Muslims that 'assume' we are lacking in modesty and self-respect just because we don't cover our bodies from head to toe. I wear decent respectable clothing, and it's really stupid to assume those of us who do so and live in the evil, evil "West" are whores and tramps based on our attire. This judgement is often passed because we wear simple jeans, capris, or short sleeves! WTF. I live in Texas and it's HOT. What am I supposed to do? Wear a burka? Then, if you offend the Muslims, your questions get removed or they get pissy and send you nasty grams to your inbox.
You all want respect? GIVE IT. I am trying to understand Islam, but when they have such a fine track record (as a total religion) of female treatment, I really think they need to at ease with mocking other females who don't beleive as they do. Oh, but the moment a post questions hijab or calls it curtains, it's blasphemy and it's the Y!A Muslim UN to the rescue.
25 answers
asked by
Goddess of Nuts PBUH
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality;_ylt=Anvd1Ew7lIklQ7OC7.WfQR7zy6IX?qid=20061002090734AAZ0srv
05:41:22 ·
update #1
Steve b...Good for them. I am perfectly happy being a citizen of the US and I'd enjoy not being called a whore because I wear tee shirts and jeans and khaki pants. Last time I checked, whores get paid for sex. I do not. Please don't generalize and expect to get respect in turn.
06:42:45 ·
update #2
But you have to wonder what knowledge do they really have of the west. The only knowldege we have on what life is really like over there is what CNN and Fox News tells us, and is that really reliable? The only things they see are from our TV and movies. They're not seeing us wearing short sleeves to work, they're seeing the most degrading images possible (think rap videos or porn) as part of the propoganda that is shoved down their throats. Then they use that as justification as to why the women should be covered, so that they don't turn as morrally loose as American women. It pisses me off, no doubt, and it is not justification for beating, raping, and killing women. But flip through the TV tonight, look for the worst most degrading images, knowing that's all they're seeing, and tell me I'm wrong.
2006-10-02 05:48:21
answer #1
answered by Allison L 6
Uhm..well I am not really qualified to answer this question, but I will answer it just for the sake of making things a little more clear.
I am sorry to hear that you were offended in such a rude way, I know it must be awful for you or anyone else to be told they are "Bad" or indecent just because of what or what they don't wear.
Please understand this, a real Muslims should never judge by looks only. There are Muslim ladies and girls that do not cover up or wear a burka also, and no body is forcing them because at the end of the day it is their own personal choice.
Yes, I do wear a scarf but that does not mean that my friends have to wear it also. I have friends that cover up and some that wear like any other western lady, from tank tops to bikinis. And they are Muslims, Hindus, Christian. But I do not judge them on their cloths or their religion.
And again I am apologizing on behalf of whoever offended you because this is not the way of Islam or Muslims, Islam has high respect to woman so please don't get the wrong pictures.
Some people call themselves' Muslims by name only, and do shameless things in the name of "God" and "Religion" which is not right and is a disgrace to all Muslims.
And if you ever wish to visit the middle east, do visit the UAE (United Arab Emirates) you will be amazed how we have mosques and churches and even Hindu temples and multicultural nationalties and religions all living in peace.
2006-10-02 06:02:54
answer #2
answered by ilga6wah 3
For essentially the most facet, they deny that folks who dedicate the crimes are being well Muslims. In a lot the identical means that almost all Christians are horrified via the Westboro Baptists and do not consider they're well Christians, such a lot Muslims abhor Islamist violence and do not consider they're well Muslims. They don't seem to be pronouncing that individuals who name themselves Muslims do not dedicate violent acts, they're pronouncing that real Muslims do not, and all of it comes down for your interpretation of Islam and its books. Would you deny that Christians hate America and protest the funerals of American infantrymen? Because in the event you could, then you're the identical because the Muslims you point out on your put up.
2016-08-29 09:12:38
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You need to understand 2 things. First they only know what they see on TV. TV shows like Springer give them a wrong impression, Last week my Egyptian husband said that he thinks that all of America is like Desperate housewives. He asked me if this is true. They see shows like this and think they represent real life in America. The second thing is that they think like they would think in their countries.In their country a woman that is running around in a short skirt and a sleeveless top she is probably a prostitute. In Egypt at the Mohammed Ali mosque some school boy started talking about me and he asked my husband how much I charged cause I was wearing a long dress but had short sleeves. After my husband threatened him and told him we were married he apologized. Later I saw a prostitute and she wasn't dressed much differently than I was. Her skirt was shorter but she was a tall blond (Russian) like I am. Try talking to these people, smiling at them and see if you get a different reaction. But at the same time remember they are the ones who get the looks here because they are covered, they feel like the outsiders and since 9/11 many of them have been harassed and picked on. They are in a strange country and even though they have nothing to do with terrorism they are still called that because of the actions of a few people of the same religion. Think how you would feel in these circumstances.
2006-10-02 07:12:09
answer #4
answered by brendagho 4
I say be comfortable in your own skin, regardless of color or race, or gender. If that includes a certain type of dress code for religious beliefs then do what you believe and do not stress about what someone else does. If they do not have to be you 24/7 then they do not know anything about you or your lifestyle, therefore, they need to learn to tolerate or just plain shut up if they can't find anything positive to say about you. No one should have to apologize for their skin tone or religion or what they do inside their own homes in private where no one else has to see. Way too many people trying to fix everyone else's lives while their won are not even on the right track.
2006-10-02 05:50:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
All dressing modestly means in Islam is wearing loose fitting clothing and covering up your chest/hair area. That does not mean face has to be covered.
Now, as a Muslim male, I don't call anyone a whore or think of anyone as a whore, for that would be mean and unfair. Each person's dress is their own personal preference -- I mean you have your own religion, who am I to judge you on it.
But you see, there is a problem, as one of the girls said in her post, that Christian women should dress modestly. But then she said it "depends" on your perception of modesty. Now when you have a spectrum where all is accepted as long as you "feel" its modest, anything goes. You see what I mean? I mean, a girl who wears clothes you might think are skimpy might be "modest" for her. Or tight jeans that basically outline every single inch of the female figure may seem modest to one person, but skimpy to someone else. You see what I mean? Its all relative.
THAT IS WHY, in Islam, there are a set of rules for everything. Now, granted, there is flexibility in these rules and it depends a lot on personal preference and scholarly debate, BUT there are a set of rules set in place, regardless.
All that being said, ITS WRONG for people to judge western women who wear bad clothes as whores. However, that person probably will see you as immodest -- theres no way to prevent that. Remember, initial perception is based on the physical. Just like you think all Muslim women are oppressed based on their dress.
Last I checked, when someone asks questions on hijab, we answer it as best as possible, as kindly as possible. NOW WHEN you have someone asking in a hateful manner (just look in the religion section about all the virgin questions and genitals being removed and what not) . Honestly I dont even where they get all this stuff from. I dont know if they teach these things in church or if the missionaries feed this misinformation into Christians. I dont know. But I do my best to answer even ignorant questions. Will I report abuse.. YES I will report a hateful, ignorant question. Will I report a question on my religion, No of course not.
All that being said, No hate from me, just try to understand a complex issue. Peace!
2006-10-02 07:06:00
answer #6
answered by Ibrahim 3
Actually you would be much cooler in a burka, don't you think?You do not need to have any else on. No one can see inside of it anyway. So wear a burka, and be a cool, liberated woman.
All religions have their beliefs and it seems to me that we (US) think that we can pick and chose which beliefs to follow and then tell the entire world that they must do the same. Quite amusing coming from a nearly Godless country like ours. And I seriously doubt if any Muslim woman would ever use the term, "WTF."
And, by the way there are millions of Muslim women that are perfectly happy following the rules and laws of Islam.
2006-10-02 06:32:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think it's about time that everyone was more tolerant of others' beliefs, I am fed up to the back teeth with double standards.
I am Always considerate to other people's opinions and am sick to death of having my rights and beliefs as a white native of my country being put second to some who have just moved here by choice. I am not racist, I just want it to be fair, for ALL, including those who were born here.
2006-10-02 05:47:27
answer #8
answered by Lynn S 3
if ur not a Muslim wear what u want .. and he didn't meant u as a person he talk in general .. some west women get over the limit i found a lot of women avatar that she make her self as joke and show her body for all men here ..
moreover all religion ask the women to be decent .
peace :)
2006-10-02 05:55:28
answer #9
answered by Alone 4
I am not Muslim, but I have 6 good friends that are female and Muslim. They are mostly from Morocco, and they dress in regular American style clothing. Their husbands do so as well.
Don't generalize about all Muslims in that way. Many are very Westernized, as are my friends.
2006-10-02 05:51:30
answer #10
answered by ItsJustMe 7