I don't know much about "men in general", but here are some thoughts from me as a man....
--If you want to talk, feel free, but please try to understand, not all of us *like* the telephone. It isn't you, it's the *phone*. Some of us just get irritated by having that thing in our face and a voice right up in our ears. Try email, or instant messenger programs, or....
--"Accidental" meetings are good, provided they aren't every day and too over-planned. I mean, we can spot a convenient coincidence as well as the next person, and well....sometimes we hang out in some places *just* to hang out, and not to socialize so much with *just one* person. So yeah, it's a good idea, just don't overdo it.
--Personally, I think being "cool and aloof" is so *so* overrated.
Why *not* be friendly and nice instead? Smile, laugh, say hello. And yes, this counts somewhat towards strangers as well as friends and folks wanting to be "more"....more and more these days it seems women, especially of a younger 20something sort, have a bad habit of just being....if not openly hostile, then just, well, cold and indifferent. Not that I am saying there aren't reasons, ok, I know the world stinks lately, I've *seen* the news.
But what's the harm in actually starting the conversation for once? What's the harm, if you are both in a public and neutral place where there are plenty of witnesses, and plenty of safe "outs", what's the harm in *your* coming up to a guy and saying "hello" and being the one to get it going?
What is the harm in actually being the one to approach? As opposed to putting it *all* on the guy? :)
--Again, this is more in general, not just for folks already dating and attached, but....
Also, what's so wrong with women *being* a bit girly-girl once in a while? Really, since the 1980s it does seem like a lot, too many young women just let themselves go and are trying to be *as sloppy* as your average guy (there's a contest you can't win, trust me--it's genetic, men just have it in them to be more ugly and disgusting, *lol*). This isn't good. I mean, there's nothing wrong with casual, but if you are approaching someone and *want* to get and keep their attention, why *not* dress up for the occasion? :) Why not try some things and see what works for your guy?
--And last...I could go on for *days* on the small specific details, little cheats that at least *get my attention* if nothing else, in terms of dress, behavior, and so on, but that really misses the point of the question....
Instead, I will put it like this. Have you ever worn anything that really drew your guy's eyes *away* from your face?
Like a certain pair of heels, or maybe some really shiny nlyons or tights or a certain pair of jeans, or maybe you did something with your hair that day....
Ask if he likes that, just casually, when the conversation permits, and favor *that* when you next meet him.
Likewise with behavior...have you found yourself doing things just to get him to smile? I mean small behavioral things, like talking silly or nodding your head a certain way, or maybe holding the door open *for him* or something....just small little things that make his eyes open a bit wider and make him flash the smile.
Don't literally take notes because that is just creepy and mainpulative, but do pay attention. See if you can't give the guy *you like* more of what *he likes*, of course with the expectation that he will likewise either notice and appreciate it, or really *do more in that vein for you*.
Hope this helps. :)
2006-10-01 06:53:31
answer #1
answered by Bradley P 7
If I had gone out with her before, and we quit seeing each other, there was an obvious reason. I would have had to be somewhat attracted in the first place, and then something happened that killed my interest, or like you said, she backed off for some reason. It sounds like she wants to try to re-connect. In that situation, I would very much appreciate a fairly direct approach. Maybe an accidental meeting would work. Then, since it sounds like SHE backed off on the 1st relationship, SHE would have to be pretty up-front and direct. I would appreciate HER telling me that SHE missed me, and had been thinking that SHE might have made a bad decision in leaving, and want to try again. Explaining her thoughts and feelings, and the reasons that led to the first break-up or split would make me a lot more inclined to consider trying the relationship again.
And, above all, her honesty and sincerity would get my attention more than anything else.
I would be real suspicious if you tried to play coy little games to get my attention again. It would make me question your motives for wanting to try again, and make me back off to save my feelings from being hurt, and to keep from being taken advantage of.
2006-10-01 06:53:13
answer #2
answered by dathinman8 5