I don't think cats should be your main concern here. You are going to have to feed yourself and pay for bills like heating, water, and rent. Not to mention transportation to and from work/school. The pound is probably your best option for the cats. As for yourself, you will definately need to learn better writing skills if you hope to get a scholarship to college. Other than that, you are going to have to work to pay for everything else.
2006-10-01 11:41:17
answer #1
answered by merfie 2
While you are in high school, take the time to study spelling. I'm not trying to be rude, but it makes you sound stupid when you don't spell correctly. You will not be able to get into college if you have a lot of spelling mistakes on your application.
When you leave your parents home, you will need to get a job. You might want to look into an alternative means of completing high school. My highschool had an alternative education system where the students only attended half a day and did all of thier work while in school. Since they had no homework and only attended school for half the day they had plenty of time for a job.
When you apply to college, you will need to apply for a lot of scholarships, and continue to work at your job. Look under resolved questions for information on how to do that. There are alot of good suggestions there.
By the way, living on-campus in dorms is generally more expensve than living off-campus with roomates.
2006-10-01 12:17:20
answer #2
answered by Gypsy Girl 7
i love my cat like u do all the way. but if there going to cost u more than a collage dorm get a home for them where u can vist them but still have fun and u can get a scholarship by getting all As and Bs in high skool. the hope schlarship is a good one and get into clubs and groups so that u could get something like that
2006-10-01 14:56:36
answer #3
answered by Nicoble 3
Can the cat's board at a friends house? You can go to college and let the cats live at a friends, and you can visit them and pay for their stay and food and medical bills.
2006-10-01 10:30:43
answer #4
answered by Snow White Queen 3
I don't know why you have to leave your parents' house. But you can always rent a place and get a roommate or two to help with the bills. Good luck.
2006-10-01 13:04:42
answer #5
answered by beez 7
well if your 18 and cant spell school i sugjest you just give up on learning get a minamum wage job and hope for the best
2006-10-03 15:52:14
answer #6
answered by kas 2
Give them to the pound, its an ok home. Go learn proper writing skills.
2006-10-01 10:24:27
answer #7
answered by Peanut to the rescue! 4
GET A JOB!!!!!
2006-10-05 05:27:30
answer #8
answered by simone :) 3