

Your switching teams? Congratulations for seeing the unvarnished truth.I switched teams several months ago after reading the 9/11 commission report and 'the new pearl harbour" by Griffin.9/11 was a monstrous lie.From that this terrorist war springs.
Yes ,there has always been terrorism and there always will be but creating an illegal war because of WMD (dont exist) and to bring democracy to a country ( lots of countries without democracies but dont have oil.I dont see U.S. intervention there) exacerbates the worldwide terrorist situation.
In case any one is interested some 200,000 Iraqi civilians have died since this war started.I know officially the U.S. isnt counting Iraqi deaths but unofficially they are.(Cheneys speech at Bohemian grove).
Innocent people are the same the world over .So killing them over there is no different than having them die here.So yes I agree with your statement.
To all who disagree with me.Try an experiment.Pretend you know nothing and read the 2 publications I have listed above.Maintain an objective mind.Then make an informed decision

2006-10-02 09:39:47 · answer #1 · answered by Paul I 4 · 1 5

Let me make your question a little more personal. Unfortunately civilians are going to die regardless of where this or any other war is fought.

Would you rather have the war over here, in your town or city where your friends and family could be killed as innocent civilians? It sounds crass, I realize that, but you nor I want the war in our country.

I was up in Mosul when the suicide bomber killed11soldiers in the DFAC (chow hall) and I doubt you want to see the same thing happen at you local Wal-Mart.

And the number may seem small but nearly 600 innocent (non-combatants...without weapons) US civilians have died in Iraq. Seven of the convoys I traveled in were hit by IEDs killing 5 people and a 230mm mortar exploded less than 100 yard from me. That I happen to have been standing behind a bunker is the only reason I am still alive.

So as badly as you or I might feel about innocent Iraqi's being killed in cross fire situations...yes, I prefer that it occurs there then where I live. That doesn't mean I consider their civilians as being an acceptable alternative as you describe it...it is simply and tragically the reality of war.

To PAUL....200,000 civilians killed? I must have missed the VP's comment so I don't know what contexted he might have used that number. I am constantly amazed at the wide range of civilians killed (both the left & right). But over in Iraq a lot of use would pull up www.iraqbodycount.org. which lists the min & max number killed. This is a website run by liberal journalists and teachers from such universities as UC Berkeley...the bastion of the academic left. I just checked this "non-political" site currently claiming that the minimum number killed is 43,546 and the maximum is 48,343. And yes it is updated at least once every day. 48,343 dead is a lot;but a far cry from 200,000. And I have even heard people claim that over 1 million cilivians have died. Of course they have no evidence and have never been over to Iraq. Check out the website and read their research and "excuses" why they can't prove anything they say.


2006-10-02 09:57:03 · answer #2 · answered by iraq51 7 · 2 0

I am glad you are switching teams, go over to Iraq, see how long you live. I will call my friend and tell her and her kids that her husband, who died in Tower 2, that you think we should be fighting here. During war, innocent people die, it is just a factor of war. The fact that the Middle East has been fighting each other for the past 1000+ years means nothing to you. You would rather have terrorists over here, killing our kids and families. I am comfortable with a military that defends our country, wherever they may b e needed.
I agree with bow hunter, and you should be ashamed linking anyone here to the likes of Hitler. We have a Hitler now in Iran.

2006-10-02 10:18:50 · answer #3 · answered by Dawn C 3 · 3 0

Hotep, Because the West is firmly Judea-christianity, and their own holy books states that israel is the holy land and they are gods "chosen" people. Additionally, the state of israel is nothing more than the extension of western ideals and power into the region at a vital place. Israels location gives the west a military presences in north africa and the middle east. However, more to the truth, israel control the politics of the west through money. The international banks of the west are headed, all of them by jews. Thus, israel will never be displayed in a negative light, regardless of what israel does. Salaam, shalom, peace

2016-03-27 02:25:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is supposed to be a free country but you are not supposed to think for yourself. To have an educated, unbiased opinion means you're a traitor, and you should go live in Iraq, or some such nonsense. It's because of people's brainwashed attitudes, low IQ's, and the inability to think for themselves that this war will go on and thousands more innocents will die. You want an end to terrorism? STOP INVADING THEIR COUNTRY! They did NOT crash into our buildings because they are jealous of us or any nonsense the media claims. This has been a holy war since the 1980's, when we helped Afghanistan repel Russian invasion, making civilian casualties extremely high. I don't know about other people, but if my loved ones were killed by a big country far away, I'd be a little angry and vengeful too. Pay attention in history class next time or pick up a book for all of those who support this maniacal "war on terror".

2006-10-02 12:10:33 · answer #5 · answered by Harry W 2 · 0 2

The terrorist were already here. To think that all the terrorist from Yemen,Saudi Arabia,Indonesia, North Korea, Canada,Egypt,etc.would run to Iraq to get the Americans is crazy. Some of the 911 hijackers lived here in suburbia then one day got a call and kissed the kids one last time before work and backed out of the driveway.

2006-10-02 09:34:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

i have to agree somewhat with bow hunter. it's the middle eastern society which spawns these fringe extremist violence groups and until all of the middle eastern countries unite and stand against these tyrannical organizations i have little or no sympathy for their victimization at the hands of those they have fed and supplied for all too long.

beyond even that, the american citizenry was only living in peace when 19 hijackers killed almost 3000 innocent american citizens. I remember watching the news and seeing the middle east throwing celebrations and praising allah for their wanton slaughter. So i guess no, i have no pity when the teeth of their own monsters turn back on them.

2006-10-02 09:33:52 · answer #7 · answered by promethius9594 6 · 4 0

Normally I would just ignore this question; it's both banal and unoriginal, but I fought for your right to ask, and would die for it. Unless one has tasted the real tragedy of war first hand, all one has is what one hears and reads. I understand. I was a soldier in RVN, witnessed the cruelty, am now totally disabled by VA, and I wish war was vanquished. However, cowards hide in books, newspapers, and on pulputs crying out "Do it my way!", heroes do the right thing for the ones they love and don't complain about others. Kapish? Rat (welcome home sir, Iraq 51) Macvsog 68-69 RVN)

2006-10-02 11:22:28 · answer #8 · answered by Raptor 3 · 2 0

I think it is human nature. Nobody wants to see innocent people die. However, given a choice, I think any person would choose to see someone else die than someone they know or in their own family.

If you ask people if you could sacrifice 1 child to cure cancer, most would say that it's worth it. Unless you make it personal and ask if they would sacrifice their own child to cure cancer, then they say no.

Like I said, I think it is human nature. People want a good outcome, as long as the price is paid by someone else.

2006-10-02 09:47:09 · answer #9 · answered by Aegis of Freedom 7 · 1 0

To answer your question directly, YES! I'm all too happy to limit the death and destruction associated with warfare to territories outside my homeland where my family and loved ones live. It's one of the advantages that goes with being a Superpower and I like it! If you are a wussy liberal who has a guilt complex about the taking of human life then, by all means, YOU and YOUR family may consider yourselves invited to pull up roots and relocate to Iraq or Afghanistan. Bon Voyage!

2006-10-02 09:36:58 · answer #10 · answered by Wayne H 3 · 2 0

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