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Many Americans tend to hate, demean, or at best look down on my fellow Latin Americans in the US, thinking that all of them are "Mexican ILLEGALS".........without a clear knowledge of these people's criminal backgrounds?

In short...why is it that if you see a Pancho or a José wearing a hat and riding in the back of a truck....you automatically think he is an ILLEGAL ALIEN??

Americans are ALWAYS welcome to visit Mexico. Your criminal background goes unquestioned here in Mexico, even though THOUSANDS of Americans have shown a tendency to:

Vandalize our fine resorts and centuries-old colonial towns, puke our beautiful beaches, jeopardize Mexican's lives by drunk-driving, hire prostitutes, purchase and buy drugs, disregard the most basic decency norms as they love to go around naked in public, and a wide range of misdemeanors.

You bring dollars to Mexico? That's the reason we accept you? Well...

2006-10-02 05:50:03 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

Illegal aliens ALSO serve a purpose in the USA, just as tourists serve a purpose in Mexico. Otherwise absolutely ALL ILLEGALS would be UNEMPLOYED and going back to their places of origin, wouldn't they??

But MOST ILLEGALS WORK, don't they?

Ever heard of symbiotic societies? Think about it.

2006-10-02 05:52:03 · update #1

Ignorants don't like to read. And my question is very clearly put together. It just takes reading it.

2006-10-02 06:04:31 · update #2

21 answers

It is true that Americans are racist with regard to people of different races and ethnicities. For example, African descendants were seen as property from the late 1700s to the U.S. Civil War. The Chinese Exclusion Acts were passed and renewed due to the fear of white men losing their jobs to chinese men. The Gentleman's agreement with Japan was done for a similar reason as well. During WWII, many Japanese people (and some Chinese and Korean people) were sent to American camps where housing conditions were poor and those people lost their businesses and many valuables. The list of things that Americans have implied about non-Americans can go on and on.
Now as for the reasons that many (but not all) Americans see all Mexicans as illegal, they are: propaganda, the things that little children are taught by their racist parents, an ethnocentric point of view towards non-Americans, and a lack of knowledge about immigrants. It is true that Americans do possibly worse things in Mexico than the other way around. For example, the problem with illegal drugs isn't that they are being produced, but that the Americans highly demand their supply and are willing to pay a lot of dollars for some of it. However, some of the things that Mexicans do in America are not considerate either. For example, in the NYC subways, it isn't rare to see a Mexican woman with a large and non-retractable baby carriage inside the train in rush hour-- and worst of all, in many cases, they ram them on your heels as a way of telling you that they want to get out. There was also a case when I saw a mother breastfeeding her baby inside the subway. Now I'm not a racist person at all, but you can imagine what everybody else on the train was thinking when they saw that. Also, when people see a mexican mother with more than 3 children, they begin to wonder how she manages to support them. Then they come to the conclusion that they are illegal, and that they support themselves through welfare money even though not all illegal Mexicans that come to this country to live here pay any federal and state taxes. Of course, I can see the flaws in that argument because I know the legal system inside and out, but other people might see it as a flawless argument and start feeling that all of their tax money is being misused by the government and they get all bitter towards Mexicans and Ecuadorians. Until Americans become more tolerant and educated about how hard an immigrant's life is when they come here, they will continue to be prejudice bigots and racists.

2006-10-02 06:41:56 · answer #1 · answered by Tony Walls 3 · 0 3

If an American citizen is working in Mexico, you can bet he/she are there legally.. Before he/she can even get a job in Mexico they would have had to write a letter to the Mexican government explaining why they should be hired instead of a Mexican citizen.If that person is a tourist ,bust them if they break the laws.Because there are 12million+ illegals in the US one has to wonder if they are here legally or not. Its funny though, Americans visit Mexico and spend money , which helps the economy. Last year Mexicans in the US sent $20Billion back to Mexico, Didn't help our economy.

2006-10-02 06:08:39 · answer #2 · answered by bereal1 6 · 1 0

Illegal aliens serve a purpose in USA society...they allow employers to disregard employment law and not hire Americans for jobs. As for the vandalizing, puking, prostituting, etc...you really think illegals aren't doing that daily here? Get real! The difference is Americans aren't stealing Mexican jobs and they do go home after a day or week.

Symbiosis is not an accurate depiction of the relationship here; it is parasitism.

2006-10-02 06:06:49 · answer #3 · answered by kingstubborn 6 · 2 0

They just feel uneasy around us. Its understandable. I have certain groups of people that I feel uncomfortable around also. It sure as hell doesn't make any friends, but sometimes people are too shallow to overcome stereotypical viewpoints. I'll even admit sometimes I am like this too.

You are absolutely right about the last three paragraphs you said(about Mexico tourism).
As for the illegal aliens, they should be deported. Anyone not wanting to go to a country through legal means doesn't need to bother coming in and overpopulating the US.

2006-10-02 06:22:14 · answer #4 · answered by summexicandude06 3 · 1 0

Wait, people in mexico never puke, drive drunk, hire prostitutes, or buy drugs? Not even one of them?
American people could probably say the same thing. People who come from 3rd world don't know what is acceptable in America and vice versa. People are a product of their environment. One difference is that Americans don't stay there illegally to try to make a life while burdening tax payers, flying American flags, and refusing to learn spanish.
Be grateful they visit because Mexico would be even worse without the Americans money.

2006-10-02 06:28:01 · answer #5 · answered by asdfjkl; 5 · 3 1

Your right in some of your views. I will admit that. I have a problem with illegal people sneaking in on the borders of El Paso, Texas or California. They can sign up for medical and food stamps and that's wrong. America treats us like we are the illegal aliens here..., and they don't treat us in the same fashion. It takes us months to get on food stamps and the like. Most of the time the people get disheartened as they attempt to try to get what they need and being turned down. They also take our jobs. Contractors pay them under the table , so to speak. I see it all the time. They can't get a social security number so they have to lie. I don't know how, but they end up getting our freedom taken away from us, the Americans. That is what's wrong...,not the LEGAL aliens.

2006-10-02 06:16:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I agree. While I dont ahve any problems with latinos in the US and do not assume they are illegal, I bet many people do. I have noticed that many think my husband is illegal, for example, because he is dark-skinned and does not speak English perfectly yet, when he is a permanent resident. I think alot of people forget about residency as an option, they think you are either a US citizen or an illegal, when the truth is that you may live the rest of your life in the US and never be a citizen, it doesnt make you illegal! I think the idea of "assimilation" is a stupid one, who wants everyone to be the same? Not me. Also I have seen people acting a fool in Mexican resorts, like the drunk white guys in our trip to Cancun, we went as a group of like 30 people, and they got drunk on the bus before they even reached the hotel and were yelling bad words in spanish out the bus windows. They didnt know any Spanish except the bad words. I know they are not the only ones, and I want to apologize for them (even though I dont really know them) but they make me (as an American) look bad! As do the easy girls that sleep with all the Mexican men on the beach because they think "what happens in Cancun stays in Cancun"

2006-10-02 06:49:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

if we was going to live in Mexico we would do it the legal way. and if it was not for the american doller, mexico would not let us in. and maybe were just tired of the ILLEGAL criminals being here. the whole world hates us. but there dieing to come in illegally. and the majority of illegals are coming from mexico. we're closer to that country, so there fore it's easier to get here.

2006-10-02 05:58:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I didn't feel very welcomed there. You do know that many Mexican businesses charge higher prices to white US citizens, don't you? So they use us here and there, and incorrectly assume we are all rich enough to afford it. How do I know that I was being overcharged? My fuming Mexican husband told me! We were there to get his US citizenship legally! So now do you get it that racism has nothing to do with being against illegal immigration?

2006-10-02 06:04:14 · answer #9 · answered by DJ 6 · 1 0

You forgot to mention the criminals in the U.S. that always take a Run for the Border whenever they commit ha-nus crimes. Do we categorize ALL Americans are murderers that come to live to Mexico? I didn't think so either. By the way didn't the so call "Dog the Bounty Hunter" killed someone in Mexico?

2006-10-02 06:26:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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