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Around 3000 people died on 9/11/2001. We know the terrorists were praying for a successful mission. Did God answer their prayers.

2006-10-02 08:25:39 · 39 answers · asked by Kathryn™ 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

What about the ones that were praying to the "real" God, and died anyway? Why weren't their prayers answered? I can guess at your answers, God had a plan for them, they are in a better place, God works in mysterious ways, yada, yada, yada

2006-10-02 08:31:47 · update #1

39 answers

Let me translate all the answers you will receive from the cult fanatics: "All facts are meaningless when compared to my beliefs and everybody else is wrong blah blah blah blah blah I am an idiot blah blah blah "

The correct answer is there is no god...

2006-10-02 08:50:05 · answer #1 · answered by barter256 4 · 1 2

"The prayer of a righteous (person) availeth much" God, the one and only "REAL" God cannot say yes to all prayers. Answering prayers sometimes requires a NO answer. Or a WAIT answer. IF one person on each side of a mountain were to pray and the one prayed for the mountain to be moved and the other prayed for the mountain to stay right where it was. Only one of those prayers could He say yes to. Maybe if you don't see prayers being answered it is because He has said NO. or maybe because there is some sin in your life that you are not confessing. God answers all prayers.(directed at Him) Bad things happen to "good" people because there is sin in this world and until Jesus comes back that is the way it will always be. God is the author of all good things and Satan is the author of everything else.

2006-10-02 08:36:29 · answer #2 · answered by I-o-d-tiger 6 · 0 2

No prayers were answered by anyone's God that day. However, the careful planning by a group of terrorists went off without a hitch.

2006-10-02 08:41:47 · answer #3 · answered by . 5 · 1 0

I think you are misunderstanding the nature of prayer, at least from a Christian perspective. We believe that prayer does not alter the world or God. That would be considered sorcery and is prohibated. However, prayer is a means of developing a relationship with God. Its purpose is to change YOU, not your surroundings.

Did God answer the prayers of the terrorists? I believe that God answers all prayers, just that sometimes the answer is "no" or "not yet". But since I do not believe that Muslims worship God, I would say that the answer was "no, He did not answer their prayers". But their actions were successful due to their free will to be as depraved as they could be.

2006-10-02 08:32:20 · answer #4 · answered by Tim 6 · 1 2

God answers all prayers, but he does not necessarily answer them in the way people like. To say that the terrorists got their wish is stretching things a bit. Certainly they got their come-upin's when George Bush launched his war on terrorism. I think that the terrorist got change back from their prayers that they weren't expecting. I tend to look at 9/11 as more of a judgment against America for America's lack of effectual prayer than because of terrorist prayers being answered.

2006-10-02 08:31:58 · answer #5 · answered by Preacher 6 · 1 2

There can be no causation attributed to prayer when something goes a certain way. At best, you can only show correlation.

An example of correlation: The global temperature has increased proportionally to a decrease in number of pirates on earth.

Causation: A decrease in # of pirates has led to global warming.

I also like to compare prayer to the polygraph test (which is bollox, btw): When someone fails, the person must be guilty (according to the prosecutors). When someone passes, well, it was just inconclusive, but we'll believe they are guilty anyway.

2006-10-02 08:38:19 · answer #6 · answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7 · 1 1


Why would this God you are talking about care one way or another if these people died on 9/11.

None of us are getting out of here alive anyway. Does it really matter if we die one day or the next?

This neither proves or disproves the existence of their God or any other version.

Why do you feel the need to make fun of these peoples beliefs anyway?

What is it about what they believe that makes you so afraid that you feel the need to attack what is dear to them?

Whats wrong with this picture?

Love and blessings Don

2006-10-02 14:59:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No, God did not answer the terrorists prayers. Islamics do not pray to the all loving God who I believe in.

[part of a chapter of a book which I believe helps to explain the event]
Although God obviously did not prevent this atrocity, who is to say that He has not prevented others. Believe it or not, there are worse things that terrorists could have done, including exploding a nuclear device in Manhattan.

In addition, you have not considered all the things God probably did to prevent an even greater loss of life than what occurred during the attack.

It appears that 3,000 or more people lost their lives in the attack. While this sounds like a large number of people (and it is the largest loss of life due to single terrorist attack), it represents only a small percentage of the people who could have died in those towers. A total of 50,000 people worked in the World Trade Center towers at the time of the attack. In addition, it was reported that 100,000 people visited the towers every day. This means that at least 90% of everybody in the towers at the time of the attack escaped alive! This sounds like a miracle to me. There are some other remarkable facts to consider. The first tower that was hit stood standing 45 minutes longer than the second tower, allowing more time for those who had no warning to escape. After the attack on the first tower, people in the second tower immediately began to leave, despite the announcement by management that everything was safe and under control. People interviewed later reported that they "felt" that they should leave. Did God communicate to tens of thousands of people to warn them to escape? It seems likely, since people usually listen to and follow the advice of authorities. In watching the crash of the second airliner into the second tower, it seems remarkable that the tower did not collapse immediately. There was a huge explosion that engulfed several floors of the tower at once. Did God miraculously sustain the tower for an additional 30 minutes to allow people to escape? Given these circumstances, it seems likely that God miraculously intervened to limit the death toll in the attack on the World Trade Center towers.

The third airliner crashed into the Pentagon. However, the side of the building hit was under renovation, limiting the loss of life. If the terrorists had crashed directly into the Pentagon from the original direction of flight (the plane had passed the Pentagon and made a 270 degree turn prior to impact), the loss of life would have been ten times greater. Was God involved in this?

The fourth airliner did not even reach its intended destination (probably the Capitol Building in Washington D.C.). Although God did not bring down this airliner directly, His people were involved in thwarting the attempt at mass destruction. Todd Beamer, a graduate of Wheaton College, a dedicated Christian who taught Sunday School, led a charge against the hijackers who had commandeered flight 93, resulting in the plane crashing into an unpopulated field outside of Pittsburgh. As it turned out, the plane crashed just 2 miles from an elementary school. Was God involved in steering the airliner away from the school?[end]

2006-10-02 08:43:55 · answer #8 · answered by son-shine 4 · 0 2

No. it had nothing to do with prayers. it has something to do with will. The terrorist were determined to complete their mission. That is the power of the human mind...fatal and tragic as it seem, our govt did nothing to protect our American people and that;s what really happened. we knew this info before it was going to happen but we did not do anything..that's what happens when you have a incompetent president like BUSH!!!

BTW prayer is similar to having a positive outlook on life and when you look at things positively and believe in yourself....you get better results...it has nothing to do with actually praying to a God!

2006-10-02 08:29:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

If you ask the question than why are you being so judgemental and assuming what people's answers will be? Read the book of Daniel and I believe that you will find the answer to this question. I hope that you will not live the rest of your life thinking this way about God and I am praying for you.

2006-10-02 08:39:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

God did not answer their prayers because they were not living in His will. They simply succeeded because they knew what they were doing.
God answers prayers of those who love Him and love others, but that doesn't mean He makes everything happen that we want.

By the way, was your question serious, or stupid/antagonistic? I couldn't figure that out, but if the latter, you need to remember that we have free will. Nobody who believes in God believes that everything that happens is His fault (like people dying). it's a part of life. Murder/terrorism happens because of people. they plan it, they believe it's the right thing, and they do it. They do no involve God in their decisions to kill. They do involve their "religion" sometimes. That doesn't make it right, or mean it has anything to do with God.

2006-10-02 08:30:26 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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