It had didn't have to know anything...its all about cell division. Some frogs and other animals can actually change sex to adapt to thier environments, so humans over the course of human history probably did the same thing. They develop ways to multiply..and as millions and millions of years of evolution have taken place its gotten more and more complex...from starting as single cell organisms to more complex organisms such as what we are today.
2006-10-02 03:00:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Life did not "know" to make male and female, by such a statement you show your extreme ignorance of how evolution works. Sexes evolved by natural selection simply because sexual reproduction has an evolutionary advantage over asexual reproduction for most organisms (resistance to deleterious mutation load and more rapid adaptation in a rapidly changing environment, especially to acquire resistance to parasites - Barton and Charlesworth 1998; Davies et al. 1999; Sá Martins 2000).
There are many intermediate stages between being sexual and asexual. A gradual origin, with each step favored by natural selection, is possible (Kondrashov 1997). The earliest steps involve single-celled organisms exchanging genetic information; they need not be distinct sexes. Males and females would evolve together.
2006-10-02 09:53:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Please read some biology books, because by asking these questions you demonstrate that you are lacking a remedial nderstanding of basic biology.. If you did this you would know that sex evolved relatively recently, Sometime in the last two billion years. We don't know what happened absolutely because we were not there to observe it, but One idea consistent with the evidence is the following:
Some time between 2000 million and 700 million years ago, bacteria entered into an uneasy truce with larger cells. These cells were the precursors of complex eukaryotic cells, that eventually evolved into today's multicellular animals and plants.
The bacteria wound up losing around 90 per cent of their genes to the host nucleus and became mitochondria - the energy-generating components of complex cells. But modern mitochondria are so intimately involved in sexual reproduction that one scientist thinks they may even have been responsible for the evolution of sex itself.
Chris Bazinet, at St John's University in New York believes that early mitochondria were mischievous. They could have colonised new hosts by bursting out and jumping to nearby cells.
Paradoxically, this might have benefited the host cell if the mitochondria took genes from the nucleus with them. Sharing genes can be a big plus because it allows a cell to adapt to new environments or threats.
This in turn could have led to the process of gene donation and acceptance becoming formalised and controlled by the host's genome. "Donators" were proto-males and "acceptors" proto-females
2006-10-02 10:00:56
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There is no proof of evolution. That is why there is a "missing link".
Even Darwin dicounted his theory of evolution later on in life.
All life was created by God and that is written in the Bible.
None of the sciences can prove evolution. Not Biology, anthropology, thermodynamics, mathematics or paleontology.
All life will produce like life. Not one case of spontaneous or accidental generation has ever been observed.
In every species the number of chromosones in a cell is exactly the same.
Each cell in a housefly has 12 chromosones
Each cell in a lily has 24 chromosones.
Each cell in an ox has 38 chromosones
Each cell in a human has 46 chromosones
The only exception is those species which produce by sexual attraction, in these the chromosones of the reproductive cell are halved.
In Man the sperm has 23 chromosones in its cells and in woman the ova has 23 chromosones in each cell. When brought together they make 46 chromosones.
A noted anthropologist says that "Missing links are misrepresentations.
"Nebraska Man: tooth used to construct him was found to be that of an extinct pig.
Java Ape Man: bones turned out be from an extinct elephant
Piltdown Man: Bones turned out to be from an ape.
God's creation started the world, not sludge from the sea
2006-10-02 10:15:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Life did not know how to make male or female reproduction. To know something means you have to have recognition and reason. Then there would have to be a will to direct oneself to develop that way and no one can will themselves to change their biological makeup into something else. An underlying current in evolution is that animals can will themselves to change despite whatever DNA they have. The TV nature programs are often saying something ridiculous like" the first hominids wanting to reach up and gather food off of trees started to walk upright".
And we're supposed to accept that as science? I'm not an evoutionist but had to say something, sorry.
2006-10-03 05:12:15
answer #5
answered by Ernesto 4
Wow, you don't give up do you? I think I may have said this before, but again you seem to be trashing any answer that does not agree with your own. You already have a pre-conceived outcome to your questions, and anything that does not match this outcome must naturally be wrong.
Just for the record, if you are so sure of your beliefs, why do feel the need to constantly seek proof of evolution?
2006-10-02 10:01:52
answer #6
answered by Tish P 6
It didn't. It started as non-sex single celled organisms which simply divided to "reproduce". After a while, things changed and this idea of making it harder to reproduce (to keep from overpopulating) split the sexes. If you're looking for an evolution answer, then it all happened in tiny little steps.
2006-10-02 09:56:25
answer #7
answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7
Actually evolution doesn't necessarily deal with that-direct your question to the biology board.
P.S. With regard to the above post by Abdul abulbul, it is necessary to note the difference between evolution and the theory of evolution which deals only with the biological mechanism whereby it occurs. Even if you disprove Darwin, and no one has yet, you're still no nearer to proving that evolution is not factual.
2006-10-02 09:55:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Developing a belief is one thing. Swallowing a belief is another. By asking a question as basic as this, you show your stupidity.
Obviously you have had the creationist views fed to you, which you swallowed. Do some research and learn.
And next time, maybe you'll come armed to a gunfight.
2006-10-02 10:01:25
answer #9
answered by Know-it-all 4
The biggest problem with "evolution" is that it is "treated" as fact. To some, evolution is a logical step as to how we came to be, while others believe in "creative" design as being more logical.
They are both theories and neither one can be proved. There is no proof that evolution is true and no proof that creative design is true. Both are thought processes to where individuals can come to there own conclusion and therefore they should both be taught along with other scientific "how we came to be" theories.
2006-10-02 10:08:36
answer #10
answered by Michele 2