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on DVD and then my husband snuck up behind me and scared me and I called him a "motherfu___er" I was thinking I could blame this on my over exposure to cussing . . . .

2006-10-01 10:17:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Etiquette

-->Yes, Yit, I did indeed swear. We laughed so hard! My husband is still teasing me about it. . .
---> And yes MS, I take full responsibility for what comes out of my mouth.

2006-10-01 10:52:52 · update #1

10 answers

Funnily enough, I'm sure there are worse examples of swearing than Mother-ahem... I love Deadwood and I laughed my backside off when I saw the she-ape scene. Geez Al Swarengin is a lovable rogue.

It's hard not to watch an episode let alone entire season without swearing yourself. I think it's cause it's so entertaining how they just cuss so often.

And whilst I'm sure you'd prefer to have good belly laughs over something different to swearing, it's still great that you got a laugh out of the show - and besides, if your husband hadn't snuck up on you, you wouldn't have called him that word.

2006-10-01 11:44:10 · answer #1 · answered by ausbabe29_megan 3 · 7 3


2006-10-01 10:20:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

Everyone makes mistakes and we all let words slip out of our mouth every once in a while. Apologize to your husband and laugh it up. It is OK.

2006-10-01 10:26:55 · answer #3 · answered by ms.melancholy 4 · 7 2


Get over it though. Everybody cusses. I'm not advocating that you learn to cuss. My point is don't be so shocked that people do cuss. This isn't the Victorian Era anymore. So get used to it. It is NOT a sin, though it isn't nice to cuss.

2006-10-01 10:25:17 · answer #4 · answered by dolphinluver22000 4 · 7 2

Yes- watching or hearing other people swear desensitizes you to it and puts it in your thoughts.

We don't swear at my house either- it just sounds ignorant.

2006-10-01 10:49:48 · answer #5 · answered by Alison 5 · 8 1

Actually, you should be ashamed of yourself. Even if you're exposed to cussing, you have the option of closing your ears to it.

Blame is not on your exposure... it's entirely on you. Whether you like it or not.

2006-10-01 10:24:05 · answer #6 · answered by King of Hearts 6 · 6 3

What is the real reason?

That's the one you should tell him.

And then, apologize, or such. And move on.

2006-10-01 10:20:32 · answer #7 · answered by The LaLaLas 2 · 8 1

It just goes to show that what you watch can affect you.

2006-10-02 10:34:23 · answer #8 · answered by drshorty 7 · 8 1

YOU, swore??? How hard did you guys laugh? I can't imagine anything that naughty coming out of your mouth!!!

2006-10-01 10:49:15 · answer #9 · answered by Yitka 2 · 1 10

you do that, girl.

2006-10-01 10:25:11 · answer #10 · answered by Leni 3 · 6 3

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