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I'm so confused which puppy I should buy as I love both these breeds but haven't own either. I don't have a clue how to make the decision so please mention some valauble qualities that can distinguish in some manner to help me pick a breed. Who are more loyals and more eager to please? Who is better with children? and anything that you can tell. Thanks!

2006-10-02 08:29:05 · 21 answers · asked by Shawn A 1 in Pets Dogs

21 answers

Definatly the pitbull! It is the most loyal dog around in my opinion. THey will do anything to please their owners and are very gratful to the people who rescue them. My pit is great with kids and totally protective. Pitbulls are very good when it comes to children pulling at them/sitting on them/messing or jumping around with them. Its just sooo horrible how bad their rep is. I think the German Shephard is scarier then the pitbull. The pit depending if you get a male or female is usually a little bit smaller than the German Shephard. The pitbulls bark isn't as loud/aggressive as the German Shephard. Also there are way more pits in shelters then German Shephards and the sad thing is that sooooooo many pits die everyday because people get different breeds from breeders. Both breeds may or may not be good with other animals/dogs. My first pit loved everything but my second one now isn't too friendly with other dogs but she is fine with cats/squirells etc. If you really can't decide because its too difficult get a half pit bull half german shephard puppy! Please support the pitbull breed and help out. I hope this information helped you and that you decide to get a pitbull. Good luck with your new puppy!

2006-10-04 13:46:04 · answer #1 · answered by Drama Queen 6 · 0 0

I grew up with a German Shepherd. They are brilliant and very loyal. I have heard that Pitbull Terriers are as well, but there is a stigma with that breed as they are associated with dog fights and have been known to behave aggressively even when they had previously shown no such behavior. Personally, I would recommend the German Shepherd. But, be aware that they get to be quite large dogs and as with any dog, should be trained properly as a puppy so that you don't have to worry about them disobeying when they are too strong for you to control. They are, however, the best breed of dog, in my opinion as they are very smart, learn fast, loyal and sweet. The only thing that I can think of that you should be cautious about is that Shepherds are protective of their people/owners. If you have children already then it is a good time to get the puppy so that the dog can grow up with the children and learn that the children are in charge and not the other way around. Also, whenever possible, go to a shelter instead of a pet store. My current dog is a lab/shepherd mix that I get at a nearby shelter and she is the best! Good luck!

2006-10-02 08:39:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I have American Pitbull Terriers and love them immensely!

Do your research on the breeds you are interested in before making a decision. A pit bull should NEVER be human aggressive, but other animal/dog aggression is normal for the breed.

I have a 2 year old daughter and a 4 year old son, a male apbt, and a female apbt, both are fixed.

I have a lot of useful info for you about American Pit Bull Terriers. Please email me at libertydogtraining@yahoo.com and we will discuss whether this breed is the right breed for your lifestyle and energy level.

Also, I highly recommend getting one from a rescue, and not supporting back yard breeders (which most breeders are, especially if listed in the paper). These breeders base their business quantity and not quality, so you run the risk of human aggressive dogs with health and behavior problems due to low quality bred dogs.

Hope to hear from you!

2006-10-02 09:21:25 · answer #3 · answered by moni 2 · 1 0

It's great you're actually asking and thinking about it. People don't realize what a huge commitment a big dog is.
I don't know enough about German Shepherds (although I think they're great, too) but I have a pitbull -Honey - you can see her on http://travelswithhoney.blogspot.com/. She is fantastic. FYI, pits are known to be good with children (they used to be called nanny dogs BECAUSE they were so good with kids.) But, they need to be exercised at least one hour a day - intensely - they have a lot of energy. They are house dogs - they like to sleep on the bed. They should not be kept outside (I don't know if any dogs should). They are incredibly loyal and loving, they are smart and kind of goofballs because they like to play games. The biggest drawback with pits (besides people NOT knowing the problems start with the owner - not the dog) is a lot ARE dog aggressive - in other words, they love people but they might not like dogs at all - you can't tell until they aren't puppies anymore (a good reason to adopt an adult if that is important to you). A good site for info (and for a dog) is Smiling Pit Bull Rescue. www.spbr.org.

Honey is really well liked everywhere and that's because I keep her socialized, (the more people, the happier she is), she goes to doggie day care, she plays with other dogs every day and I take her to the park for an hour in the morning.

2006-10-02 08:47:31 · answer #4 · answered by jillbryant 2 · 0 0

Both can make very good dogs....I have seen many pits and have friend that have them but have never owned one...The would be my choice German Shepard on several conditions....as other have already stated they are very loyal and loving animals...however they do get bored very easily. They always need something to do wether that be a game or just running around the yard. The males tend to be a little hyper so they need exercise and stimulation....Walks and toys....mine loves to chase frisbys. They get along with other dogs well if socialized well as puppies. They tend to be a little stubborn if not shown who is boss as a pup. Once they know that you are the leader they are very easy to train....this is because they are eager to please. That is one reason the are used by so many emergency services also....eager to please=easy to train. I have owned two and both have been good pets....they just need to be well trained and worked with otherwise you and the dog will be miserable.

2006-10-02 10:05:35 · answer #5 · answered by yetti 5 · 0 0

Do you have kids? I think personally I would choose the German Shepard. They are loyal and fast learners. They will not bark unless feels threatened. VERY good with kids. Downfall... they only last 10-13years (give or take). Because they are big dogs, they develop hip problems, Arthritise. Pit bulls, I have had friends who owned them and had to put them down or get rid of them do to bad tempers. Send some time with both breeds to see which one you like better, and if you have small children ask the owner if they will get a lone before you put them together. Not all large breeds are the same and when you put the same hight child in front of a dog, the dog may feel threatened.

2006-10-02 09:06:41 · answer #6 · answered by wibiggurl 3 · 0 1

If you haven't owned them, why do you want to buy one to have around kids? If you have kids, get the German Shepherd--pitbulls are very protective, but if somebody makes a small mistake and startles or angers the dog, you could have a horrible accident on your hands. It's too risky! And pitbulls have been banned in some cities--you don't want to get a dog and have it banned afterwards and then have to get rid of it. Just skip the pitbull--their jaws are too strong, they're too possessive, too unreliable. I know, I know, every owner says, "well, mine is a sweet baby, bla-bla-bla." Who cares?!? Don't take the risk of a pitbull!

Now, as far as German Shepherds, they're extremely smart and clever--this dog will need a job to keep it happy. That's why K-9 officers use them (males, not females.) You will have to train it well so it doesn't get into trouble (they'll find trouble quite easily.) They're good dogs, but you don't want them to be unhappy because they're bored and you don't exercise them and stimulate their minds. They're not a dog for novice dog owners--you'll have to dominate them and provide strong leadership. And they're *big*--males especially so. They're beautiful and wonderful dogs, but think long and hard about whether you can really make one happy (cuz you'll be miserable if you have an unhappy one.) I say, leave them to professionals--search-and-rescue, police, military, obedience trial people.

I say, get a mutt, or see if you can borrow a dog from a rescue organization--often, they're OK dogs that just need a home (though some have been abused or neglected and are crazy and bad pets to have around kids.) Most dogs are loyal and eager to please, or they'll be obedient enough if you train them properly. But to be honest, I wouldn't recommend either dog for you. Don't get caught up in pure breeds--they're not always better! Pick a nice medium-sized dog, not too hairy, not too yappy, sweet but not submissive. And make absolutely sure it's good with kids (and any other pets you might have.) Dogs are great, but they're a huge responsibility, and I think both these breeds are too much for a novice to handle.

Oh, and by pitbull, I mean American Staffordshire Terrier. Not a bull terrier. Those have an "egg-shaped" head--very distinctive pear-shaped muzzle. Totally different breed! Bull terriers are somewhat similar to bulldogs, with a similar build and temperament. They're pretty good dogs, as far as I can tell, but they're very strong physically and were used for bull baiting, so they might still have a little fighting instinct. I don't know if they're prone to breathing/heart difficulties like bulldogs. Probably not, since they have different-shaped heads.

2006-10-02 08:42:01 · answer #7 · answered by SlowClap 6 · 1 1

There are several things to consider. Do you have kids? Do you have a fenced in yard or do you live in an apartment? Both breeds can be very loving, but both are also known to have potential to be agressive. Both are very intelligent. A Pit does better than the GS in a smaller home, but both could use a yard to play in. Are Pits legal in your area? I think the Pit is probably more eager to please, they (in my opinion) are both about the same with kids. Dogs are like people, they have their own personality. Both are loyal, but are rumored to "turn" on owners too. You will have to research this closely. I love all dogs, but personally would probably choose another breed if children are involved.

2006-10-02 08:35:47 · answer #8 · answered by piethedog 3 · 0 0

German Shepherd is the better dog for kids. I love Pits, too, but I wouldn't allow a child around one. The problem with many pits today is the puppy mill effect, This can bring out the worst aspects of the breed. GS are far gentler with kids than a Pit. A Pit has the ability to kill a child should it become aggressive. GS's generally don't turn aggressive.
Ask your local animal shelter their opinion. You might be surprised to see how many Pits are euthanized due to violent tendencies.

2006-10-02 08:40:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They both have their ups and downs. They both can be a bit stubborn and need a firm hand when trainning. They both will become destructive when they are bored, so it is good to keep them occupied. Pits love chew, so make sure to get lots of toys or you may catch them chewing up your furniture, and with that strong jaw you def. don't want that. Pits tend to be better than GSD's with children bc they have such a high pain tolerance that they do not mind if small children tug on their ears, tails, etc. If trained correctly either one will do well with kids. Either of these dogs will be loyal to you, if you take good care of them.

2006-10-02 08:34:25 · answer #10 · answered by Elle 4 · 1 0

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