no. but it is best to listen and be courteous to customers after all they are the ones paying for our livelihood.
2006-10-01 14:37:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The customer is not always right. I recently walked into a store where 2 of the same item were sitting next to each other with totally different prices. I told the clerk at the check out, just to inform, not to try and get a deal. They thanked me, and told me that in some states a law has been passed protecting businesses from these kind of simple errors. NOT siding on the consumers side. He gave me a small discount because of my honesty.
2006-10-01 21:45:43
answer #2
answered by travel alot 2
I worked for many years in retail. The philosophy is that the customer is always right. The hope is that if you treat the customer right, the customer will always return and love to do business with you. Yet, there are those that take advantage of this philosophy and see it as a weakness. When it gets down to it, always state the company policy to back you up. For example, if someone returns pair of shoes because the heel broke, just state the company policy on shoes returned for broken heels. "I am sorry, but our company will not allow returns on shoes with broken heels. It is apparent from the scratched soles that you wore the shoes several times. I cannot do it" . If the customer relents and won't go away, just offer to refund half price - which is roughly the store cost on the shoes. Hope this helps.................. Got anything yummy in the fridge?...... :)
2006-10-01 21:40:59
answer #3
answered by rasckal 3
Customer isn't always right...
A work retail as well and I see it from both retail, customer, and warehouse sides. Basically, they always complain and I believe that it is our duty as retail workers to disagree with some customers or else they will always get their way, which shouldn't be the case.
2006-10-01 21:44:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I've worked retail and can commiserate with you. There is a difference between expecting good service and mistreating a salesperson to get whatever it is you want. I will say that Wal-Mart was the worst experience ever! Before that I had worked at a Polo Outlet and JCPenney and customers were very nice--I liked going to work. Wal-Mart customers seem to save up all their hostilities and vent on the poor cashier. Thank God I went back to college! BTW, thanks to all the people who treated me like crap for doing my job. Once I am a full professor, I'll dedicate my success to you!
2006-10-02 08:46:18
answer #5
answered by Angela B 3
Noooooooo, the customer is not always right, but in the service industry that is the catch phrase.. basically the customer always deserves respect (unless their acting like a total tool). And yes you are correct there are always people who will try to exploit any slight, real or imagined. Weirdos make the world go round.
2006-10-01 21:39:19
answer #6
answered by Skanky McSkankypants 6
I think a business should go out of their way to make a customer happy, but only to a point. You're right there are a lot of people that are jerks or want something for nothing and you can't cater to them.
2006-10-01 21:37:25
answer #7
answered by lucy02 6
The customer is NOT always right. Half of the idiots out there can't read signs (did you not notice the $4 off sign was 4 feet away from the item you say was on sale?), and can't seem to comprehend the fact that expiration dates are on food for a reason. ("You mean I can't return it if it is outdated 3 months?" No moron!)
2006-10-01 22:01:04
answer #8
answered by IAskUAnswer 6
The customer certainly isn't always right, but being in your position, you always have to try to please the customer - not always a fun place to be. I admire people who can handle enraged or just idiotic customers, but don't think I would do well in their position. Yes, I believe customers sometimes like to take advantage of their position to feel powerful. Pitiful!
2006-10-01 21:40:22
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes you are. I have seen the same thing, makes you wonder if they even think about the fact that the person handling their complaint is a customer too. Some people are just morons.......I guess they can't help it!
2006-10-01 21:36:53
answer #10
answered by WitchTwo 6
The idea isn't that the customer is always "right" but rather you let them think they're right. Giving them the little things they whine about keeps them happy, and it's good PR.
2006-10-01 21:41:53
answer #11
answered by Funchy 6