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I walked by this neighbor's house two times with my dog. One time we were actually on the other side of the street. A small dog come out and tried to bite my dog in both times. Both times, the owner's kids just call the dog's name and the dog never responded to the kids. I decided to be a good neighbor instead of calling the animal control. I went by the house. The guy said that he doesn't know whose dog that was. Then a kid come by with that small dog so I told her to keep her dog on leash instead of running around the front yard attacking other dogs. The guy said that it's ok to let dogs run around and his dogs got bit and he got bit before. It's not a big deal. He said that I am a bad neighbor b/c I complained. He said that I invadeted his privacy. He told my husband that he will beat him up and kill my dog if I ever walk my dog in his area again. He even followed us and tried to figure out where we live. His neighbor has filed compliants against his dogs and kids.

2006-10-02 08:37:59 · 29 answers · asked by wuyx1234 1 in Pets Dogs

29 answers

Personally, I'd document it and file a police report. That way, if anything were to happen, you'd have it on file with the authorities.

2006-10-02 08:40:58 · answer #1 · answered by Untitled 3 · 4 0

I agree with the other posters here. You should at least file a police report (well, actually your husband should since he heard the actual threats). This is evidence you may need later if things go further though I hope they do not! You probably could even press charges because threats to beat someone up are called "terroristic threats" in the legal system. Even if you do not want to press charges I would still file the report in case you need it later as documentation of your neighbor's bad behavior.

His dogs should not be running wild and biting other dogs. Most municipalities have leash laws. In my area, the leash law states that dogs must be under leash or voice control at all times - but not running wild! Call animal control, especially if his dog attacks a person or another dog.

I would do my best to avoid this neighbor for the time being but you do have a right to walk in your neighborhood.

2006-10-02 16:06:09 · answer #2 · answered by Rags to Riches 5 · 0 0

Keep filing complaints with both the police and animal control. Have your neighbors file too. The more paperwork you generate detailing this behavior, the more protection (and evidence) you have when (or if) he does eventually strike.
More paperwork also means more attention will be paid to the situation by the police and animal control. There are laws regarding animals and leash laws. To bad they don't apply to some people, huh?
If the dogs are vicious, there are sprays that mail carries use to keep them away. Get it at sporting goods stores or Walmart in the camping section.
I was gonna say, stay away from that area, but you should be able to walk across the street from him with no problems! I mean, following you home? That's just scary. Seriously, you shouldn't have to deal with this at all.
Good Luck. Bummer about the nasty neighbor.

2006-10-02 15:51:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Im pretty sure that your town as all others has have a leash law call animal control everytime you see his dog out with a leash file a police complaint now you have to make sure that you put in the police report THE WORDS Viscious dog, scared for my life and the life of my pet with out these word the police can not do anything but they are not allowed to tell you that it needs to be in the report GOOD LUCK
From a responsible pet owner

2006-10-02 16:05:56 · answer #4 · answered by BRATS MOM 3 · 0 0

The leash laws are for neighbors to be neighborly. This man is not neighborly and has threatened you! If there is no leash law locally then get a petition started to change it! Remember, certain leashes will break so do not sponsor a no tolerance option or signatures will not be forthcoming! Do mention a escalating penalty feature! Do to too many criminals utilizing pitbulls this leash law is becoming a definite safety concern in Model America! There are breeders that can work off-leash so a license or permit should be available for a wee fee mostly for identification when there are new neighbors!

2006-10-02 16:03:18 · answer #5 · answered by K9 4 · 0 0

what a jerk! Thank god I have a german rottie! Your neighbor wouldnt feel that way if you had my dog next to you. He doesnt OWN the street. You are allowed to walk it anytime you want. file a police report, he cant threaten you, your husband or your dog!

you want to know what my hubby does to neighbors like that? He will get our dog, put Cujo's leash on, get his skateboard, take Cujo for his daily run (with other intentions though!) and when they least expect it they have a huge german rottie running at full speed right behind them! they better move or they will be trampled down (and scared)! I know it sounds mean but its funny at the same time because they deserved it! He has only done that twice though, those neighbors deserved it.

Before anyone says anything, my dog is TRAINED and he wouldnt hurt a fly!

2006-10-02 16:38:44 · answer #6 · answered by CoolyUly 2 · 0 0

Call the cops and STAY away from this weirdos house!

Don't let the guy find out where you live! He's threatened to kill your dog..............I'm sorry to say this but I have gone through something similar.......All it takes is a drugged piece of meat thrown over the fence.
Make a report with the police and try to encourage other neighbors to do so too.
I hope someone shoots the offender soon, for the whole neighborhood's sake.

2006-10-02 16:12:55 · answer #7 · answered by smartgirl 3 · 0 0

If your neighbor has threatened physical violence on you or your property (the dog) you have every right to file a harrassment claim. Not only is it causing you to live in fear but is also controlling when and where you walk in your own neighborhood. I know you probably don't want to do it, but the police should probably be aware of the situation. Don't assume he won't do anything or it is idle threats, put a stop to it before something terrible happens to you or your dog. Oh and he is the bad neighbor not you.

2006-10-02 15:42:39 · answer #8 · answered by Aurora 1 · 4 0

make a complaint with the police, they should caution him, which is obviously better than you calling around again. Also keep a diary of any related activity by your neighbour, you may also want to inform your legal rep that you are keeping notes and to be aware incase this escalates. If then he does persue these threats then it is all logged that he has motive and he will immediatly become main suspect, aven if no physical evidence can be found. I was given this advice when I recieved verbal threats from an ex and did not have enough evidence for an injunction

2006-10-02 15:48:09 · answer #9 · answered by tillytiger4 1 · 1 0

File another complaint and call animal control. Squeaky doors get oiled. Complain until something gets done. Your not being a bad neighbor, you have the right to walk your dog where ever you want without having to worry about your neighbors dog biting you. And defininty try ro record it.

2006-10-02 15:48:03 · answer #10 · answered by dmgoldsbo7 3 · 1 0

Contact the police, file a report and then find some other place to walk your dog. He sounds like a dangerous person. He may just be all talk but don't take the chance. Too many crazy things happening in the world today, play it safe, stay away from him.

2006-10-02 15:47:37 · answer #11 · answered by need2knw 3 · 0 1

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