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i take at that all of you believe that all modern people (whether they be white, black, asian, etc) all descended from adam and eve, right? so how exactly did they become all of the different races?

do you believe that they micro-evolved? if so, then do you really think that much variation is possible in only 6,000 years?

or do you believe that god just transformed them suddenly after the fall of the tower of babel? if so, then does this mean that a middle-eastern parent would all of a sudden have an eskimo or east indian baby? or would the transformation have taken a few generations?

or do you believe that certain races did NOT descend from adam and eve? if so, then that's a pretty bold assertion.

or do you believe that the bible is metaphorical, in that adam and eve weren't real?, or that maybe they lived over 100,000 years ago, which would more plausibly allow for such variation?

please check my additional notes after responding if you'd like a back and forth debate.

2006-10-02 05:39:08 · 19 answers · asked by tobykeogh 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


when did the tower of babel fall?? like 4,200 years ago?? -- do you really think this is enough time for people to microevolve into separate races?? --- hell,, is it even enough time to WALK to the different continents??? how to the native americans even get to north and south america? --- keep in mind, according to the chinese calendar, this is the year 4703. so how is this possible if the earliest they could've gotten there was 4,200 years ago????

or,,, do you believe that god just sort of zapped people into new races, and that middle eastern parents just started having babies of different colours, depending on where they lived?

OR do you believe that god just went ahead and changed the colours of the parents, and then the babies just followed suit???

2006-10-02 07:20:30 · update #1


the above question is for you guys as well.



don't be an idiot. of course there are different races. to deny that is the true racism. when you say there's only one race, you take away all of the beauty and uniqueness that different peoples around the world have.

2006-10-02 07:26:25 · update #2



ok,, so essentially you're saying that not all people descend from adam and eve. like i said before though, this is a bold assertion. there are certain implications that one must address, such as, does this mean that races other than the middle eastern race (i presume this would be the race of adam and eve) are less human than middle easterners? what exactly does it mean that some people are "god's chosen people" but others are not????


2006-10-02 08:02:56 · update #3


so what if there's more variation within a group than between the averages of the group?? all that means is that there's been a lot of admixture between races, and that our ideas what constitutes "groups" should be reevaluated. (for example, referring to an "african race" is pretty silly seeing as how an ethiopian is more closely related to a swede than the ethiopian is to a botswanan.) and so you know, Y-chromosomal adam is believed to have live at least 60,000 years ago. so that should be enough to dispell your notion that either noah or one of noah's descendants is this man, but you're also faced with explaing HOW variation can occur so fast. and keep in mind, we have records of a lot of these races from further back than 3,000 years. that would leave little more than 1,200 years (or according to your numbers, 2,000 years) for all of the variation to occur.

2006-10-02 08:03:17 · update #4

19 answers

There is no reason to believe that Adam and Eve were created without the necessary genetic information within their DNA to produce the various "races" found in human society.

These differences quickly became more pronounced after the language barriers were created that caused humans to divide up into isolated groups with others who spoke their language, as recorded in the 11th chapter of Genesis.

2006-10-02 05:44:49 · answer #1 · answered by Abdijah 7 · 1 0

Hope this helps, something about Adam and Eve

That's a very interesting question. However, the Bible says that Adam was the first man (1 Corinthians 15:45). Eve was called the Mother of all living (Genesis 3:20). The Bible makes it very clear that because of Adam, all die (1 Corinthians 15:22), and in Christ, all can have life (1 Corinthians 15:22). Therefore, if other people are alive that did not descend from Adam, they cannot be saved. Christ came to redeem all who have died in Adam. Some people feel that there had to have been others living around the time of Adam and Eve because of a "problem" with whom Cain would have married. Cain was Adam and Eve’s son. The Bible explains how Cain killed his brother, Abel, and was banished for what he had done.
The Bible says Cain went to the land of Nod, and knew his wife. Some people feel that this means Cain met his wife in Nod. So the question is, if Adam and Even had Cain and Abel, and Cain killed Abel, who did Cain marry? It appears that the question is answered by suggesting that other people unrelated to Adam and Eve were alive at the time, however, if we learn to stick with God's Word, and not man's fallible word, we will never be let down. Genesis 5:4 explains how Adam lived 800 years and had sons and daughters!
How many kids could two people have in 800 years! So Cain would have more than likely married a sister of his. This would take us into a whole new question of "Is it right for them to marry brothers and sisters". The laws forbidding it weren't given until over 2000 years later. Secondly, they wouldn't experience any of the genetic problems we have today with close-relational breeding. This is an entirely different question, so I'll leave it at that!

2006-10-02 05:58:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I will start by stating that I am a christian. I have heard many reason as to why we have different races. The most popular seems to be the idea that Noah's children were blessed or cursed by their actions when Noah was drunk. But even through this they only come up with white, black, Jew. there are many more colors than that. You mentioned that some races did not descend from Adam and Eve, so this is what i will talk about. If you look in Gen. 1:27-28 you will see that god created man and woman at the same time not separately. In Gen. 2:7 god makes Adam and in 2:21-25 god makes Eve. Most Christians say that chapter 2 is just more detail referring to chap. 1 , but look real close. Gen. 1:23 mentions the 5th day and verse 31 mentions the 6th day, so the first group of men and women were created on the 6th day. gen. 2:2 God rests then a little later he makes adam in 2:7. this shows that there were people before Adam and Eve.

No to further show that there were other people look at gen 4:8-16, this is when Cain kills his brother and is thrown out of Eden. look at verses 14-15 where it states that anyone finding Cain would slay him. Cain knew there were other people out there. Now if we step out of the Bible and look at other sacred writings such as the '1 book of Adam and Eve' in chapter 74:6 we see that Cain married his sister Luluwa and together they went to the land on Nod. Adam and Eve only had 5 kids and the Bible mentions adam, Eve, and Seth. The 1 book of Adam and Eve mentions luluwa in 74:6 and Aklia in 75:11. Seth married Aklia. There are other books also that verify this fact such as the Book of Jasher. Unfortunately in the late 1800's the Apocrypha books were removed from most Bibles. Many other books are referred to in the Bible that never made it in but they were always referred to as scripture by the early Christians and they are quoted many times throughout the Bible. Church goers never even heard of these books nor do they believe that they were part of the Bible. I have many antique Bibles that I use to show people that all bibles including the KJV had 80 books in them. So my assumption is that there may have been other races created before Adam and Eve, Maybe more came about at the Tower of Babel and more after the flood.

The flood is the key point since all people died at that point, other than Noahs family, so prior to that it doesn't really matter how many races there were since they all died. I believe in the creation theory but I also believe in evolution under Gods control. So as people moved into areas with greater or lesser heat i believe that in time they evolved and their skin tone and structure changed to adapt to the area they lived in thus creating a new race.

2006-10-02 05:59:26 · answer #3 · answered by pontiuspilatewsm 5 · 0 1

All races now on earth decended from Noah. The variations were over 5000 years. The bible is to be literally interpreted.

In a brief commentary article on human Y chromosome studies, renowned evolutionist John Maynard Smith shows that ‘the Y chromosome data agree with those on mitochondria1 in showing that most variation is present within racial groups’.2 By this he means there is more variation within an individual group than between the average of any two groups. This of course means that there is a substantial overlap between the human races, a fact far more consistent with a recent origin for such races than with the idea of great ages of separate development.

2006-10-02 05:51:48 · answer #4 · answered by Jay Z 6 · 0 1

The Tower of bable, and as for Macro Evolution:


(Karl Popper's definition of the scientific method )

1. OBSERVATION -steps of evolution have never been observed (Stebbins )

In the fossil recordwe view our data as so bad that we never see the very process we profess to study.(Gould )

2. EXPERIMENTATION -The processes would exceed the lifetime of any

human experimenter (Dobzhansky )

3. REPRODUCTION impossible to reproduce in the laboratory. (Dobshansky )

4. FALSIFICATION -cannot be refuted thus outside empirical science. (Ehrlich )


1. ORIGINS -the chance of life originating from inorganic chemical elements by natural means is beyond the realm of possibility (Hoyle )

2. DEVELOPMENT -to produce a new organism from an existing life-form requires alterations in the genetic material which are lethal to the organism (Maddox )

3. STASIS -enzymes in the cell nucleus repair errors in the DNA (Barton )

4. GEOLOGIC COLUMN -out-of-place artifacts have been found in earth's sedimentary layers which disrupt the supposed evolutionary order (Corliss )

5. DESIGN -irreducible complexity within the structure of the cell requires design (Denton, Behe ).

(DNA REPAIR: The genome is reproduced very faithfully and there are enzymes

which repair the DNA, where errors have been made or when the DNA is

damaged. - D.H.R. Barton, Professor of Chemistry, Texas A&M University,

Nobel Prize for Chemistry )

(CHANGE WITHIN GENETIC BOUNDARIES: Microevolution does not lead beyond the confines of the species, and the typical products of microevolution,

the geographic races, are not incipient species. There is no such category as

incipient species. Richard B. Goldschmidt )


in a complex, specific, functioning system wrecks that system. And living things

are the most complex functioning systems in the universe.Science has now

quantitated that a genetic mutation of as little as 1 billionth (0.0000001%) of an

animal's genome is relentlessly fatal.The genetic difference between human and

his nearest relative, the chimpanzee, is at least 1.6% Calculated out that is a

gap of at least 48 million nucleotide differences that must be bridged by random

changes. And a random change of only 3 nucleotides is fatal to an animal.

2006-10-02 05:52:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

In reality, we are all descendants of Noah and his sons and their wives.

"When by Divine command to go forth through the earth, the separation took place, the people led by the three sons of Noah, began a new progress in life, as three distinct peoples, of entirely different interests, aims and ends. Shem remained in Asia; Ham went to Africa, and Japheth journeyed to Europe, permanently and forever severing their connexion with each other, henceforth becoming different peoples and divided as though they never had been united. And then the different Races of the Human Family had just begun. At this time, also, we reckon the commencement of the period of municipal law."

2006-10-02 05:54:33 · answer #6 · answered by Pearly Gator 3 · 0 1

Try this on:
When God created all this universe and our world, He also created many different people.
God had a special place on this planet and so created a special person to take care of that place, Adam
Then God created a companion for Adam, Eve.
Thus Adam and Eve were 'chosen' to take care of God's special place on this planet.

Why does the Holy Bible mention only Adam and Eve as the first humans?
Because it is a record of Gods 'chosen' people, the ones chosen to take care of what we know as 'The garden of Eden'. The scripters were not interested in the history of any other people, just their own ancestors.

In Genesis 4, after Cain kills Abel he is banished and settles in another country and marries someone. Who? It has to be a woman from one of God's _other_ human creations.

"16 So Cain left the LORD's presence and settled in the land of Nod,[f] east of Eden.

17 Then Cain's wife became pregnant and gave birth to a son, and they named him Enoch. When Cain founded a city, he named it Enoch after his son."

I can continue this line of reasoning, if you wish.

Additional Info:
No 'race' is inferior, all were created in the same manner.
Yes, one 'race' (the decendents of Adam and Eve/Noah) are indeed God's chosen people. As I said, chosen to take care of His special place. It would then follow that some are chosen and some are not chosen.
Now comes the relief for that problem, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. Through God's only _begotten_ son, all humans (Jew and Gentile alike) are among the chosen people. One has only to accept that and follow the instructions given.

The flood: Research shows that many of not all 'races' on this planet have a legend or a universal flood along with attendant rescue of certain members. This seems to reinforce the idea that God did create many folks and that the Holy Bible as we have it is concerned with only a single people.

2006-10-02 05:51:16 · answer #7 · answered by credo quia est absurdum 7 · 0 2

My mother recalls her father's knowledge in this, and it is how I used to be taught. My grandpa served a project to Japan earlier than WWII. They even had a baby whilst there, then got here again to the USA (he additionally served as a translator at one factor while a dignitary came over.) My mother used to be born within the US, and throughout WWII she wore a kimono to institution to speak approximately that tradition... no longer a well thought. The children made a laugh of her and the whole lot. She ran residence and fell and skinned her knee, ran residence crying... her dad took her and held her and stated "Do you recognize what a Japanese baby says once they scratch their knee? They name for his or her mommy, similar to you. Do you recognize what colour their blood is? Red, similar to you. They consider the identical as you do, and similar to you they get harm. We're all of the identical, we simply appear one-of-a-kind. Some individuals are mad correct now and believe it is all approximately how they appear, however I cherished them and they've a lovely civilization. We can not hate the Japanese simply when you consider that we are at struggle with them." So I grew up being informed that. With my children, they are informed the identical factor very nearly, with us displaying admire toward different cultures and appreciating them. I do not faux that there is no change... children can not be raised colour-blind. But that how anyone appears can not influence how we deal with them. As a ways as your household, like I stated I'd factor out that a few individuals are mad at them when you consider that of the way in which they appear, however that is no longer our household, and depart it at that.

2016-08-29 09:12:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is just toooo long a question !!!!!

I personally believe that as we moved away from Babel to different regions of the World we gradually changed depending on the Climate where we eventually settled. This is how we get different Races of Man, I believe.

2006-10-02 05:46:20 · answer #9 · answered by Minister 4 · 1 1

There is only ONE RACE- The HUMAN Race, which is made up of many ETHNIC groups!

John 21:11 speaks of John drawing 153 kinds of fish from the Sea of Galilee.

I have heard it said the 153 speaks of the different ethnic groups in the world.

2006-10-02 05:58:06 · answer #10 · answered by Linn E 3 · 0 1

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