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I bet thats fun.. why does it take so long if its ur first baby? That and if u get anesthesia like an epidural y does it hurt? Im just paranoid...

2006-10-02 07:41:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

12 answers

it all depends on the woman and how active she is before she gives birth. the more active you are the easier and faster it is on you

2006-10-02 07:50:14 · answer #1 · answered by Peace 6 · 1 0

During the birth of a woman's first child, the process is usually prolonged because it is the first time that certain muscles have had to work in the way they were created to work. Performing kegal exercises can help prevent an episiotomy and lessen pushing time, by exercising the necessary muscle groups. It is also the first time that the accordion-like vagina has had to stretch open to accomodate such a large package.

If you recieve a spinal block or an epidural, you should not feel much pain through the labor process. That is the point of these procedures. However, during the pushing stage of your labor, you will probably feel lots of pressure and/or burning as the baby's head crowns and is delivered. Also, when the medication is administered, a single shot, to numb your back before the insertion of the tube, is given. This stings a bit. Also, please remember that your body is different than all others. Demerol may make SOME people vomit, but not ALL, or else they wouldn't still give it.

Be prepared, however, for lots of discomfort and pain as your body heals from this process. And as difficult as it may sound, the day after you deliver, send your little angel to the nursery for a bit, or leave him/her with dad, and go for a walk around the hospital. This will seem impossible after delivery, but after you force yourself to walk, you'll be amazed at the natural pain relief responses of your body. You'll feel so much better after you move around!

2006-10-02 07:48:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't be scared...you can never really be ready for it, or know what to expect. First ones don't always take long. It just depends on the details of the labor, and how the baby progresses. Everyone is different. Do NOT take demerol. It makes you puke. Don't let them give you any pain medication except for an epidural because they WILL make you sick. An epidural is just a dull pain while they are putting it in, and after that, it's like heaven. You will feel SO good, and labor will be a breeze.

2006-10-02 07:47:27 · answer #3 · answered by jesse s 2 · 0 0

It depends on your body if it takes a long time or not. Some first timers go pretty fast, other, not. I had long labors with both of my children. If you walk a lot, that can reduce your time in labor. I didn't get an epidural, but I did get an entrathecal, which is also give in the spine. It hurt a little, but honestly, it was nothing compared to the labor pains, so I was very greatful just to be getting it Don't worry abour labor, it is a natural thing. Once you look at that baby, the pain will be gone!

2006-10-02 07:44:21 · answer #4 · answered by #3ontheway! 4 · 0 0

Yes it can hurt. But for everyone it's different. Some of my friends were in labor for 24 hours. It seems like when you're given an induced labor things tend to take longer or end up in a c-section. I was going to get induced (start your labor before your due date by breaking your water & giving you pitocen) but I got scared. I'm glad I didn't do it though. Cause my baby came right on time & was healthy. But doctors may tell you that you need an induction for other medical reasons. When I first began labor I hardly noticed because it was just like periods cramps that came at a certain time. The IV they put in my hand sucked cause they couldn't find the vein the first time. So the medicine was in a lil bubble where they missed. That was sore for days. Then when they gave me the pitocen (used to make contractions get closer & faster & help your cervix dialate) it started to hurt like hell. So they gave me a pain releiver in my IV. That made me a little sleepy & giggly. My hubby couldn't help but laugh. They usually give you a catheder too (helps remove your urine). That you won't feel if you got the medications. It's actually quite a relief. Because if you don't feel the pain, you still feel the pressure. Everytime I had a contraction I felt the pressure to urinate. So THANK GOD for the catheder. Then I got the epidural ....the needle to numb it hurt. The epidural just felt like a pressure going down my back. Giving birth didn't hurt as much....really just tiring. I was in labor for 12 hours & it only took 30 minutes to push my baby out. Then when all the medicine goes away you're pretty sore. The IV can get really annoying. I got a 3rd degree tear (when your perineum (the skin between your vagina & anus) tears) going down & a second degree tear going up. Doctors & nurses say if you get a perineal massage (massaging the inside of the perineum) it can lessen or completely reduce the chance of getting a tear. So you should start that in the last month to prepare. Your vagina will be sore for maybe 3-4 weeks. They usually give you pain killers though. If your breastfeeding (like I did) you usually heal faster & your uterus shrinks back really fast. I was scared to give birth. But it wasn't a horrible experience for me. But remember everyone is different.

2006-10-02 09:31:17 · answer #5 · answered by twinkle toes 2 · 0 0

i was 21 when i gave birth to my first son....i went into labor at 8:00am, i went to the hospital and by 9:00 my contractions started feeling like cramping when you get your period. I don't remember what time it was but i waited until my contractions were more severe to get anistesia through an I.V. after that i didn't feel a thing. This may sound gross, but my son kept going to the bathroom while he was still in the womb, so they had to keep flushing me out. Or else my son could of died..didn't feel that either... When they told me it was time they gave me my Epidural and i didn't feel that either. i was more self conscious that the nurse had 2 trainees watching the process. After that i didn't feel anything. 6:00pm rolled around, i know because i was watching the Simpson's on T.V. It was time to start pushing...after the first push i panicked a little bit but regained my composure after looking at my mom who was there...**** it was too late to stop now. Another long hard push and my son was born at 6:42pm. He weighed 9lbs 8oz. and was 21 1/4inches long. After i held him and took all the photos I chowed down on a Taxi burger and Dr. Pepper!! It was the best tasting meal i had! I would say the aftermath of the pregnancy is worse that having the baby. For me it was a piece of cake...Thanks to a lot of Praying!! LOL

2006-10-02 07:53:54 · answer #6 · answered by MTE 2 · 0 0

When I gave birth to my 1st & only kid it was 5 minutes under 12:00pm in the morning of Nov. 15, 1995 I didn't get an epidural but it went quick & I did what I was told.

2006-10-02 07:47:10 · answer #7 · answered by bix27_525012000 2 · 0 0

oh yeah, it's a party. haha i went in for my regular check up and I was 4cm. I had no pain, was confortable. I went right into the hospital, they broke my water. My labor was only about 5 hours long. I pushed for an hour and a half, and she wsa 8lbs. 6oz. I only had one shot of nubain for pain. I was very proud of myself. But, I have a high tolerance for pain too. A friend of mine just had her baby last week, she had NO pain tolerance. She had two shots of nubain before she was 4 cm, and had an epideral. Her new favorite word is epideral she said. haha ... but she couldn't feel anything. she kept pushing after he was out! I think that's the best feeling in the world when you feel that release of them coming into the world. Just remember that your doctors and nurses are there to keep you as comfortable as possible. By the way, my second was 10 pounds-vaginal delivery with only 2 shots of nubain. Good luck!!

2006-10-02 08:35:02 · answer #8 · answered by Lissa 3 · 0 0

My first and only baby was actually a very short labor. I was in labor for 5 hours and delivered in 45 minutes. Every women is different. When you get your epideral it is uncomftorble but by no means is it painful. They locally numb you before putting the tube in. Trust me get the epideral, your in so much pain that it will be a huge relief!

2006-10-02 07:45:56 · answer #9 · answered by kenz6987 2 · 0 0

it didnt take me long, 30 minutes of pushing, and I was only in labor for 4 hours total, start to finish!

epidural is great you cant feel a thing! you rlegs go numb!
Good luck!

2006-10-02 07:54:47 · answer #10 · answered by crystald 4 · 0 0

My first labor was not long. Went into labor at 7:30 p.m. and had the babies at 9:25 and 9:45 pm. (Yes, twins)...
No epi, no meds... all natural. Go ahead, I'll wait while you cringe (kidding)- it wasn't as bad as I thought, but it was scary. It'll be over before you know it and it will all be worth it. Congrats!!

2006-10-02 08:15:38 · answer #11 · answered by J D 2 · 0 0

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