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I always see creationists (including myself) posting questions in order to prove evolution wrong? Are there any evolutionists out there who "can" ask a serious question to us creationists? If there is, please submit them and give us creationists a chance of showing you the truth!

Anyway, I guess I should ask a question. If evolution does happen, such as in the case that man and monkey have the same common ancestor, how then do you determine what is right or wrong? Evolutionary teaching leads one to believe that there are no moral standards, what then is the purpose of life if you do not believe in God?

And please, for all the christians: don't claim you believe in God and in evolution, because that isn't biblical

Please, no sarcastic answers, that would only prove my point that evolutionist truly are monkeys!

2006-10-02 05:50:18 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

actually, am i allowed to ask more than one question?? also, please answer my questions in your additional notes, as they are quite serious.

1. how do you explain the NESTED HIERARCHY that can be seen in organisms?

notice how i'm not asking "how do you explain the similarities (homologues). i realize that you can say that they all had a common designer. you can show a human's arm, a horse's leg, a bat's wing, and a whale's flipper, and demonstrate that they are similar designs which have been altered in order to grab, run, fly, and swim respectively. but,,,, mammals are not the only animal, y'know. just look at the arm of an octopus, or the leg of a lizard, or the wing of a dragonfly, or the fin of a shark. why do the mammal limbs not more closely resemble their non-mammallian counterparts?? ---- i believe in common ancestory, not just because of the similarities found through out organisms, but also because of the DISsimilarities and how they are arranged in a nested pattern (i.e. all mammals are more similar to one another than any of them are to birds, yet all mammals and birds are more similar to each other than any of them are to fish., etc.)

2. why do dolphins have jointed fingers in their flippers? their flippers can't bend or grab. they don't even need sparated finger bones, let alone for them to be jointed. so why do they have them?

3. why do all marsupials live only in australia or the americas?? did noah put them here, but neglect to leave any in africa, europe, or asia??

that's all i have for now. if i think up some more, i'll come back. in the mean time, you might want to check out the question i did about evolution a couple months ago. you made the claim that no evolutionists ever ask questions, well go read that.

now,,, as for the whole "right and wrong" issue,,,,, obviously purpose is a thing that exists. for example, when someone makes a car, they make it for an intended purpose. many of the things we do are for the sake of purpose., so purpose exists. --- but the question here is, does the universe have any purpose? and the answer is no. so what? does that mean we should all kill ourselves?? well you can if you want, but i happen to enjoy life a lot and am going to do everything in my power to stay alive for as long as i can. --- even if we were all made miserable by the idea that the universe was not created with a purpose in mind, that still wouldn't make the idea of it false. --- when are you guys gonna learn?? what you WANT to be true,,, has nothing to do with science.

i agree with you though about people who try to compromise evolution and the bible. those people who think they believe in both, actually believe in neither. they believe in a completely different type of god than you do, and in a completely different type of evolution than i do.

2006-10-02 06:49:01 · answer #1 · answered by tobykeogh 3 · 2 0

Please, no sarcastic answers, that would only prove my point that evolutionist truly are monkeys! Do ytou truly deserve a valid, non-sarcastic response when posting drivel like this??

Regardless, I shall still provide an answer. Evolution does not have anything to do with morals. Morals are man made ideals. Where do we get them from? Well, I get mine from within. Its really simple....I know how I like to be treated, and I would suppose that the best way to ensure I am treated the way I want to be would be to treat others in the same fashion - kind of like living by example....

How about you? You need to look inside a 2000 year old book to learn that you should steal from others? What a shame.... How does the act of God Creating the universe have anything to do with morals???????

And for the record - I do not ask questions about Creationism because I know it is not a valid scientific theory on origins of the universe. Why should I question something I already know about and find to be ridiculous?

2006-10-02 05:57:03 · answer #2 · answered by YDoncha_Blowme 6 · 0 0

Most "evolutionists" don't really care about creation as a serious competitor. I have asked a question or two of creationists in the past, though.

Your question about morality is fundamentally misguided, I think. First, even assuming God is the source of morality, God may exist whether or not evolution is true. Second, I've never seen a sensible justification for the idea that God is the "source" of morality.

Here's a question back: if God said "random rape and murder is moral and good", would that make random rape and murder moral and good?

If God is the *source* of morality, then the only possible answer would be "yes, that would be moral and good". To me, that's nonsense.

To me it's a more sensible theological notion that God commands what he does because *it is moral*, not that his commands are moral because they come from God.

2006-10-02 07:54:24 · answer #3 · answered by Zhimbo 4 · 0 0

How do you get the evolution means there are no moral standards?
I am an atheist and I have plenty of morals. I believe I have more morals than most Christians out there. 14 years of marriage and my 8 year old twins. Yes, I was married for 6years before I had
children. Wait, that cant be true, I have no morals! I go to work everyday and come home every evening. I help my kids with their homework. I eat dinner, sometimes with my family, and sometimes not. We all sleep at night, just fine. Just like you. Sounds like an ordinary life to me. Not immoral. Not unhappy I live like most people in the world. No matter what they believe or don't believe. I live my life , just like you, one day at a time.

You come on here ask an isulting question and dont want sarchastic responses?
Well you ask a stupid question what you will get is stupid answers. Most of the time. There sre those of us who answer these questions with what we believe and yet we get kicked for our beliefs. And you dont except us to kick back? You expect us to sit and take it just because you think that what you believe is the truth? Amazing ignorance

2006-10-02 05:59:42 · answer #4 · answered by wilchy 4 · 3 0

We don't ask questions about creationism because we understand it for what it is. It's obvious to us that there is no validity to it's claims and therefore don't view it as a threat whereas you need to prove to yourself that evolution can't be right because you don't want it to be true. If you were truly secure in your beliefs you wouldn't be going around trying to prove to everyone that you are right... which you clearly are not.

Evolution has NOTHING to do with morality... learn this well. Morality has it's basis in causality. Moral action is being aware of consequences and tailoring your actions so that consequences are minimized and the greater good is maximized... god need not be present for this. As for a purpose to life... ultimately, our purpose is to keep the species alive and keep the process of evolution moving. Making babies... that's what you're here for. Now, with that said, since we have a relatively high mental function and can contemplate abstract existential concepts we worry about a purpose... this is part of where the god fantasy comes in handy... it's part of your minds inability to cope with reality. There is a higher purpose to life.. though it isn't prescribed by anything other than ourselves. Life is what you make of it. If you need god to give your life meaning... that's a very sad statement on your part.

2006-10-02 06:08:05 · answer #5 · answered by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6 · 1 0

I don't ask questions because I've come to understand that most creationists have no clue what evolution is really about. How can you argue with someone who hasn't bothered to research the subject and has their head buried very deep in the sand? If you really wanted to know about evolution, there's plenty of info readily available. Until you look at it, any arguement I make in favor of evolution will be ignored by you, in favor of your "ultimate book of truth." It's pointless.

You are a scary person. If you think you can't distinguish right and wrong unless you believe in god, then please.....you just keep right on believing in god. I in no way want to take away what is apparently the only source of your morals.

Thank you, have a nice day.

2006-10-02 05:59:59 · answer #6 · answered by ♥Mira♥ 5 · 4 0

Evolutionists have no problems defending anything. Creationists ask all the questions because they realise they are the ones who need to desperately bolster their beliefs. The evidence supporting evolution is so overwhelming it is self evidently true. If you want a question answer this-why can't human beings synthesise vitamin c? Why did God give humans and primates such a unique design flaw within all of the species of animals in the world. You even ATTEMPT to answer that and I'll eat my hat you bullshitter.

2006-10-02 05:54:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Theistic Evolutionist, btw there's no such factor as an Evolutionist. Evolution is a validated Scientific idea, as such it's not an -ism. I do feel the Pope in addition recounted the truth in evolution. I do feel in a higher being, i'm a Catholic. But I do comprehend that evolution is a truth.

2016-08-29 09:12:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are no moral standards except those which we ourselves create. Why do you think there has to be such standards? Why do you think there has to be a purpose to life? A person should live their life by their own terms and find whatever meaning there is in their own way. There are no universal truths or constants so stop looking, I know I felt better once I realized this.

2006-10-02 05:57:24 · answer #9 · answered by boukenger 4 · 1 0

How is "purpose of life" connected to the question of Evolution? Evolution merely deals with selection: it says nothing of philosophical inquiries into the supernatural.

Questions of "right and wrong" are more properly served in the Philosophy section of Q & A.

2006-10-02 05:52:31 · answer #10 · answered by Blackacre 7 · 1 0

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