The key word is "APPEARS" to be designed. Of course we know the reason is natural selection. Louis Pasteur no more disproved abiogenesis than the Wright Brothers proved man cannot land on the moon.
No body claims any of this happened at random. That is just a dishonest creationist strawman. Natural Selection and selection processes in general are anything but random. Unfortunately you have been conned into believing these dishonest creationist straw-men is what science claims. It isn't.
Instead of copying and pasting lies ( and they are lies ) from creationist websites, I suggest you go to biology books and read the conclusions of real biologists about these subjects.
2006-10-02 02:03:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Undoubtedly you are correct. However, no matter how improbable something is - given an "x" number of events over an infentissimal amount of time that event will occur. Therefore, your arguement based upon probability is flawed.
One other point to make. I'll use your Boeing 747 example to show how your idea can be used against you. Even more amazing than a Tornado - Apes evolved into people and mined ore from the ground, learned to process fossil fuels, developed computer technology, discovered flight and put all of these processes together and created the Boeing 747. That is just as amazing as a Tornado sweeping through a junkyard - actually, it is more so, as the components had to be created and weren't just lying around.
I think the best way to profess your faith isn't by combatting evolution - but rather accepting that God was the author of life, and He did it (against much greater odds than you calculated for random life to begin) regardless of the probability.
I like your point, but if I were an athiest, or a hard-core evolutionist, you wouldn't have convinced me. The arguement wasn't strong enough.
2006-10-02 01:55:02
answer #2
answered by Forgiven 3
Appearance of design does not indicate design, it is there that you are making an assumption. And I'm pretty sure that since you are reaching so far for evidence (speculation rather) to disprove evolution you expect that "god did it." Intelligence is a complex thing, life, systems... everything that exists is infinitely complex. If these complex appearances of design indicate that they MUST have a designer just think of how complex god must be. If there is a god and he is as perfect as everyone says he is he must be an incredibly complex being... so who or what is responsible for designing/creating him? And so on, and so on, and so on...
Hopefully you realize saying "god always existed" is a cop out. Laws of conservation tell us that it is possible for all of the matter and energy in the universe to have always existed. Which are you more able to grasp? That some intelligent being or force existed forever and is able to conjur up matter from nothingness? Or that something we can see, smell, touch, and taste on a daily basis has always existed in one form or another? Along the same note, where is the evidence of this god?
As for your statistics... Given infinite space and infinite time anything with any probability of happening will occur. one in 10 to the 40,000th power is nothing given infinite time, and millions or even billions of planets for it to happen on.
2006-10-02 02:08:02
answer #3
answered by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6
Life appears to be designed because our mind look for order.
The human mind is powerful enough to bring order to most
environments it inhabits. So to look at the natural world it gives the appearance of design but that design is natures design.
Evolution began in millennium not during human history which is
for most records about 50,000 years according to archaeology.
The suitability of the earth to our human existence is only a
short geological time a million or so years. The idea that because
the world appears ordered means there is proof of design is misinterpreting the sciences of geology,archaeology,sociology,
but agreeing with ideas which are in literature consider fables or myths.
The point that the earth can show design is more to do with the
interplay of the natural forces on the planet and the evolution of all species amongst this play.
2006-10-02 02:23:02
answer #4
answered by alfred jarry jnr 2
See the problem with man is that he has some of the powers that god himself has. That is thinking, reasoning, creation etc. but denial is in the fact that its given and or aquired and not self proclaimed which is in the case of god.
Man is supposed to be on the top of the living things table so he wants some way or the other to stay there. If God is brought into picture man is nothing but a creation from clay, and being a man how can he accept such a thing.
I believe all these theories about evolution etc are just a way of keeping that position of man intact.
2006-10-02 02:03:55
answer #5
answered by Monk Mst 3
There is some truth to your claims. It does not seem likely that many aspects of life would "evolve" at random. I believe intelligent design may have a place in scientific knowledge. However, I approach this answer from a philosophic viewpoint. If something created life, then how was that thing itself created? If we make the claim some intellegence created life as we know it - how did that intellegence arise? For it couldn't have been created due to random chance (as your argument states.) Well, then it must have either been designed itself or the thing that created life as we know it always was. If it always was... perhaps life itself always was? This removes the need for intelligent design and a designer. Life as we know it could have always existed somewhere in space and floated down to earth as the first bacteria. Therefore while I'm arguing against evolution, I'm not necessarily for intelligent design, I'm really just (pun unintended) playing Devil's Advocate.
2006-10-02 02:01:38
answer #6
answered by boris 5
Those statistics are very deceiving. They are trying to find the probability for a single thing, which isn't an accurate way of doing things. Its like this: imagine you have 30 quarters. You randomly flip them over and record their heads or tails, and the order at which this happens. You could then calculate the odds of that specific order happening, and it would be very small. In fact, you have the same small odds of any other order happening. But when you do it, at least one order has to happen. So in other words, there is a very small chance of any one order happening, but a very large chance of at least one happening.
It's sort of a confusing part of statistics, but you have to examine that math to really understand statistics.
2006-10-02 04:32:26
answer #7
answered by Take it from Toby 7
If you're REALLY interested in understanding the facts about evolution, the article below from debunks the fifteen most-often-used arguments of Creationists:
Also, something to keep in mind for the "microevolution happens, but macroevolution doesn't" crowd: the scientific classification of organisms into kingdoms, phyla, classes, orders, families, genera, and species is a COMPLETELY MAN-MADE STRUCTURE -- there ARE no absolute criteria for categorizing organisms. Life is a continuum, and neither you nor anybody else gets to say "this sort of evolution is fundamentally different from that sort of evolution."
"Theory" is the latticework of ideas that we develop the observable facts we find in nature. In this way, the Theory of Evolution IS "just a theory"; but the evolving of organisms that we see, both in the fossil records and in the world around us, is also a FACT.
2006-10-02 01:53:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Explanations are not needed when observations are witnessed. For example, can you explain why Hydrogen is? No you probably can not. It does not mean it does not exist.
Louis Pasteur did disprove spontaneous generation of life.. Do you know what spontaneous generation of life is?? It is creation!!
"Classical notions of abiogenesis, now more precisely known as spontaneous generation, held that complex, living organisms are generated by decaying organic substances, e.g. that mice spontaneously appear in stored grain or maggots spontaneously appear in meat."
2006-10-02 02:33:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
. Evidence from design is very hard for evolutionists to refute....those who try usually make fools of them have to be almost senile not to see it.
But there is plenty more evidence against the 'Cambrian explosion'; the millions of fossil types in Cambrian rock (oldest fossil bearing rocks) appear suddenly and fully formed and without any previous forms...IOW, there are no transitional forms.
Most well educated evolutionists when forced to ...will admit it, but very unwillingly, and even then they always want to seem to make new excuses for it. Usually they just don't say anything about it and hope noone finds out.
"From the beginning of the Creation God made them male and female..." - Jesus (Mk. 10:6)
2006-10-02 02:00:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous