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And if so, doesn't that allow you to be an absolutely horrible person with no regard for consequences? I know that the bible doesn't say anything even remotely close to this, but I have known some completely horrible people who seemed to abide by this philosophy--lied, stole, embezzled, participated in orgies( and bragged about them) cheated on their spouses, attempted suicide for attention, sexually harassed teenage girls--the list goes on. The worst part was that these people never missed church and showed no remorse for what they had done. Should these people feel they are forgiven? Prefer christians to answer this one--we know that the people I spoke of are hypocrites, so save that answer, please

2006-10-02 03:34:12 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

So many excellent answers! You people are restoring my faith in christians, but making choosing a best answer incredibly difficult.............I am so truly grateful!

2006-10-02 08:57:36 · update #1

38 answers

Forgivness depends on contrition and a commitment not to sin again. Jesus said, to those he forgave, 'go and sin no more'

Anyone who asks for forgivness who is serious about being sorry and wants to change will be forgiven but if those things are missing then it doesnt happen.

2006-10-02 03:43:56 · answer #1 · answered by cate 4 · 1 0

well yes there are hypocrites in the church, maybe they simply go to church but never actually gave their lives to Jesus, which is the moment Jesus starts to change us from the inside. When I became a Christian, after powerfully meeting with Jesus personally, the first thing I found I could no longer stand to do was flirting, which was something I used to be famous for and proud of. It simply didn't feel right any more. I also stopped drinking so much, again it just felt wrong, although that took a little longer! God will deal with our 'bad' attitudes and actions in time, if we are humble enough to admit them and allow Him to deal with them. Some people just can't admit their faults or submit them Jesus. We will all be judged on our actions here on earth one day.
As for whether or not they are forgiven, sadly this is between them and God. Only they know if they have truly repented of their sins, and god sees our hearts so you can be sure He knows too. They may be able to fool themselves and other people in their churches, but they can't hide anything from God.
Don't let the actions of these people blind you to the main point, which is that we can all be forgiven and know Jesus personally.

2006-10-02 05:53:56 · answer #2 · answered by good tree 6 · 0 0

This has to be one of the best questions ever on the this sight.
Forgiveness comes when we repent. Repentance is a latin word which means to turn around. It was used by the Roman's when they ordeded them to 'about turn'.
If i commit a sin lets say I steal, if I am to follow Christ then Not only to i ask for his forgiveness, I have to repent from the stealing. Completely turn awsay from that life altogether.
I understand that some people think that they can sin, sin, and sin some more and god will forgive them, but that just isn't what God requires of us. We have to live a life thaat is holy and pleasing to the Lord.
To anser your original question, Yes I've been forgiven everything. Not because I'm a good person, but because Christ died on the cross for me.

2006-10-02 07:28:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

These are the type of people that I truly haver to give over to God He knows who thay are and I do not think anyone would say that everyone they attend worship with is there because they are good people. Those are the people who are a Sunday service goer to cover them true selves up. By no means of anything Holy is that what Gos is about or being forgiven of our sins. That not to say that id these people truly change and repent they cannot be forgiven. But in the state they are in they give christians a bad name. That has gone on forever and we have to be better(not snobby) but better people to let the true light of Christ shine hrough.

2006-10-02 03:49:58 · answer #4 · answered by wolfy1 4 · 1 0

Okay, I know you wanted Christians to answer this, and I am pagan, but I did spend 34 years in a church of some kind and did try to live the life for 24 of those 34. 24 years I spent in one type of church while the other ten was roaming from Baptist, Pentecostal to others.

There is a trend now where some people go to church, preach to everyone how great they are and what good christians they are. They hide behind the forgiveness of Jesus. You are right they do feel they can do anything and we cannot say anything about them because they have been forgiven by Jesus.

I get down on Christians because of this, but I have to take myself back in time and remember all the really good people who I knew personally who went to church gave of themselves and their money to help others and lived very quiet lives,. These people were my inspiration and thanks for knowing them I knew what love was and gentleness. These people are the ones who never tell anyone they are Christians and never push their religion on others, but you know they are Christians because of how they live and treat people.

My goal now is to try and ignore the loud bragging ones and pat those on the back who are quiet and live good lives.

When I first became a Christian people would tell me they knew I was a Christian because of how I lived and reated people. I never told anyone I was, they just knew. This was because of the examples I had in the beginning.

Another trend I am seeing is a lot of people are leaving christianity and becoming pagan and it is now these pagans who live quiet lives and treat people good, but that is just my view of my little world in my circumstances.

2006-10-02 03:58:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

St Paul covered this one in Romans chapter 6. When people come to faith as Christians they die to sin. Baptism marks this fact. What this means is, that having been slaves to sin before, they now willingly agree to be slaves to righteousness, or goodness. This doesn't mean that they no longer sin, but it does mean that they make every effort to lead godly lives as ambassadors for Christ. If people continue in the way you describe, they have reverted to being slaves to sin again. They can only claim to be forgiven and cleansed from their sins if they truly repent of them before God. Becoming a Christian and receiving forgiveness is only the start of it. Christians must continue to follow Christ and do their very best to please Him by their behaviour. People like this are worse than non-believers, as they know how they should be living and deliberately reject God's word, meanwhile leading others astray, both within and without the church. I know people like that too, I'm afraid.

2006-10-02 03:44:32 · answer #6 · answered by Doethineb 7 · 1 0

Part of asking forgiveness is repenting. If they keep "sinning" thinking that they will just be forgiven over and over again. Then they do not understand what forgiveness is. I wonder why anyone would bother asking for forgivness if they know they will just go do the same bad things. It's as if they never asked for forgivness to begin with.
Forgiving sin does not give the sinner a free pass to go on sinning.

2006-10-02 03:43:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you truly repent then you are forgiven. But, to truly repent means to completly turn away from that behavior. I've met some "christians" that go to what I call a feel good church.. They go because they think that as long as they go and give the money the preacher asks for that they will be ok. It is not about a real relationship with God. They are doing it for themselves.

2006-10-02 03:38:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I mean, you've answered YOUR OWN question. They are hypocrites. Romans 6:1 says "what shall we say then? shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid". Some people think that because we're under grace that all sins are forgiven that gives them a license to sin. That's a lie. A true Christian, has Christ living in them and they don't desire to sin. Can we sin, yes. Will we sin? Yes, but sin SHOULD NOT be our master. There shouldn't be sin and especially the same sin in our lives on a regular basis. Vs. 12 of the same book says "Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that you should obey it in the lust thereof"....These people you're speaking of are not Christians. A tree is known by the fruit it bears.

2006-10-02 03:39:18 · answer #9 · answered by Gail R 4 · 2 0

There are many things that people will do and claim to follow Jesus Christ. So lets examine it. Jesus taught you must love God and your neighbor, Matthew 22:37. So then do you know any religions that claim to be christian but in fact condone war or violence? Jesus also said that his followers would be "no part of this world" ,John 17:16. Do you know any religions that claim to be christian yet get involved in the worlds politics? Jesus also taught his followers to highlight God's kingdom as the hope for mankind and no human government in their preaching, Matthew 28:18-20. Do you know of any religions that preach from door to door about God's kingdom? Look carefully at the religions of the world and its followers, and judge for yourself if they practice what Jesus Christ taught. If the behavior of these ones seems unacceptable to us with our imperfect standards then how much more so will it seem that way to God Matthew 7:21-23. Only by heartfelt repentance and a complete turn around of their behavior to come in line with his standards will God forgive them. Acts 3:19

2006-10-02 04:00:30 · answer #10 · answered by NDK 2 · 1 0

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