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I don't agree with smacking children, I think it teaches them to hit people when they don't get their own way.
What do you think?

2006-10-02 08:56:02 · 70 answers · asked by Kirk_84 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I wasn't smacked as a child and I've turned out brilliantly, so to all the people saying that kids need to be smacked to learn manners and respect... I am living proof that you don't need to smack kids for them to grow up to be respectable human beings!
How can you smack a child and then justify telling them hitting people is wrong?

2006-10-02 09:13:43 · update #1

To Motrouble... I'm not making people feel bad or making them downplay their opinions, I'm simply giving my opinions! I asked the question and I have as much right to post my feelings on MY questions as much as other people have!
So, if you have nothing educating to say or an opinion that is worth anything then don't bother answering!

2006-10-02 10:13:28 · update #2

70 answers

Smacking children should be treated as seriously as smacking adults.

Smacking adults does result in in a criminal prosecution because it is a barbaric act, one which is so uncivilised that it must be stopped.

Smacking children is 100 times more severe, because children do not have the same power as adults, therefore, not only is it physical abuse, but it's bullying too and both of these have a long lasting emotional impact on the child's well being.

Smacking children should be made illegal across the world.

2006-10-02 09:04:52 · answer #1 · answered by thebigtombs 5 · 6 6

IT IS COMPLETELY WRONG TO SMACK A CHILD....by my idea of what of what a smack is. You should never smack a child in the face!

I do not agree with spanking (a controlled smack on the bottom with an open hand in a controlled manner)...I believe there are better and more educated ways of dealing with a child.

I was a supervisor before I was a SAHM....I did not get to smack my staff for not listening to me....

Before anyone quotes "Spare the rod and spoil the child." That phrase is NOT IN THE BIBLE (and who cares if it is, there's lots of stuff in the Bible that I wouldn't do)...St. Joaquim said it.

My husband was spanked (I'd say beat on occasion) and wound up an alcoholic with a criminal history as a teenager (he is great now!). I was NEVER hit and never even skipped a class....so the argument that hitting teaches a kid respect is crap! I had it without it.

It is consistency that makes a child grow up and behave.....not violence.

2006-10-02 09:17:27 · answer #2 · answered by jm1970 6 · 1 3

In no way do I condone going around hitting children but I dont see any harm in a light smack if they continue to do something after being told a few times not to.
I was smacked as a child on occasion but usually a shouting was enough as I knew if I didnt do as I was told, I would get a smack. I dont think this has affected me in a negative way and I have never hit anyone in my life.

2006-10-02 21:53:14 · answer #3 · answered by Catwhiskers 5 · 3 1

Tuff question, I wouldn't say that smacking a child is good, but I know that I was given a few spankings on the rear when I was a child, and it hurt my feelings more than anything, plus I could see how it upset my father more than me. I learned respect and I also avoided doing things wrong so I would not cause my father to be hurt as well. He was a very loving father and his feeling were important to me. I think I have a great life and turned out well, so it caused me no harm.

2006-10-02 09:02:17 · answer #4 · answered by preshus 3 · 4 1

I don't think it's 100% wrong but I don't think it is the only answer to stopping a child doing wrong. My parents used to smack me and although it would stop me doing something for a bit I would still try and do it again later, being sent to bed, having my toys taken away etc seemed to work better. I'd only smack if the child was about to break something or although as stupid as it sounds hurt themselves at least this would imediatly stop them until you could explain why it is wrong

2006-10-02 09:00:49 · answer #5 · answered by walk like a panther 2 · 2 1

i think spanking is ok when used correctly.

never leave a mark or spank when you are angry. and spanking should always be the end all punishment. start with a warning, then maybe time out, then maybe take something away, then spanking (and each step let them know what the consequence will be before hand.)

never smack in the face, only the hand or the bottom. no belts, switches, ect. it should never ever bruise!!!

2006-10-02 09:28:44 · answer #6 · answered by TN girl 4 · 2 0

Some times a spanking is neccessary to get a childs attention. I had 3 kids: I was able to "reason" with two of them - they never needed a spanking. My oldest would throw major temper tantrums, the only way to get him to settle down enough to listen was a slap on his behind. I've always believed in the "three strikes" rule....I would give him three chances to calm down - third warning was accomanied with "...or you'll get a spanking" if he continued, he got that spanking. BTW, he is now 25 with a son very much like himself.....life is sweet!

2006-10-02 09:12:17 · answer #7 · answered by gorfette 3 · 3 0

I don't think there is anything wrong with smacking your child on the bottom. I don't believe you should strike them in the face. I do think it should be a 'last resort' thing, you shouldn't do it all the time b/c then it loses it's effect. We were spanked when we were kids and when it happened we knew we had really crossed the line. I think too many parents are scared of disciplining their children today. Our kids are out of control and not spanking has not lead to less violence, it's lead to more (i.e. school shootings, etc.).

2006-10-02 09:02:48 · answer #8 · answered by Kelly S 3 · 3 2

It depends on the nature of the offense. A smack should never be the final punishment, but more of an attention-getter and one part of the overall consequences. And you should never hit your kid with a belt or other object. The hand is what should give the smack, as the parent's hand is meant to give guidance, warmth, and sometimes discipline.

2006-10-02 08:59:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Smacking your child as discipline in my opinion is fine ... as long as u dont beat your child there is a difference....
sometimes u smack your child out of fear as well ... for instance if they went to put their hand in the fire u smack their hand away so they dont burn themselves ... or if they go to run out in the road the same again ...
each to their own as far as discipline goes i wouldn't tell anyone how to raise their child and i wouldn't expect people to tell me how to raise mine ...

2006-10-02 11:33:01 · answer #10 · answered by jizzumonkey 6 · 3 0

I think you need to have some form of punishment to instill discipline. I was smacked as a child, I have never hit anyone to get my own way.

This day and age with the "politically correct brigade" and "bloody do gooders brigade" society has gone well down hill - there is no respect for anyone, they just take what they want when they want - knowing that nobody can touch them..

2006-10-02 08:59:47 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 10 1

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