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I know child prostituion is one of them. Human trafficking is another and forced labour as well as slavery is yet another.

2006-10-01 08:00:46 · 25 answers · asked by tedoluoch 1 in Travel Asia Pacific Thailand

25 answers

I have lived in Thailand for 8 years and see it from a different perspective. Child prostitution is rare and severely punished. I don't know if you call voluntary travel to get work overseas human trafficking but Thais not in Thailand have usually left volutarily. Thais are not easily forced into anything. Slavery is usually something that happens to Thais when they go to work as maids in Arab countries. In Thailand they don't become enslaved.

What information do you base this question on and what does it have to do with prositution?

2006-10-01 08:18:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In Answer to your question its obvious you actually dont know and I cant quiet work out if you mean what is the danger to you presumably as a customer or the danger to the prostitute.

To address some myths :-

Prostitution is driven by sex tourists - wrong not only has it been going on for hundreds of years but the tourist side of it though large is a lot smaller than the Thai side. Literlly even small towns and a lot of villages have ladies for hire.

There is a lot of children involved - again wrong but the truth doesnt sell papers. Dont get me wrong there are some underage girls and boys but not many. It is a lot more prevalant in Cambodia which is a poorer country.

Poor girls are forced into prostition - Some truth in this mainly the families or the fact that they actually prefer to become a prostitute rather than having to work long hours in a factory for less money. Most do have this option to avoid prostitution but not all.

Thai girls are trafficed all over the world - They wish as they get paid more actually a lot of Thai girls will pay money to get to another country.

Thai girls are sex slaves - economicaly yes though they make a lot of money comparitevely it goes on family demands thai boyfriends gold the latest phone clothes etc etc.

Now dangers as a customer.

STD's HIV etc small but real danger again the HIV/AIDS side has been played up by the press if it was as prevalant as they say then all the girls would be dead by now! There are a few HIV positive ladies about.

Theft occasionaly happens mainly from freelancers rather then the girls from the bars as at least there you know where they work.

Marriage! the main danger as a customer these uneducated ladies will play you get you to send money and even marry you as you try and rescue this poor girl. This happens a lot more than either of the above dangers

Dangers as a prostitute.



Gang Rape

Ripped off by customers

Mugged - they are a big target on the way home in the early hours.

What is becoming an even bigger problem is the families more or less retire they dont bother working or farming even when the oppurtunity presents itself instead mamma and pappa retire early and live of thier daughters earnings and of course so do thier brothers. This can mean they dont even want thier daughter to marry a rich forienger even f they are getting a big payout

2006-10-02 21:00:49 · answer #2 · answered by Gentleman_Glenn 1 · 0 0

The dangers of prostituion like anywhere, except where its legal/regulated, is 1. getting harrassed by the police 2. exposure to STDs 3. possible HIV 4. cleints who will cheat 5.shop or a place of business is hard to establish 6. business affected by economical/seasonal fluctuations 7. pension plans 8.age 9. competition, etc. etc.

2006-10-02 04:44:58 · answer #3 · answered by Raja 1 · 0 0

disease big time, hello

Also no incentive for women to get real jobs, education etc, since they can only make a living with sex. And do you think these girls get to have good marriages and family life. No, they are slaves. They rarely if ever get to seek out pleasure in life for themselves. What a waste of a beautiful life. I don't understand how these men can go use women like that and actually feel good about it.

Its bad for their whole society. With over half the population not seeking out higher education or having any higher aspirations they'll never accomplish much as a nation. They have all this beautiful culture, religion and landscape and its getting so that decent people don't want to go there because they think its all sex trade. Its made a bad image for Thailand and its ruining the whole country.

2006-10-01 08:02:19 · answer #4 · answered by tenaciousd 6 · 4 0

The only dangers are creating stupid stereotypical views of a beautiful country , some people think all Thai women are prostitutes due to what they read and see on TV , and as for a previous answer by James how the hell can you say Thai prostitutes are ugly ? based on TV and a book , one day you will be old enough to leave your back garden , please don't take your stereotypes with you ! PS while i dont doubt that child prostitution exists here ? i have yet to come across it or any of the others metioned in your question , NICE ONE JAMES YOU HAVE JUST PROVED MY POINT WHEN YOU ANSWERED AGAIN( I EXPECT STREET PROSTITUTES TO BE UGLY OR DRUGGIES ) STEREOTYPE !

2006-10-01 20:45:16 · answer #5 · answered by uk expat 2 · 1 0

@UK Expat
Lol if you read my post fully, I did not bash all Thai women. I’ve met some really drop dead beautiful Thai women here in the US who are students at my former college. I think there are beautiful women and ugly women in all ethnic groups and races. Is that I expect street prostitutes to be ugly looking or druggies. I would say that here in the US also. Many American prostitutes shown on the Fox TV show COPs are really ugly looking. I know many police officers that I went to high school with and they also told me the American street prostitutes they encountred were fugly looking also. They don’t look like the ones on Victoria Secret or Escort Services' websites in Europe, Australia, Canada, Argentina, and Brazil (places that are very highly selective of their hiring).

2006-10-02 00:07:40 · answer #6 · answered by James 2 · 1 0

Sopme of thge things you mention used to occur, but there has been a great cleaning up, and there is very little involuntary prostitution now.
Additionally, it is entirely different to any western scene, and excuse me for saying but it is impossible to understand without actually being there and experiencing it.
It is more like a singles bar, with a fee added to your bar bill if you leave with a girl, but as I say, you have to be there to understand.
As far as the visitor is concerned, there are no more dangers, or probably less dangers than in any western country. any

2006-10-02 22:49:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you guys are not coming to Thailand for the "sex tour", where on earth they will be?.....No more "sex tour" please. The prostitute might be cleaner than your admired angle at your office since they must have the physical check-up for HIV every weeks. They are carrying condom to prevent themselves from HIV that the horney son of the gun might transfers to them. Go to Amsterdam....the prostitute is suppose to be one kind of profession...and it is legal....Let's make Thailand is one of the beautiful countries with culture and tradition.

2006-10-02 11:14:57 · answer #8 · answered by pimpa1949 4 · 0 0

Not to mention all the effects it has on the women who are forced into prostitution. Abuse, slavery, indentured servtitude.

2006-10-01 14:11:08 · answer #9 · answered by Johnny O 2 · 0 0

Prostitution is dangerous anywhere not just Thailand.

2006-10-01 08:08:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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