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Many times children ask for things that are not good for them or could harm them. Real parents are not afraid to say no, or wait. Why do you feel God would be any different? Would you agree that many times we later find out what we wanted was not best? For me this has many times been the case.

2006-10-02 08:50:35 · 21 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I want to add that I honestly do not know why God says yes to some and no, or wait to others. Only He knows and one day I believe I will understand.

2006-10-02 08:51:15 · update #1

100,000 children die of starvation because mankind is selfish and refuses to share.

2006-10-02 08:56:10 · update #2

God said yes to those children it was the mothers who aborted who said no sir.

2006-10-02 08:56:47 · update #3

21 answers

I like your questions Debra, even though we are on opposite sides of the spectrum.

Of course as parent I make the ultimate decisions regarding my kids, and they don't always like it. They question me, become disgruntled. I see exactly the point you are making. If I were to believe that there is a God, then it would be logical to assume that he would behave in the same manner that any loving parent would.

2006-10-02 09:01:56 · answer #1 · answered by . 5 · 3 0

I don't think G*D has anything to do with what's best for your child in this situation. Have you ever spent ANY period of time in a room with a wanting child and a mother that can't say no? YES, she can't say NO. Once it's always been yes, it will always be yes. Your child will control you, and is, just by getting everything they "want". It's good to know how "wanting" feels.
Later IS when we find out our mistakes, we all do. Kids don't come with manuals. On this one though, I think it's across the board OK to say no sometimes, it's called parenting. There are plenty of examples of this in your face every day, not a mistake you HAVE to make, there will be plenty of others, and it's OK. to make them.

2006-10-02 16:01:23 · answer #2 · answered by Cinderella 4 · 0 0

no but neither do the parent neglect the children. god has not shown himself since the time of Jesus (and by show i mean direct intervention such as moses and the sea, the commandments, moving mountains, sending REAL miracles - not those petty ones about someone surviving surgery). 2000 yrs and we havent seen anything huge. if u want to equate god to a parent hes doing a pretty poor job with his children. (what happens when u neglect a child? emotional/mental/bodily damage? now look at the shape the world is in.... any comparisons?)

2006-10-02 15:54:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If my child is asking for medicine which might save her life, I would be a pretty dreadful parent if I said no. But this so called God of yours often says no to people who are praying for good health or for their lives. Why do you feel that God has chosen to answer you, but ignored so many others?

2006-10-02 16:08:49 · answer #4 · answered by Kathryn™ 6 · 0 1

Now for the bonus point:

Your child disobeys you. Do you:

(A) Kick them out of the house, even though they're just children and don't know right from wrong because you never taught them?

(B) Stuff them into the oven and turn it up to "Broil"?


(C) Understand that they're children and that's what children do, and love them anyway and help them to grow and become men and women, equal to or even exceeding you in every way -- just as you'd hope they would?

2006-10-02 15:52:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You are correct. Mabe God gives us the process of raising children so we can understand (by experiencing it with them) why sometimes our prayers aren't answered the way we want. If we are forced to deny them things they want because it isn't good for them and they don't understand, maybe we will understand when what we want is denied to us and realize that we can't understand God's plan because as humans we are not wise or mature.

2006-10-02 15:54:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Very good insight. In my opinion your heat is one that follow's God's.

""Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:9-12 (New International Version))

2006-10-02 15:59:59 · answer #7 · answered by Bruce 3 · 1 1

God is different from me, as a parent, in the fact that God does not exist except in people's imagination, while for my children ,my existence is very real.

2006-10-02 15:56:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I really think that people make their own choices and create the worlds that they live in. If they are unhappy with their lot, they should not go crying to god, but look at what they have done to put themselves in their current predicament.

2006-10-02 15:53:51 · answer #9 · answered by Bran McMuffin 5 · 0 1

This is so true Debra. We don't always understand why the answer is no, or wait, but God does, and He is protecting us daily.

2006-10-02 15:55:26 · answer #10 · answered by son-shine 4 · 1 0

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