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plz read it full and then answer this and plz serious answer only that what u think know

It is a common complaint among some non-Muslims that Islam would not have millions of adherents all over the world, if it had not been spread by the use of force. The following points will make it clear, that far from being spread by the sword, it was the inherent force of truth, reason and logic that was responsible for the rapid spread of Islam.

1. Islam means peace.

Islam comes from the root word ‘salaam’, which means peace. It also means submitting one’s will to Allah (swt). Thus Islam is a religion of peace, which is acquired by submitting one’s will to the will of the Supreme Creator, Allah (swt).
2. Sometimes force has to be used to maintain peace.
Each and every human being in this world is not in favour of maintaining peace and harmony. There are many, who would disrupt it for their own vested interests. Sometimes force has to be used to maintain peace

2006-10-02 04:16:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

It is precisely for this reason that we have the police who use force against criminals and anti-social elements to maintain peace in the country. Islam promotes peace. At the same time, Islam exhorts it followers to fight where there is oppression. The fight against oppression may, at times, require the use of force. In Islam force can only be used to promote peace and justice.

3. Opinion of historian De Lacy O’Leary.

The best reply to the misconception that Islam was spread by the sword is given by the noted historian De Lacy O’Leary in the book "Islam at the cross road" (Page 8):
"History makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myth that historians have ever repeated."

4. Muslims ruled Spain for 800 years.

2006-10-02 04:17:17 · update #1

Muslims ruled Spain for about 800 years. The Muslims in Spain never used the sword to force the people to convert. Later the Christian Crusaders came to Spain and wiped out the Muslims. There was not a single Muslim in Spain who could openly give the adhan, that is the call for prayers.

5. 14 million Arabs are Coptic Christians.
Muslims were the lords of Arabia for 1400 years. For a few years the British ruled, and for a few years the French ruled. Overall, the Muslims ruled Arabia for 1400 years. Yet today, there are 14 million Arabs who are Coptic Christians i.e. Christians since generations. If the Muslims had used the sword there would not have been a single Arab who would have remained a Christian.

6. More than 80% non-Muslims in India.

2006-10-02 04:17:43 · update #2

The Muslims ruled India for about a thousand years. If they wanted, they had the power of converting each and every non-Muslim of India to Islam. Today more than 80% of the population of India are non-Muslims. All these non-Muslim Indians are bearing witness today that Islam was not spread by the sword.

7. Indonesia and Malaysia.

Indonesia is a country that has the maximum number of Muslims in the world. The majority of people in Malaysia are Muslims. May one ask, "Which Muslim army went to Indonesia and Malaysia?"

8. East Coast of Africa.

Similarly, Islam has spread rapidly on the East Coast of Africa. One may again ask, if Islam was spread by the sword, "Which Muslim army went to the East Coast of Africa?"
9. Thomas Carlyle.

2006-10-02 04:18:17 · update #3

The famous historian, Thomas Carlyle, in his book "Heroes and Hero worship", refers to this misconception about the spread of Islam: "The sword indeed, but where will you get your sword? Every new opinion, at its starting is precisely in a minority of one. In one man’s head alone. There it dwells as yet. One man alone of the whole world believes it, there is one man against all men. That he takes a sword and try to propagate with that, will do little for him. You must get your sword! On the whole, a thing will propagate itself as it can."

10. No compulsion in religion.

With which sword was Islam spread? Even if Muslims had it they could not use it to spread Islam because the Qur’an says in the following verse:
Let there be no compulsion in religion:
Truth stands out clear from error"
[Al-Qur’an 2:256]

2006-10-02 04:18:39 · update #4

11. Sword of the Intellect.

It is the sword of intellect. The sword that conquers the hearts and minds of people. The Qur’an says in Surah Nahl, chapter 16 verse 125:

"Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord
with wisdom and beautiful preaching;
and argue with them in ways that are
best and most gracious."
[Al-Qur’an 16:125]

12. Increase in the world religions from 1934 to 1984.

An article in Reader’s Digest ‘Almanac’, year book 1986, gave the statistics of the increase of percentage of the major religions of the world in half a century from 1934 to 1984. This article also appeared in ‘The Plain Truth’ magazine. At the top was Islam, which increased by 235%, and Christianity had increased only by 47%. May one ask, which war took place in this century which converted millions of people to Islam?

2006-10-02 04:19:05 · update #5

13. Islam is the fastest growing religion in America and Europe.

Today the fastest growing religion in America is Islam. The fastest growing religion in Europe in Islam. Which sword is forcing people in the West to accept Islam in such large numbers?

14. Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson.

Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson rightly says, "People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs, fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has been dropped already, it fell the day MUHAMMED (pbuh) was born".

2006-10-02 04:19:22 · update #6

14 answers

No matter how much evidence we show them that disproves their theory (invented during the Crusades to gain more supporters), they just will not listen. It amazes me how people will accept a lie even when they know it is a lie.
Anyhow, I came across this excellent article written by Jewish journalist Uri Avnery on this very topic. Excellent read!

2006-10-02 05:20:53 · answer #1 · answered by hayaa_bi_taqwa 6 · 1 0

Let's see, you say to read it for yourself. I don't care what your little rant says, I went right after the source -- the Quran. Being that I can't read or write or speak arabic, I went to the local mosque to ask what, if any, of the english interpretations would be considered 'acceptable' for study. I was shown the three major english interpretations in a concordance book -- four columns, original arabic plus the three interpretations, all lined up so each sura and verse was next to each other. Obviously, the arabic column was pretty useless for me. I thanked my guide and went home to read it. The entire thing, cover to cover. Quite beautiful, even in translation, in some places. However, as far as the spread of Islam is concerned, I noticed that Muhammad seemed in more than one place to consider this to be the way to peace with non-believers:

1. Convert to Islam and we will accept you as one of Allah's faithful.
2. Pay the Jizya and we will promise not to kill or attack you, but don't expect us to exactly go out of our way to protect you -- we are Allah's chosen people, if you want our fellowship, join us, otherwise, we will go our way and you go yours. And if you're not a Jew or Christian, well, you don't even have this option, see options 1 and 3.
3. Die as an unsubmitting infidel.

To put it somewhat more bluntly:

1. Convert.
2. Pay jizya and be second class citizens.
3. Die.

This isn't peace, this is terror and subjugation. Muhammad often times speaks of making the world submit to Allah. If those are the only three options, then the only option in the modern world is outright war.

I agree that there are millions of faithful and peaceful Muslims the world over, and that it is a minority (if sizable minority) that are inflicting the terror and death attributed to islam.

According to the muslim's own holy book though, the peaceful are unworthy in Allah's eyes and the terrorists/martyrs are assured their place in heaven.

Read it for yourself. Seriously. Cover to cover. You'll find I'm right.

2006-10-02 11:27:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Actually, they limit it to a thousand characters so that it won't be too long on the page with the answering prompt.

Fireball, shut up. e.e Don't just throw in an obnoxious generic answer about the Trinity.

Now, as to the question... well, it honestly wasn't much of a question, but I applaud you for being as informative as you were. It's nice to spread a little truthfulness.

2006-10-02 11:25:29 · answer #3 · answered by fiveshiftone 4 · 2 1

Thank you for posting this. I only wish everyone could learn the truth about Islam. I notice that when fireball can't come up with a useful counter argument she just goes: "Well, I'm right and your wrong". Ugh, at least come up with a logically valid statement.

2006-10-02 11:41:18 · answer #4 · answered by Shinkirou Hasukage 6 · 2 0

Many people don't realize that Christianity was spread at the point of a sword also. I agree with all of your points but I know that sometimes prejudice and ignorance are easier than the truth. Keep trying my fellow Muslim. I respect you for that.

2006-10-02 11:25:26 · answer #5 · answered by brendagho 4 · 2 1

Looks like you have a SWORD PH0BIA
quoting Dubya "Sometimes force has to be
used to maintain Peace" serves you NOT

is only due to poor souls FLEEING the
Middle East, and PLANTS to TAKE OVER
THE PLACE , throw in a few Terrorists for
good measure....

YOUR QUOTE ; "Each and every human
being in this world is not in favour of maintaining
peace and harmony" (ABOVE) , gives you
away . (wbuu) ...

2006-10-02 11:34:05 · answer #6 · answered by Moonlite gambler 3 · 0 3

John 14:6 Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.

2006-10-02 11:26:55 · answer #7 · answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6 · 1 2

Again you bring up some convincing points... but you should once again focus your attention not just on us online folk but also to those miserable terrorists who'd in their blind stupidity accuse you of blasphemy... they need this message just as much if not more than we do....

2006-10-02 11:27:56 · answer #8 · answered by betterdeadthansorry 5 · 2 0

There is a reason why they limit ur question to 1000 characters. Lazy fuckaz like me won't read more than that

2006-10-02 11:19:20 · answer #9 · answered by POKI POKI 1 · 0 3

Right on, bro.

But I'm pretty sure you're gonna
get a few replies from racist scum.

Ah well.

2006-10-02 11:20:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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