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Do you suppose as I do that they left that faith due to their own experiences or disagreements? And why do they feel "called" to disrespect those who follow it?

2006-10-02 04:49:17 · 32 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

There's probably many different reasons.

1. They just like to be *****.
2. They have hidden agression against religions and/or lack of
3. They have hidden agression against the people of one religion and/or lack of
4. Self righteousness.

There's probably many many more

2006-10-02 04:53:07 · answer #1 · answered by Southpaw 7 · 9 1

I dint have a crusade against any one faith. Its all organized religions I am against. My beliefs are mine, no one elses. I bring my children up to believe what they want to believe. Not what I want them to think. Unlike most parents.
Organized religion today is totally out of control. Whether it be Christianity, Islam, or whatever. You cant turn on the news and not see some kind of story about religion and its shaping of the world.
I didn't "leave" my faith. I have always believed the was no kind of God or Gods. That's the way I was brought up. To make my own decisions, to believe what I wanted to believe. That the way I think it should be. Religion shouldn't be taught or pushed on people, especially children. It should be mentioned as a belief alongside all the other religions and with the choice that you dint have to believe in anything.
It shouldn't be pressured into minds that have no idea they have a choice

I dont disrespect anyones religion unless they disrespect my beliefs first. On YA its kind of hard to not disrespect some of these people though, some are just complete morons that just want to stir up trouble so they can have someone to bash later.

2006-10-02 05:08:10 · answer #2 · answered by wilchy 4 · 0 0

Yes, I agree, that when some (not all) leave a faith because of disagreements, they can become very hostile. Some people have made it their "religion" to do what you are saying, namely, to be on a "Crusade" against another religion.

Jesus had plenty of unflattering things to say about the chief priests and the Pharisees of his time because he was exposing their hypocricy. That was an important part of his work in directing people toward truth. But his primary message was one of hope in God's Kingdom and gave example after example of what that kingdom government will do on a grand scale when it is fully installed in the future, such as heal the sick, raise the dead, and so on. Good news to it's highest degree!

Any religion that just spews negativity and gives nothing positive to follow cannot be representing God. Sad isn't it, that sometimes people aren't content to just break off and go another direction. They foment hatred and go so far as to distort and even outright lie about what their former religion is about. This is apostacy in it's truest form.

2006-10-02 05:09:09 · answer #3 · answered by greg_airious 2 · 0 0

It is actually funny that you chose to use the word crusade, how many ppl have been tortured or put to death by crusaders of the christian faith. All because they can only see their religion as the right way and not leave others be. I do not crusade against you, but when you post things such as this it is kind of aggitating, i guess the way someone elses post obviously aggitated you into expressing yourself with this question. So answer your own question with exactly why you felt the need. =) have a nice day

2006-10-02 05:08:29 · answer #4 · answered by Ash 5 · 0 0

There are certain people who are against that faith because they once were one of them. These people most usually do have major disagreements with certain tenets of that faith and did suffer horribly under certain religious folk.

Still there are others who may just be bigoted and looking for some faith (that in their own view is evil, wicked etc.) to bash for obscure and obtuse reasons.

As to why they feel called to disrespect it may be because they have a loathing for whomever follows the faith that wronged them somehow, though this is just a generalization. I am sure there are many more varied reasons for why they cannot just move forward with their lives and attack the faith/belief that they consider "evil"

2006-10-02 04:57:47 · answer #5 · answered by betterdeadthansorry 5 · 3 0

I can speak only for myself, but, while I believe that the Deity calls everyone individually and in ways we cannot fathom, I find it very offensive when members of a religion try to force their views on others. Here are some of the issues I have with some Christians, explaining why I get into arguments here:

1. Abortion. I find it crazy to give a non-viable fetus more rights than a human being.

2. The death penalty. These people are, in fact, living, breathing humans. I don't want them ropaming about freely within society, but I think it is wrong to kill them.

3. Privacy. Nobody has a right to tell adults with whom they may have sexual relations. I have my own moral and follow them, but that is no anyone else's business.

4. Gay marraige. Who are we to tell another adult who he or she may commit their lives to? I don't feel that the CHURCHES need accept it if it goes against their doctrines, but they need to let the state do the right thing. there was a time when interracial marraige was outlawed, too. Marraige is not merely a religious issue, but a secular one as well, otherwise we would not allow atheists to marry either.

5. Education. Religious beliefs do not belong in the science classroom. Comparative religions, yes. Literature, maybe. Perhaps even in mythology simply because the ancients used to believe what we now call myths. But not in science.

6. Book banning. The free flow of information is a necessity for an intelligent and enlightened society. If parents do not like what their children are reeding, then they need to discuss it with their children. Parents have a far greater influence than any book ever will have.

7. Intolerance. Some Christians are always telling me I'm going to hell for my opinions. I simply don't believe that.

8. Gender inequality. paul was an idiot as far as I'm concerned.

So there is my breif synopsis of why I occasionally get obnoxious. But that said, everyone should believe as they wish.


2006-10-02 05:05:26 · answer #6 · answered by ZombieTrix 2012 6 · 0 1

Some people leave their faith because they do not want to have to have any restrictions on their life. They think they can be happy by being their own god and living by their own rules.

Unfortunately, being your own god and setting your own rules does not make you happy. They disrespect those who do have faith because that is where their "beliefs" have led them. When you are your own god, you do not feel the need to love others.

Also, they disrespect others with faith because they are so busy trying to justify their decision to leave their faith. To show respect for people who have faith would mean they would have to face the possibility that leaving a faith may not have been the right decision.

Pray for those who have left their faith. They no longer pray for themselves.

2006-10-02 05:04:41 · answer #7 · answered by Sldgman 7 · 1 0

Good question. Maybe some have been nearly killed in the name of a religion? I have. But, I don't crusade against Islam up here or IRL. In fact, I have tried to understand it, but I cannot. So, I just honor their choice and keep asking questions. I left Christianity to pursue my own spirituality, but I still beleive in Jesus, and he is my inspiration. I don't crusade against Christians, but I don't understand blindly following anything that is obscure either, and nor will I reccomend it.

I will crusade to end solicitation of religion by Jehova's Witnesses on the weekends though.

2006-10-02 04:56:44 · answer #8 · answered by Goddess of Nuts PBUH 4 · 4 0

It's very easy to be rude and obnoxious when you sit behind a computer. What's more difficult is being tolerant and accepting when sitting behind that same computer. Some people are just using this as a way to vent while remaining anonymous,where they can't be hurt by what others say.

Translation: They're cowardly little whiners who don't know any better and would steal money from a blind man. Just ignore them. They aren't worth being upset about and most people see through them anyway.

2006-10-02 04:59:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0


I mean no disrespect to you or any other Catholic that chooses to believe in what you believe.

What I am saddened about is the fact that your bible and your teachings do not match.

I own a Catholic bible, (given to me as a wedding gift by my mother in law) I have read it and I acknowledge that most Catholics do not read their own bibles.
But I wish you would. And when fleshly mans words do not match the bible, go with Gods word, not mans.

While I respect my mother in Law and many other members of my husbands family. It does hurt me that they believe that they have received salvation from a human being and not directly from God.

Here is a big one within the bible itself. In the Catholic bible in Exodus, the ten commandments are given in order from God. The command to not make graven images and to bow down to them remains intact even in the Catholic bible. Now go to the back of the bible and find the easy reference to the ten commandments. You will find that it is completely removed and that commandment 10 is split into two commands.
That is the type of thing that saddens me so much, that man would decide what is a command and ignore what God has said is a command.

2006-10-02 05:06:46 · answer #10 · answered by cindy 6 · 0 1

It's sad, the athiests on here are outnumbering the Christians about 10-1... And they all seem to have an opinion. Just keep up the faith.

2006-10-02 04:53:54 · answer #11 · answered by nsupanda82 3 · 3 1

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