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37 answers


Interesting question. Although there are other options, I believe Islam would have to be the religion that tops the dress code rules for women. But it doesn't stop at controlling what a woman may wear. They are truly second class citizens for the following additional reasons:

In the name of their religion, they force women to stay inside their homes unless she is accompanied by a male relative, even if its only a son. Women are not permitted to work outside the home or go to school or even drive a car. They are virtual prisoners in their own homes.

Tradionally, the clothing they must wear outside only allows for one eye to show. It's a long, shapeless, dark garment that covers almost every inch from head to toe. Many muslim women there have been hit & killed in traffic walking across a street because their vision was minimized or because drivers did not see them. Children have been separated from their mothers in crowded marketplaces because all the women look alike dressed like that.

When the taliban was in power in Afghanistan, homes that had women were required to paint all the windows black! It did not let light in nor allow the women to see outside. And why? All in the name of their God.

I say it's a tremendous waste of talent for half of the members of their society. Women everywhere have a lot to offer. All it takes is cultivating their talents and interests like women all over the rest of the world do. Instead they are being oppressed. Is that really what God would want, or could it be that there are some insecure Muslim men somewhere afraid of change and afraid of equality and afraid of finding out that perhaps women can do many of the same things that they can do?

The worst part is that the women are not in the position to change any of their circumstances. Muslim men may feel threatened by the rest of the world and fear that Muslim women might want to better themselves, so that makes the men even stricter so as to keep the status quo.

Thanks for an interesting question. My vote goes to Islam for worst dress code & worst 2nd class treatment for women.


Comments for ajmal: How do you "know" what God wants women to wear? Did he tell you? What you wear and what your morals are, are two separate issues. Dressing fashionably does not mean you will be unfaithful to anybody. Do you agree with women being killed on the street for appearing without a full veil on?

Clothing does not cause crime, people's poor choices in self-conduct do. Dressing in a full tent does not protect women from being raped either, even if she is a nun or Muslim, it can still happen. Can't their men trust themselves to control themselves around a woman? When you say "women need to be protected from the evil in the world, " who exactly is committing that evil? Other Muslim women? Or the men? What's faulty with your logic is you say if all women were covered up, there would not be any rape. (If I don't lock my car, does that give you the right to steal it?) Don't blame the victim! It is always the attacker's fault. He lacked self control, judgement, & has power & control issues. And yet, who will they stone to death in the event of rape? The woman. What sort of system is that? Maybe that's why they don't report it there. And the reason divorce rates are not high there is because women are not allowed to get divorces there, no matter how unhappy they are, unless their husband wants one.

That's another problem with that religion - It's tied in with their legal government. The women there have very few options under that system. The very link you cited tries to justify why it takes TWO Muslim women to equal ONE Muslim man's testimony in court. That, along with all those other absurdities is what makes the rest of the world struggle to grasp your concepts of how you perceive that as better. I ask "Better for Whom?" and "What sort of equality is that?"

Bottom line? If a woman truly WANTS to dress that way, fine, as long as it's her choice and not by law. The choice of what an adult woman wears should be up to each individual woman, not her father, husband, brother, son, etc. Show a woman some real respect by respecting her ability to make smart choices for herself.

2006-10-02 01:37:29 · answer #1 · answered by julie j 6 · 2 1

I am always amazed at the myths about islam, perpetuated by the teaching of islam by non-muslims such as the pope, bush and blair. I assume the question is rhetorical and aimed at getting the usual in-informed opinions.

Women are not second class citizens in Islam. For over a thousand years, Christians in Europe used to rally against islam for NOT treating them as second class citizens as in Europe when they still debated on whether or not women had a soul. ie. muslim women were allowed to divource, own property etc. Even today, women still have to change their surname in Europe after they get married to signify their status.

Have you read novels such as "the mayor of casterbridge" by thomas hardy where he sells his wife at the fair?

There is a dress code which is for the benifit of both men and women. I assume you are talking about covering the hair as the revealing attire/current fashion is relatively recent. This requirement is also in the Jewish faith but some devout jewish women wear wigs to cover their actual hair.

The majority of people that become muslims in Europe and US are women. Maybe you should ask them.

2006-10-02 03:22:21 · answer #2 · answered by Nothing to say? 3 · 1 1

at what period of time do you refer
during the middle ages ,when all pesants had to wear brown or gray or the enlightened period when by english law every woman had to wear 3 petty coats made from linnen to support the linnen industry ,or you talking about k mart or an airline stewardess or a stripper at hugh hefners palacis or perhaps dress codes at nightclubs ,..nuns ,you are not being specific
why is for modesty ,self protection ,company line ,so man-y reasons ,most people do have free choice in dress it not allways an oppression nor race or time specific ,place is importent ,reasons for rules infinite picking on rule over all the other is bias ,personally i feel wear what you want but some people got no choice that is wrong ,..but that is a judgment call i am not one to judge anyone ,
wel,l i try to see reason ,and try to see others feeling and sesitivities but being human often fail.

2006-10-02 01:37:42 · answer #3 · answered by one under god 2 · 1 1

Most religions treat women as second class and force them to follow strict dress codes.

Feminist critique argues that this happens because religions are organised by men - whose chauvinist views define practises.

2006-10-02 01:34:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Strange that this question follows on the news of so many executions of women in Iran.
Are there any female islamic judges?
Islam seems to consider women less than human.
I once read of a muslim throwing his elderly mother in-law into a dustbin, as she was no longer of any service within the household (Pakistan).

2006-10-02 03:04:25 · answer #5 · answered by lordofthetarot 3 · 1 1

Islam instructs us to follow a dress code but it does not traet women as second class! it treats women like precious jewels that should be protected.
You should learn more about a man's obligations towards women (be it his wife, sister or mother) in Islam before you ask such questions.

2006-10-02 01:34:56 · answer #6 · answered by rinah 6 · 2 2

almost all religions in the world treats women as second class.
there is no sexual equality in the fields of religion.
religions fanatic are trend to be male chauvinism.
they think women are supposed to be treated as second class citizens.
they believe that women should be depend on their husband.

2006-10-02 01:40:50 · answer #7 · answered by hateflesh 1 · 2 0

Islam. The women are forced to dress in unprovocative clothing so the men won't become aroused and have sexual thoughts. So the men move over here and hang out in strip clubs for their education.

2006-10-02 01:29:37 · answer #8 · answered by Cal 5 · 3 1

Actually all religions have some kind of dress code, living code, etc. It is the nature of a religion

2006-10-02 01:27:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Islam prescribes modest dress and conduct for both men and women. The rules of modest conduct are the same for men and women and involve keeping chaste, lowering the gaze from the opposite sex, avoiding physical unnecessary physical contact with the opposite sex, avoiding privacy, and keeping conversations on business only. The rules of modest dress are different, because men and women have a different physical appearance and different forms of dress are required to de-sexualize their appearance.
Each year 100,000 women seek treatment in London for violent injuries caused in their homes.

[Punching Judy, BBC TV Documentary, 1989]

Domestic Violence is not limited to physical assault. It includes sexual abuse and mental cruelty which undermine a woman's self-esteem.

[McGibbon and Kelly, "Abuse of Women in the Home", 1989]

Research conducted by Police found that 2/3 of all men believed that they would respond violently to their partners in certain situations.

[Islington Council, 1994]

Almost half of all murders of women are killings by current or former partners.

[National Working Party Report on Domestic Violence, Victim Support, 1992]

2006-10-02 01:56:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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