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Everyone has some interests outside of work, don't they?

2006-10-02 03:15:59 · 50 answers · asked by Grinner5000 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

50 answers

Jesus played the game "OPERATION" with his apostles. Each would take turns with the heart, and shin bone, but everyone would jump and laugh when the buzzer went off while trying to get the bread loaf out, ,,, that was the hardest!


2006-10-02 03:30:24 · answer #1 · answered by Manatee 5 · 2 0

Think real hard. This is the 21st century, you are talking 2000 years ago. People worked from sunup to sundown to just survive. There was little "work" as is known today, everyone had chores and tasks to carry out to either barter for food or to raise their own food. They were lucky to have a meal each day. Maybe the wealthy that had servants or slaves had time for hobbies but for the most part, people just survived.
You can consider the same circumstances for the starving millions just surviving in countries like Bangladesh, I doubt there are a lot of hobbies there.

Most people today don't realize how good they have it, and lament how bad off they are.

2006-10-02 03:22:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

What is a hobby?

An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.

Maybe carpentry was his occupation, I guess he got paid for it?
Maybe reading and teaching the scriptures (Torah) and teaching people about God was what he did for pleasure and it just took over his life?
To which I could add, a little sailing at the weekends (on the sea of Galilee) , some fish cookery; for sure he liked eating with friends. Visiting and healing the sick. Playing with children.

2006-10-02 03:41:31 · answer #3 · answered by cate 4 · 0 0

He was very sociable and was frequently invited to dinner by all sorts of people. He also attended at least one wedding, His first miracle being at a wedding banquet. He enjoyed debate and learned discussion. He went sailing and also is on record as having held a barbecue (on the beach after the resurrection, when He had grilled fish all ready to serve to the disciples. All this is in the Gospels.

2006-10-02 03:24:35 · answer #4 · answered by Doethineb 7 · 0 0

Ol' Jesus he did love Y! Answers. He'd spend hours just answering questions on almost every subject (although he tended to avoid the hotbed that is Religion and Spirituality, he got enough of that cr*p at work). He was pretty good too, level six with ne'er a violation against him.

2006-10-02 03:23:50 · answer #5 · answered by sarcasticquotemarks 5 · 0 0

chemistry (turning water into wine)
waking the dead
political speeches to the masses
hanging around with whores
singing (Always Look on the Bright Side of Life) - whoops, sorry, that was Brian wasn't it :-)
Donkey riding

2006-10-02 03:27:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Anyone who could turn water into wine was probably a piss head.
He water skied, without the ski's.
He was fun at picnics as he could make a small amount go a long way.
And an extremely good escapologist, especially burial chambers.
Best of all he was 'Leader of the gang'.

2006-10-03 06:38:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To preach the word of his God, and to cause healing, in His Name, to groom his disciples into a life of piety. Hobbies as we understand from the word do not decorate the holy Prophets... only their Message does.

2006-10-02 04:10:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If the man could turn water into wine, then surely it's gonna be piss-ups every night with him and his buddies? A couple of flagons then it was off down to Mary M's, a strip joint on the far side of town...

2006-10-02 03:20:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hang gliding. That's what the cross really was, only after 2 thousand years the fabric has rotted away leaving only the frame.

2006-10-03 08:21:05 · answer #10 · answered by intelligent_observer 3 · 0 0

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