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Ok well i was dating this guy for a year and a half and he was the best boyfriend i ever had. i have a one year old girl and he met me a little after she was born. he taught her to call him dad and that's what she calls him and she loves him. well we always had an issue with him and other girls. after we were talking for a while he told me he had cheated on me on my birthday, but he says that he did it because he didnt really like me at first. well there were other incidents after that and he always came up with an excuse and i belived him because all i wanted was for us to be together and he said he loved me and we talked about marriage and kids. well we broke up a week ago and we promised we wouldnt be with anyone elst. were graduated this year and i'm in college.i just found out that he's been dating a junior for two weeks meaning he's cheated and kissed me after he has kissed her. i am so hurt and he told me she's special. i've done everything for him. and i dont know what to do.

2006-10-02 07:39:35 · 12 answers · asked by Paris R 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

12 answers

Sweetie, please understand I'm only telling you this for your own good. It's time to move on and forget about this jerk. There's no excuse for cheating, especially not on your birthday. He promised to not see anyone else, cuz he wants his cake and eat it too...screw him. He doesnt want to see you happy with anyone else but he can run around and be a male skank. Obviously he will never change so you need to be the bigger person and go on with your life for the sake of you own emotions and you daughter's. Although your daughter may love him you dont need or want someone like that in you're daughter's life or your own. If he had the balls to cheat on you not only once, not only twice, but plenty of times...he will do it again. Sometimes love is blind and you want so badly to believe that the person you love will change, and you think to yourself when they give you an excuse for their action, maybe he really is sincere and didnt mean to do that to me. Trust me when I tell you its bullshit. Maybe he did care for you and your daughter and have love for you guys but honestly he's the scum of the earth and you deserve so much better for yourself and for your little girl. It may hurt for a lil while but the sweetest revenge is showing him you dont need his sorry *** and that you've moved on to bigger and better things in life. Do for you and your child and dont worry about anyone else, because no one else matters!!! Trust me you will find someone, dont give up hope. There's someone out there for everyone....trust me I'm speaking from experience. Good luck with everything. Remember you're worth so much more that what that jackass treated you as....

2006-10-02 07:51:25 · answer #1 · answered by bebechinadoll_01 2 · 0 0

HOW THE HELL CAN YOU SAY HE WAS THE BEST BOYFRIEND YOU EVER HAD?! I will quote you what you JUSt said: "well we always had an issue with him and other girls. after we were talking for a while he told me he had cheated on me on my birthday, but he says that he did it because he didnt really like me at first. well there were other incidents after that and he always came up with an excuse and i belived him because all i wanted was for us to be together and he said he loved me and we talked about marriage and kids. well we broke up a week ago and we promised we wouldnt be with anyone elst. were graduated this year and i'm in college.i just found out that he's been dating a junior for two weeks meaning he's cheated and kissed me after he has kissed her. i am so hurt and he told me she's special. i've done everything for him"

Yes, you have! He was NOT the best boyfriend, or you would not only be with him, you would have his WEDDING RING! He mistreated you throughout the entire relationship. The fact that he did for your daughter doesn't make up for it, either, because he used her to get to you, and to have you under his thumb! Why do you get a self steem and stop thinking your life is over after this loser is gone?! This the best thing for you! why would you want a man who cheats on you? He could have given you an STD; HOW WAS HE THE BEST BOYFRIEND? I want to know! You need to look in the mirror and say to yourself, I am a queen! Say this everyday and ACT LIKE IT! Raise your child! Forget dating men who cheat! Get a man to pay some bills, and take care of your child and who is your equal, not someone who emotionally abuses you! That is what you should do!

2006-10-02 07:47:51 · answer #2 · answered by marquella_la_nice 3 · 0 0

Ok well i think the first thing you need to do is get remedial help with your punctuation and basic writing skills at the college you say you go to and use capital letters where they belong and periods and commas and stuff like that because it can get so confusing and all well you know what i mean and such, but when you say he was the best boyfriend you ever had how were you comparing him to the other boyfriends i wonder because if its just about sex and stuff well i can see how narrow that would be but if it was about being loving and caring and considerate of your feelings then all i can assume is that the other boyfriends you dated must have been horrible and unfair to you so i think you should be very clear that if this guy is cheating on you (the nerve to be with another girl on your birthday how cruel and thoughtless eh) you should dump him like a dipsy dumpster on a nebraska cattle farm

2006-10-02 07:48:20 · answer #3 · answered by heyrobo 6 · 0 0

there is no cure for unfaithful patner, reading your stuff, what came out was you saying that all you wanted was for you people to be together. which means you are the one doing the chase
the truth is that guys loves to be the chaser not the other way round, and they don`t really value much the lady chasing after them. what you should do no matter how hard it is is to back off and have the courage to believe in yourself, that you are very preaty to attract the best guy around. if you dont believe that in yourself, then you will be hurt over and oover again, let the guys do the chasing and you will use the save energy to study them and know their motive even before sleeping with them.iam a guy and iam talking from experience, forget about what he says. let him desire you, trust me if he cares for you, a thousand women will not be able to pull him away from you.stop trying and give him no attention whatsoever for one months without even answering his calls. and again put on a preaty face whenever you are around those girls that might be going out with him, and pretend not notice. trust me they will be scared of you, and stop showing emotion about his issues or when he is around, that shows weekness, that is not to your advantage. continue whatever you are doing and believe me you may never know that some body maybe noticing your preaty face and might ask for your friendship
remain bless

2006-10-02 08:05:30 · answer #4 · answered by chief 1 · 0 0

What you should do is stop believing that it was good love. Good love doesn't allow for deceit, dishonesty, and distrust. It was "need" which can be mistaken for love. I only know because I had a similar relationship that lasted nearly 5 years which I thought was love too. Ther were just too many "if only's" to make it right. After it was all over and I could think clearly again, I realized how much I had been disrespecting myself and holding on for a "real" chance. I gave up my individuality and dreams and goals to him and that screwy relationship. Instead of asking myself if I want a relationship with all that drama, the mind games and excess baggage in my life, I had been trying to prove to him I was worthy of his love. The truth was, he wasn't worthy of mine. I learned to set my standards higher. Thank goodness he didn't give you a sexually transmitted disease during your relationship with him. Consider yourself lucky to have a new chance. Take time to figure out all the lessons you learned (good ones and bad) in that relationship, think about what you believe is necessary in a relationship and what is absolutely not allowable in a relationship. Trust, honesty, effective communication, willingness to work things out, mutual contentment, common interests, separate interests-- those are things I think are necessary. Cheating, lying, lack of trust, miscommunication, "grey areas" are all absolutely unallowable for me. Only you can decide what's important to you, but it's also important too that you don't settle for anything less. Don't waste any more of your time crying over the things he didn't acknowledge. It's only hurting you, not him.

2006-10-02 08:00:06 · answer #5 · answered by Laura Renee 6 · 0 0

Its so cruel isn't it? The mind of a sex-obsessed man is and always will be on how to get sex. Even if it means cheating on his gf. What you should do is do your best to forget him. I know hoa hard that is but you can do it if you try. Good luck with your life.

2006-10-02 16:14:45 · answer #6 · answered by Bellatrix/Jimmypants 2 · 0 0

I can't do or say anything that could possibly make you feel better or ease the pain your feeling. But i want you to know that although i dont know who you are or anything about you. I want you to know that i care and love you and that im here for you if you need me.

2006-10-02 07:55:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Unfortunately, that's just what they do! Time will take care of the pain and go out there again and find another. Maybe this time you'll find one of the rare ones that don't do that!

2006-10-02 07:44:29 · answer #8 · answered by Sweetie Poo 3 · 0 0

Beat the guy up hit him and forget about him scream at him and cry if you need to you will get over it believe me

2006-10-02 07:46:31 · answer #9 · answered by Majsen 2 · 0 0

Dump the zero and find a hero. He is a player and you need a stayer.

2006-10-02 07:44:59 · answer #10 · answered by super stud 4 · 0 0

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