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29 answers

Because there are those who take it to a violent extreme. The basics, as far as I try to practice them, are those of peace, tolerance and understanding. I don't want to force my beliefs on anyone who doesn't want to know them. But if someone is wanting to know what I believe, I'm more than happy to discuss it. If someones belief's differ from mine, that doesn't mean I hate that person, it means we think different and there's nothing wrong with that.

2006-10-02 07:40:25 · answer #1 · answered by Drewood 5 · 1 0

Religion has simply been a way for human civilizations to cope with death. Many people couldn't handle thinking their entire existance ends at death. Through the existance of an afterlife it was also a way for leaders to help keep control of their people. Notice how much emphisis is put on what happens after you die, it is something most people care about more than anything else. So if religious leaders say in order to have a good existance after death you must follow these rules. The problem came when civilizations began to meet each other. Two religions with different beliefs all trying to tell the other which is right. People want so badly to hold on to their beliefs they are willing to kill and die for them. Now there is no where in the World humans can't reach, meaning that every religion is exposed to others. They all try to convince the other they are right and violence becomes the result. I guess people feel that by accepting another religion they are also saying they don't believe truly in their own and that scares them into violence.

2006-10-02 07:44:52 · answer #2 · answered by Alex 3 · 0 0

It's not "religions" that cause so much hate and death in this world, at least not their basic teachings.

It's been foretold by Jesus himself. It does sadden me though that there are so many who claim the be "followers", but don't walk the walk.

That is not restricted to "Christians" by the way. Many "religions" teach as Jesus did, that compassion AND forgiveness toward ALL others is the straight and narrow path for us to follow. But He also said that few will follow it.

Could you immagine, if all Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Sihks, Hindus and others, who all have been given the teachings of compassion and forgiveness, would live up to that? There would be peace on earth!!

As someone else put it: Love IS the answer - whatever the question!

2006-10-02 07:53:21 · answer #3 · answered by fresch2 4 · 0 0

What about the Priest who died in Auschwitz? He asked to take the place of a sobbing prisoner who was condemned to die the most horrific death. He died proving humans can have great love even in the very worse of conditions.

What about the anti Nazi nun who did the same and died a cruel death in the place of someone else?

Martin Luther King? Ghandi? Mother Theresa? Come on there have been some fantastic religious people who have done fantastic and brave things!

We do not all shout 'God is great!' before blowing ourselves up!

2006-10-02 08:58:34 · answer #4 · answered by Nicola H 4 · 0 0

Religion never saved anybody. This is the problem that people have in understanding what religion is and what it is not. Religion is self-righteousness, the desire to get to God through human designs. It is man throwing a bated hook into the deep of the universe and hoping that God will bite. Religion is not salvation and it is not respect for God and his creation. Christianity is not religion. I really wish that all of you would understand this. Christianity is a one-on-one relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a walk in Christ. It is living life according to God's rules. It is surrendering personal rights and agendas in order to serve the kingdom of heaven. the reward for this is eternal life and riches beyond measure. God asks so little of us while we are here on earth, yet we demand more from him than we have a right to do so. Hew is our provider and he sustains our lives, but he is not our servant. It is we that serve him by serving our fellow human being. Religion does not serve God---it serves itself.

2006-10-02 07:48:03 · answer #5 · answered by Preacher 6 · 0 0


Joshua 24:15

2006-10-02 07:40:24 · answer #6 · answered by bolo1122 2 · 2 0

to 'save' a whole human race, i think that even the most powerful god would not choose to just click there fingers and everythings fine. What would be the point? they have created this universe and civilisation of people and is trying to help them better themselves spirituality, bit pointless to do it for them.
I think God wont save us exactly, that this must be a self journey, that we find this out by bitter experience, such as children do, and with all learning curves comes struggle and mistakes,
This is where we are now, on a learning curve

2006-10-02 08:28:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hate is caused by human and death is decided by Allah and the religion is true to save mankind that respect mankind

2006-10-02 07:47:11 · answer #8 · answered by sonybsg 1 · 0 0

Because religion is a strict mindset, and the religious stringently adhere to their own beliefs; thus conflict is inevitable. It's a bit like opposing football team supporters, but with each side believing in something they've never seen, or will never see.

2006-10-02 07:42:19 · answer #9 · answered by nert 4 · 0 0

It's not the religions that cause so much "hate and death" in the world it's the way the followers carry out their faith that does it.

If you look at pretty much any of the major religions you'll see that they teach peace and harmony even at the expense of dying to self for your fellow neighbor. ~God bless.

2006-10-02 07:41:25 · answer #10 · answered by Sudy Nim 3 · 0 0

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