You can go to Walgreens & get a digital thermometer... dip it in some K-Y jelly before inserting rectally & then wash thoroughly when done. (I put red tape on mine so they don't get confused with oral-use thermometers!)
Some moms wont produce the milk until the labor actually begins. If her teats are swollen, then there should be milk there. Have you tried squeezing gently to see if any droplets produce?
The restless behavior is an indication that labor is coming, but the signs are different for every ***** & even for different litters from the same. Some common signs are going off food 12-24 hours prior, digging, nesting, excessive attachment to you, panting, needing to go out frequently, swollen vulva, clear discharge... also, the temp will typically drop from 101.5 (ave) to 99 F 12-24 hours before.
You metioned that she hasnt eaten in a few days, however. I am assuming by saying she is due today that today is day 63 from the first tie? Likely she is very nervous, being her first time. Even once things start, it will vary how long labor will last. My first litter, the water broke @ 7am, 1st puppy out @ 1:30 pm, 9th puppy out @ 5pm! That was fast. This last time (puppies are 2 weeks old today!) water broke @ 4:30 am, first contraction wasnt until 6pm, with puppy taking over 1 hour to come out. Last puppy arrived 8 am the next morning, 14 hours of hard labor.
The time to be concerned is when you begin seeing contractions, & the ***** is straining but no puppies are coming. Contractions w/o puppy should elicit a call to your vet after 2 hours. But if she is not contracting, it may be that nature is taking a longer course with her delivery. My first litter came out on day 65, so it is possible that they go a day or two past (or earlier than) their due date.
I hope you have a vet & they are aware of your puppies imminent arrival. Give your vet a call today to give them a 'heads up' about the situation, & then ask what signs you should look for that things are progressing well, & what signs should prompt a call to your vet for help.
Also, do you have any friends/breeders you can call locally for assistance? As this is your first litter, it is helpful to have a hand to hold, even if they arent at your house. Perhaps you can contact the breeder you bought your girl from as well.
Finally, here are some websites I thought would be helpful for you. You can do further searches as well. In the meantime, RELAX so you don't stress her out, make sure you have all your equipment ready & make some calls for support.
(lots of great info in the whelping section!)
2006-10-01 08:23:42
answer #1
answered by iseekpez 2
Are you sure today is the due date? Did you mate her more than one time? If so, she may not have conceived until the second or third mating and you may have another day or so to wait. I, personally, have never used thermometers on my dogs. I just let nature take it's course and the puppies will come when they're ready. Now, if there's signs that she's in labor and having problems then I would take her to the vet. I know it's hard to be patient, but those pups will come when they're ready. Good luck and I hope you have nice healthy puppies!
2006-10-01 10:44:59
answer #2
answered by scarlette12 1