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I see Muslims using all kinds of slippery techniques to spread their anti-semitic viewpoints. They're always blaming Jews for this and that, and trying to buddy up to Christians with anti-Jewish propoganda.

Genesis 16:12 "He will be like a wild donkey among men. His hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him. He will live opposite all of his brothers."

That passage is about Ismael, and the Arabs claim lineage to Abraham through this wild oppositional donkey. Is this a perfect example of how "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"?

2006-10-02 09:08:51 · 12 answers · asked by ♥ Coacoa Mama ♥ 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

You answered your own question. The descendants of Ismael hate Jews because they think Isaac stole Ismael's birthright. Some Muslims are also descendants of Esau and they hate the Jews because they think Jacob stole Esau's birthright.

2006-10-02 09:30:07 · answer #1 · answered by LARRY S 4 · 0 2

It all started with politics and intolerance. In the beggining the jews and christians were accepted by the Muslims because their religion had come fron those two preceding religions. They were allowed to live on their land but they had to pay a tax or you could become a muslim and pay no tax, but they were granted religiuos autonomy. This actually made some people convert to Islam, to avoid the tax. The fate was worse for slaves or people that were not jewish or christian, wether they converted to Islam or they were sentenced to death. So historically they got along well.

Nonetheless historically the jewish have always suffered discrimination and hate as far as to kill them. The christians believe that the Jewish were responsible for crucifying Jesus. (Some of them at least, erronously believe that. Actually it was the Romans with a lot of pressure from Jewish leaders.)

Judaism actually differentiates the religious from the secular, islam wants to control everything from the individual, meaning his social, political, familial, etc relationships and beliefs. The religious law is the upstanding law. Not only that, but they coined a phrase called jihad or holy war where they are correct according to their god and everybody else is wrong and everybody should have their same beliefs, otherwise the nonbeliever is inferior and in more extreme Muslims the nonbeliever should die or convert. (this has happened a thousand times over in history and with many religions, it is just a way to conquera society or land)

The situation got worse when after World War II the UN gave palestine to the Jewish people, this is a territory sorrounded by Arab / Islamic nations. The palestine thought this was an injust act (people getting kicked out of their homes and land) but the jewish believed this was the land promised by their god to Abraham. A no win situation in any case. Jewish people may state that after they took over Palestine which was a no good dessert they transformed it into something better. Again a no win situation.

All of the above summed with unscrupuluos religious and political muslim leaders that do not believe in peacefull negotiations and actually convince and coerce young minds to hate and kill anybody that does not think like them, especially the Jewish.

The three religions judaism, islam and christianity are very similar, they have Abraham which is a holy man in all three of them, but I guess people just get a hold of religion in order to justify their hate and achieve their personal egotistical ways, even if they hurt or kill other people.

2006-10-02 16:44:44 · answer #2 · answered by gretaotto 3 · 0 0

We don't hate them. Or at least we're not supposed to. And actually, one of my best friends is a Jew. Bin Laden and the other people who try to do that are just taking one or two verses from the Quran that say something like "We sent them prophets, but they killed Many and rejected others" (which is actually true, but we shouldn't hold that against the current ones or the ones who did that) and adding on to it. Islam teaches we should be tolerant to all people, especially jews and christians, because they were sent revelations by prophets in the form of books (torah and bible). And I'm trying really hard not to be offended by what you're saying, because
A: I'm a practicing Muslim and I'm getting tired of all the hatred and stereotypes, and
B: My name is Ismail (That's the Arabic way to say Ishmael)

Anyway, We don't hate anyone. It's just that Israel has been bombing and creating many problems (Including anti-Islam propaganda. Why do you think extremists get the most press coverage?) for us. I'm sure we all know it's not all Jews, and mostly just the government of Israel and unfortunately the US (Where I live). Pretty much every Muslim and Jew I know just wishes there could be peace. There are messed up people in every religion and every culture, but we have the most famously known ones.

O and we don't all claim lineage to Ismail (Arabs make up only a part of the Muslim population), and it's really a misconception. Islam claims lineage to Ibrahim (Abraham) and all other prophets, but over time, all of the messages from God became twisted up and became different religions, except for Muhammad's.

2006-10-02 16:28:44 · answer #3 · answered by skatedrummer93 3 · 1 0

Centuries upon centuries there has been always a big HATE against the jew,by christians and muslims!!!!

I am a muslim and i definitely dont hate the jews,eventhough it says in the koran that i cant befriend a jew and christians.

Yeah some muslims are trippin' but the christians already had anti-semitic viewpionts on the jews and arabs, not a really a big surprise there!!!!

Lineage to ishmael,yeah the arabs claim that but not me!!!!!!

2006-10-02 16:33:30 · answer #4 · answered by Notsure 2 · 1 0

Some of the Jews distort the true meaning of words, saying, 'We hear and disobey,' and 'Listen without listening,' and 'Listen to us!' twisting them with their tongues, disparaging the religion. If they had said, 'We hear and we obey,' and 'Listen,' and, 'Look at us!' that would have been better for them and more upright. But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief. Very few of them believe. (4:46)

Because of wrongdoing on the part of the Jews, We made forbidden for them some good things which had previously been lawful for them; and because of their obstructing many people from the Way of Allah, and because of their practising usury when they were forbidden to do it, and because of their consuming people's wealth by wrongful means, We have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful punishment. (4:160-161)

O Messenger! Do not be grieved by those who rush headlong into disbelief among those who say 'We believe' with their tongues when their hearts contain no faith. And among the Jews are those who listen to lies, listening to other people who have not come to you, distorting words from their proper meanings, saying, 'If you are given this, then take it. If you are not given it, then beware!' If Allah desires misguidance for someone, you cannot help him against Allah in any way. Those are the people whose hearts Allah does not want to purify. They will have disgrace in this world and in the hereafter they will have a terrible punishment. (5:41)
these are some of the reasons

2006-10-02 16:20:16 · answer #5 · answered by ilikeyrpussy1887 2 · 1 0

Muslims don't hate Jews.You need to get a reality check we don't need to buddy up to Christian's.It's the Christians brown nosing the Jews to force there rapture story,the Jews can see right through you guys. LOL

2006-10-03 12:21:50 · answer #6 · answered by Sherzade 5 · 0 0

They never really had problems historically with Jews until the Palestinians were booted from their land to make room for Israel. Historically, the Jews have had much more difficulty with being beaten around by Europeans.

2006-10-02 16:11:32 · answer #7 · answered by Blackacre 7 · 2 0

I'm a Muslim and i share many views with my fellow Muslims, we don't hate the Jews for being Jews and we certainly don't HATE ALL Jews. but i do have a problem with Israel's history of the illegal occupation for it's neighbors and the inhumane treatment of the Palestinians.
it's because many people in the middle east countries don't recognize Israel as a country so they call them the Jews but they actually mean the Israelis.

2006-10-02 16:17:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

hello,nice question.Nobody knows,there is not any reason, but the Lord had said that Israel would have a lot of enemies in the time.
But believe me this is the first child of God nobody can be the winner against it.Nobody!!! Hitler has lost,and everybody else will loose against Israel, I really believe it.Even if I do not want to hate the Muslims.............God is the Love, and his enemy is the hate.

2006-10-02 16:24:32 · answer #9 · answered by wm 5 · 0 1

for gods sake we dont hate jews i even have jew friends, get over it!

2006-10-02 16:23:50 · answer #10 · answered by bluewatr111 4 · 2 0

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