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Is it safe to say that simply believing and having faith in GOD is the safest path to take?

2006-10-02 06:59:34 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

37 answers

Everyone has their own path to God, no one has the same exact path...
Almost all religions have the same basic principal...the "golden rule"

Mine says "Do what ye will but harm none" and by none it includes ones self.

2006-10-02 07:03:04 · answer #1 · answered by Moosha 3 · 1 0

You are very right. I am confident that believing and having faith in God is the safest path to take. I have the same believe, though I was born in a muslim family.

2006-10-02 07:04:50 · answer #2 · answered by jikg 3 · 0 0

There was a time when people said the world is flat. It did not change the fact the the world was round. So, despite what all the people in all the world think... it doesn't change the fact that: TRUTH does exsist. There is only one truth. Simply believing in God is not sufficent for me, I sought out to find the truth. I believe the truth does exsist in the for of a religion. Look around God is a God of order, his religion is set up to bring us much enlightenment. I personally think I have found the true church, I am LDS or mormon. You need to find out for yourself if the truth exsists. I believe religion, was set up to enlighten us on matters of the pre-exsistance and life after death. Our religion is a guide on this earth to bring about a peaceful and prosperous life. It also serves as a test to see if we can keep commandments and make promises to God and Jesus Christ. I even believe in a prophet alive today that guides is in the proper path tailored for this time. Why would God have prohpets of old and leave us high and dry now? He didn't, there is a living prophet today. Finding out which church is true is not something anyone can tell you though. You have to pray about it with the REAL intent to know; go to a quiet place, pray about help finding the true church. Try out many churches if you like. Pray a lot. You will find the true church if you really desire. When it's the right one you will know. Your heart will burn within you. And you will feel nothing but a quiet joy within.

2006-10-02 07:15:04 · answer #3 · answered by Justin 3 · 0 1

By following one religion,rather than jumbling oneself whether this religion is good or that.Adopt the religion closest to ur upbringing and culture.Yes,believing and having faith in God is the safest path,but then life is not just believing in God and one should know the path,destination and way to go there,which only Religion can tell u.Otherwise u'll be confused halfway,to believe or not to and whether ur path leads to ur faith and belief.

2006-10-02 07:04:38 · answer #4 · answered by aquarian 4 · 0 1

There was a question that some Christians use in bringing people to a decision of accepting the Christian way--"If God were to ask you why He should let you into His heaven, what would you say?"

I used to use this expression in a town that had recently opened a new baseball stadium. "The sign over a window says 'tickets' and another sign says 'starting at $x'."--and X is an awful lot, too much for anyone to pay. A bunch of people line up to get in. Some try to climb over the fence, some walk around looking for a hole in the fence. But there are some who are doing various things, like sweeping the sidewalks or picking up trash even though they are not employees of the stadium. Others are bringing things to barter for a ticket. But some may have no money but they hold a piece of paper that says the price of admission was paid for them already. The only ones getting in are the ones that have that written promise and they present it at the ticket window and get to go in. Everyone else is refused.

The thing is, what does the owner of the stadium want? What does he expect? Sure, there are lots of people saying there are lots of ways and lots of things to do. Some of them are true, some of them are not. Why not ask the owner? Pray about it. Sometimes God speaks to people. But if His voice is not heard, not not perceived (sometimes He talks and we aren't so good at listening) there comes a time when we have to take what we know and live with it--trusting Him to accept us as we honestly try to live for Him as we honestly know best. This is called faith. As one passage says, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him" (Hebrews 11:6).

2006-10-02 07:14:50 · answer #5 · answered by Rabbit 7 · 0 1

Wow, I"m putting myself in a scope with this answer, but here goes.

Religion in a path to salvation. Since we can't prove that any religion is or isn't based on real deities ( I said "prove" not believe, so put your guns and torches away) it's hard to say what's right with religion.

I would say, listen to them all, and go with the common theme. Most of your widely accepted faiths have two things in common.

1) First priority is always the deity in question.

2) Try real hard to get along with the rest of the world.

Every thing past that is ritual.
But, since you're question has a " christian " spin on it, I would say ask for forgiveness, and just follow the 10 commandments. If you screw up, ask for forgiveness again, and try real hard not to mess up. That's all god wants, not much else.

best wishes.

2006-10-02 07:07:53 · answer #6 · answered by Odindmar 5 · 1 1

It is not, Buddhism admits this. We are not the one true path to enlightenment, we are just one way to get there...

“One country, one ideology, one system is not sufficient. It is helpful to have a variety of different approaches. We can then make a joint effort to solve the problems of the whole of humankind”
- The Dalai Lama -

“I have come to the conclusion that whether or not a person is a religious believer does not matter. Far more important is that they be a good human being”
- The Dalai Lama -

2006-10-02 07:03:12 · answer #7 · answered by Shinkirou Hasukage 6 · 0 0

The bible says at Gen 1:27 that we are made in his image. We have standards. So does God. We also know that there is only one truth. For example even if all the people in the world said the sky was yellow it would not make it true. The sky is blue. This reasoning is consistent with what is taught in the bible that God does not accept all religions. Matthew 7:21-23 shows that not all people who claim to serve God are acceptable to him. The bible also shows that God is not partial. Acts 10:34,35 shows that in all nations God accepts anybodies worship providing they do His will. Clearly the bible shows that its not our choice how to worship God, it is God's. But if we have a honest heart and truly desire to know the truth about God and what His purpose for the earth is, then He will see to it that we will find the truth.

2006-10-02 07:16:10 · answer #8 · answered by NDK 2 · 1 1

Personally I find Jesus to be the true Son of God. I feel this is the right religion. Either way I try to live by the ten commandments. Those commandments can lead to a better way of life no matter what your religion.

2006-10-02 07:05:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The Bible is the inspired word of God. If you want to believe and have faith in God you need to study God's word to find out what is acceptable to Him. There are lots of religions out there but questions need to be asked about who they serve. Do they serve the people, the religious leaders or do they serve God? If they aren't serving God then they are just another social club. The true relgion is out there and you will find it if you are willing to look.

2006-10-02 07:07:45 · answer #10 · answered by Lynn K 5 · 0 1

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