My first question is does this guy date other women? Does he talk to you about other women he is interested in? If either of these questions are answered with yes then it is entirely possible that you two are just friends in his eyes.
You could find the answer if you were subtle rather than as others have told you to do. The problem with just coming right out and saying "I like you" is that it is awkward and juvenile. It sounds like you are in 7th grade and you are asking someone to go with you.
Adults handle things in a more suave manner in order to save face such as..."Hey, you and I should go out to (your favorite restaurant, movie, sports event-anything non-job related) sometime, it could be fun."
This way that gives him a way to decline by saying he is way too busy for that, or he doesn't like to mix business with pleasure or to agree. You will not have gone too far out on a limb and he has the ability to be truthful and you both still look professional and can look at each other later without feeling strange.
Hope that helps!
2006-10-01 09:13:38
answer #1
answered by r_k_winters 2
Hi, A long time ago I was single. For some reason I was always in a relationship from age 15 to now (46) with the exception of 6 months, give or take. I was considered beautiful by others and I could never see it, therefore I was easy prey for bad men. I was always to afraid to do what the younger generation does, be forward. You are probably wondering why I am answering your question! Here are some questions I think you could ask yourself. How much do you like him. Are you nerveous about his response? When this was me, the more I liked a guy, especially physically, (or "chemically") the more nervous I was to know if he liked me the same way. If this is the case that might be a clue. Even though I was scared to tell my true feelings I always had a way of communicating, I would reveal my true nature by talking about other, usually deep emotional things like love in general, my parents whatever fit at the time. I would find out what interested him and take an interest, along with compassion for what he feels is important. Eveyone wants to feel heard and that they matter. If you can get to this point with him, and really want to pursue the relationship I think you can get it! If it makes you too uncomfortable to be forward, go about it in a subtle way. The root of this kind of thing is usually rejection. Believe me, back in my day, men were rejected a lot. I always wanted to be someone who is more forward, but things have turned out fine just the way I am. I think things will turn out good for you too.
2006-10-01 16:20:51
answer #2
answered by Red! 2
I think you should let him know exactly how you are feeling. Because remember the #1 rule in friendship is honesty, so be honest. I really don't feel that you would sound desperate, just make sure you don't come off to forward. The key is being very casual about it, when you are telling him remember as a women you have to cool, confident, and and to the point. You will never really know until you ask.
2006-10-01 16:06:54
answer #3
answered by Mysique_X 2
just ask him out. you won't sound desperate at all. you're a lot older than me but from where i stnd being i girl who just entered jr high, this is a daily event. and even if it for pitty, if he was a real friend he'd go out with you and if not he would still be a friend. if that made any sense what so ever.. i just know i'm right ok stop your insulting
2006-10-01 16:03:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Does he has a taut body,broad shoulders,clear skin,Masculine facial features,good genes? Any way you love him that's enough for you,Create a environment that doesn't distract him to say " I love You" Hey Cheer up now.
2006-10-01 16:05:17
answer #5
answered by precede2005 5
if you have known him for a while no you wouldnt sound desperate. its nice to get to know someone first and then start to date. ask him out on a date to start things out. read tips on dating and more to help you on this site
2006-10-01 16:01:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
well what i would do is tell him i feel and if he rejects you then give him a little more time to know you
2006-10-01 16:03:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
if you feel that informing the guy about your feeling makes you feel desperate then show it to him thru your actions.... actions speak louder than voice....
2006-10-01 16:02:42
answer #8
answered by allen 1
Take a chance there, Juliet.
2006-10-01 16:01:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Just go and tell him that you like him.
2006-10-01 16:00:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous