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We saw what happened on September 11. How do we know which God believers are peaceful.

As an atheist I feel threatened.

Help! They believe a God is telling them to go kill me! Help.

Think I'm singleing out Muslims, no no no,

check this religious text out,



2006-10-02 02:28:41 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

Maybe if you believed in someone higher than yourself (some sort of god) you wouldn't be in the mess you're in.

2006-10-02 02:30:27 · answer #1 · answered by Mary Smith 6 · 2 1

Jehovah God would not tell people to blow up buildings or go around killing people. Since Jesus came to the earth, recorded in the new testament, God is not telling people to do those things. The Muslims apparently have a different set of rules, as they serve a different god.

2006-10-02 02:56:09 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Speaking for myself only, I am not a threat to national security. I served 20 years in the Army, and I still work for the Department of the Army as a civilian. And yes, I am a Christian. How does that make me a threat?

2006-10-02 02:32:34 · answer #3 · answered by Char 7 · 2 0

There is a vast difference between what the founder of a religion intended and what the members (and supposed members) actually do. For example; according to the Bible (Christian), one of the things Jesus taught in his surmon on the mount [Matthew 5:22] was, "That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca (an insult or slur) , shall be in danger of the council; but whosoever shall say, Thou fool (like telling someone to 'go to hell'), shall be in danger of hell fire." Now I know that there are quite a few
Black folks who are fine, upstanding Christians here in the U.S. and around the world. Now then, how does the KKK, an extremist christian group (i use the lower case "c" for Chistian intentionally) rationalize lynchings and organized intimidation and violence against black people? Well, thats easy. They say that the blacks are not their 'brothers'. Hence the KKK would consider them enemies. Well, now we smash head long into
[Matt 5:43-48] which says to love your enemies. Then of course there is "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Hmmm. Seems like the KKK then is just making it up as they go along instead of actually doing what Jesus said to do. So then, we can discern what a religious groups "Threat" might be based on their actions. Who they refer to as their 'god' then becomes irrelevent. [Math 7:21] "Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."

So then, True Christians, followers of Jesus, can be recognized by what They Do rather than who they Say they follow. Therefore, I would rule them out as a threat to national security.

Although I am rather ignorant of the Muslim faith it would seem to me that a similar situation may be taking place with Islamic groups. Certain extremist groups have risen up and began to preach death and destruction similar to that of the KKK. Was that the intention of Mohammad? Is that the Will of Allah? Perhaps then, what they say is the will of Allah, and what the will of Allah Actually Is could be two vastly different concepts. Although I am not Muslim I can safely say that I will discern whatever threat may be posed to our national security by what they do and Not by the name they give to God.

2006-10-02 03:59:59 · answer #4 · answered by TheNewCreationist 5 · 0 0

I know what you mean. You would think they would be all peace and things like that. Not true. More murdering has been done in the name of God than for any other reason on earth. It makes it easier for them to say that God commands me than to say I wanted to because I wanted to. Christians are just as bad. Eliminate the competing religion. Stop and think, religions are not God created they are man-made and man control ed. They rely on books that men wrote and are uninterpreted by other men. Where is the God in that?

2006-10-02 02:35:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No way of telling the good believers from the bad, I guess I'll just have to have Faith :-).
Profiling might work, I'm just not sure, they are a devious lot.
I keep a watchful eye, but I don't know what they are planning in their Churches, temples and synagogues.

2006-10-02 02:55:57 · answer #6 · answered by coonrapper 4 · 0 0

there are extremists in every religion as you so poignantly prove by your constant policing of everyone's beliefs...what do you care what others believe as long as their don't threaten you and you're a fool and a bigot if you lump and generalize all believers of any religion into one biased view...if you feel threatened then you're paranoid and an idiot and much more disturbing is you consider yourself an expert on religion and you are the only one who knows the 'right' way...that is an extremist and you are without a doubt a member of the 'religion gestapo'.

2006-10-02 02:33:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

As long as i have God in my life and put him first and he forgives me for my sins and i am saved they can believe whatever they want and blow me up because I know when i die I'll go to heaven. I know it's a lot better there than here anyway but that's my opinion.

2006-10-02 02:35:14 · answer #8 · answered by Curious J. 5 · 0 0

Timothy McVeigh and Eric Robert Rudolph believed in God and they were a threat.

2006-10-02 02:44:51 · answer #9 · answered by bullybrian2000 3 · 0 1

Without God I'd be afraid in this world too. If folks are killing people you can be assure God didn't direct them to kill. God is love.

2006-10-02 02:35:04 · answer #10 · answered by Catie 4 · 0 0

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