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and build their own religious buildings and self segregate themselves and change the way we live in the UK - soon we will all be Muslim anyway so why bother fighting Muslims - its all crazy ain't it!

2006-10-02 07:33:50 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

20 answers

They shouldnt be alowed in most of them come here and either live of the state or take jobs that could be taken by English people

2006-10-02 07:50:14 · answer #1 · answered by alex k 1 · 0 2

Personally I won't be Muslim, but if you're going to pick a religion it's as good as any. Islam is supposed to be about peace. The UK way of life is multicultural anyway - has been for over a hundred years. When people say 'has the multicultural experiment failed' they tend to ignore how much of a mongrel race the British are - after all our language is half Latin, half Germanic! There will always be those who don't mix effectively and there will always be those who feel alienated. The solution? Don't let your fears get the better of you. That and don't read the Daily Mail.

2006-10-02 07:45:16 · answer #2 · answered by baddatum 2 · 1 0

I wonder what you were thought in school about religion and cast system's.I was thought to respect all my fellow classmate's for who they are as a person not what colour ,cast or religion back ground they come from.you don't dis like some one for the colour of the skin,the religion or cast they come from or if they are rich or poor.you dislike them because they have hurt you personaly and craped on you or stabbed you in the back or betrayed your trust.
you should be more open minded then live in a fools paradise.i see many british can only speak english and if you try talking in another language they are totaly lost,this is an insult you got to be able to speak more than just 1 language.you are so lucky to have other culture's coming to the united kingdom and trying to make a life and build a community.you don't just see the same thing day and nite around you,imagin not having a person walk in front of you looking different,it would be so boaring to look at the same thing all the time with nothing different.
i have no friends to call my friends here.and i am so lost i take everyone for what i see is what i get,i don't look down at them i don't like doing so.
where i come from i have friends from all race's in life and i'm lost here.
everyone here is so full of themselves and they are so scared when they see someone different then them.wonder what makes them different.it's just that they are a bit more educated and they have made loads of sacrifice's to get to the uk and make it a home.
soon we will all not be muslim's are we all so brain dead that we forgot what they did to the irish stop now and thinki what went on then is going on now,just that they have turned the table's over to the weaker set of people.
you are much smarter than this,you don't know when you are ill or a member of your family is ill and they need blood or some part of the body who is the doner it could be a muslim or hindu or jew or italian or french or german,never have you stoped to think about that,it comes from very poor countries and people have sold a kidney to let the family survive.
you never know what could knock you down when your walking down the road and you need a heart or blood it could be me i'm brown and i do know if you need blood i would give it without thinking twice,i would want to see you get well.
stop this muslim labeling stuff,put yourself in there shoes they remind me of the irish that's all i have to say in short
no one can build a bridge alone.there are load's ready to distroy the peace in the world but no one is ready to feed the sick and poor in africa,when you see new's its poor sadham not a word about africa,every second there are kid's dying in hunger.
war don't bring peace war distroys everything in its way back to the stone age.
all i am saying is give love and peace a chance.

2006-10-02 07:57:37 · answer #3 · answered by mariolla oneill 5 · 0 0

Sadly this situation developed further, and created the religious riots of 2011 after the tensions of almost ten years of battle with religious terrorists led to unrest in Britain.

Eventually the country became an "Atheist" state, though not in the same way as Albania, where religion was permitted in the private home but not in public places, and a programme of redesignation of churches, synagogues, mosques (which outnumbered the former two faiths) commenced in 2013.

2006-10-02 11:34:04 · answer #4 · answered by Time Traveller 2 · 0 0

The truth is, we don't go to war for the UK of life... we go to war for the right of others to keep their way of life...

In WW2 it was in response to the invasion of Poland, we fought for the right of Poles, French, Belgians, Dutch, Africans, Arabs, Jews, Orientals and just about every one else's rights to their sovereignty. Not one country did we liberate from the Germans, Italians or Japanese did we then colonise... we didn't rule Italy or Sicily, we didn't keep the Phillipines or Japan, and we gave Germany, France, Holland etc back to their own people.

We fought the Argentines when they invaded the Falklands, and allowed the islanders to decide whether to remain British or not.

We liberated Kuwait from Saddam.

Today in Iraq we have fought for the rights of Iraquis to live outside of oppression, and as soon as they are capable of looking after themselves, we will get our troops out and bid them a fond farewell.

We welcome foreigners to our native soil, and encourage them to live according to their culture and religious beliefs. We do encourage intergration, but we have never made it compulsory!

We embrace many things about foreign nationals in our country, there isn't a town in England without a successful foreign restaurant or "take away".

As for the other UK member states, the English are good natured about Scottish football fans cheering on our opponents, and celebrate New Years Eve with a salute to the Scottish, and honour the Scottish, although some Scots don't feel that way.

We admire the qualities of the Welsh, their contribution to our culture, music, folklore (especially with the Arthurian legends, many of which are from Cymru) and we don't know where we would be without our largest "ethnic" group the Irish... many of whom kept England going with a workforce during WW2.

These other parts of the UK believe the English don't appreciate or respect them, but most of us actually do.

2006-10-02 07:51:56 · answer #5 · answered by jezterfezter 3 · 1 1

You might be confusing the past with the present. We always used to go to war to protect our country and our way of life. Nowadays, the government has removed the borders, wants to hand us over to the EU and, because it is left wing, couldn't care less about the history and traditions of this country, hence, unchecked immigration. For all John Reid's strong words, the Human Rights Act will prevent him actually doing anything about it; and he knows it.

2006-10-02 09:04:34 · answer #6 · answered by Veritas 7 · 0 0

This is becoming a slightly contentious issue, I know. And for the information of anybody using 'the crusades' as a crux in a race related arguement should see below.
The crusades were initiated to keep marauding armies from attacking our holy land, as the ottoman (muslim) empire began expanding it's empire by force.

2006-10-03 00:00:33 · answer #7 · answered by michel t 2 · 0 0

What's crazy is the way some minds can conjure up things and present them back to thyself in a way that it can't be anything other than the truth, so therefore it must be so,.OH DAM, that's not crazy, that's delusional.
You will always have free will, Muslim is a religion. Are you planning to convert?

2006-10-02 07:52:47 · answer #8 · answered by Cinderella 4 · 1 0

And how many Muslims did we kill during the crusades because we somehow felt other cultures "less civilised" than ours, yet look what the Egyptians were building when we were barely crawling out of our caves.
We allow freedom of worship (or indeed freedom not to worship) because it is a basic right.
Thank you for giving me 2 points.

2006-10-02 07:44:52 · answer #9 · answered by little_jo_uk 4 · 1 0

the UK is like it is cause of **** people running the country lettin everyone 1 not just muslims u got polish and every 1 in the EU jumpin over here. plus we cant say anything about it cause the muslims will get upset and start to protest and use violence to try get it their way

2006-10-02 09:17:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Pog ma tHon...sounds like you have Irish roots. If so why can you not be more tolerant of 'foreiners' who have to live abroad. After all that is what we Irish have been forced to do for 150 years for econimic reasons. We can hardly criticise other 'foreigners' who now need to do exactly the same thing.

2006-10-02 09:27:31 · answer #11 · answered by blah de blah de blah... 3 · 0 0

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