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McEwan's Scotch Ale
From: Scottish Courage Ltd. in United Kingdom (Scotland)
Style: Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy
reviews 271 / applied 270
overall WR 3.85 / 5
review avg 3.86 / 5 ; stD: 0.44
high / low 4.85 / 2
style score 86 (3.86)
alcohol 8.00% ABV
availability brewed year-round
Overall Score
BeerAdvocate Notes: None, yet.
Affiliated with: Scottish & Newcastle
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CharlieMopps ( Richmond, Virginia )
overall: 3.25
appearance: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | mouthfeel: 3 | drinkability: 3.5
A: Black with deep ruby hue. One-fourth inch head with weak retention, little lace.
S: Not very inviting or sumptuous. Malty scent with a smell of sweetness or light fruit, but again, not very strong.
T: An almost soft drink-like syrup taste, but weak. Slight toasted malt introduction overtaken by sweet licorice sugar taste and an oddly bitter ending. Felt a bit unbalanced, no real hop notes present.
M: Very light bodied but not so great on the palate. Somewhat smooth but harsh sugar flavor lingers and kills the mildness of this beer.
D: Dessert-y. Could stand to have a few, but would probably opt not to.
[ serving type: bottle ]
beer review id: 406386 / 09-27-2006 03:59:36
GCBrewingCo ( Wake Forest, North Carolina )
overall: 4.2
appearance: 4.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | mouthfeel: 4 | drinkability: 4
The beer's color was a mystery due to the pewter mug, but the head was tan and frothy.
The aroma was lightly smoky with a deep dark caramel and a light bit of chocolate.
The flavor was strong carmel with a nice light chocolate with a lightly smoky phenolic and toffee.
The finish was heading to dry with lightly phenolic smoke and a nice lasting malty character lasting into the aftertaste. The body was medium full wtih a creamy mouthfeel. A very nicely done Scotch Ale made better by the atmosphere at Highlander.
Pewter mug, McEwan's of course, at Highlander in Antwerpen on 9/12/06. 7.2% ABV.
[ serving type: on-tap ]
beer review id: 403472 / 09-19-2006 23:06:32
mattt ( Malartic, Quebec )
overall: 4.4
appearance: 4.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | mouthfeel: 4 | drinkability: 4
Pours dark copper brown with orange hues (using a large flute-like beer glass makes this one nice to look at). Good white head, light retention, nice lacing.
Aroma of rich malt, burt caramel, and english malts, hummm. Caramel and malt flavors, little bitterness flavor but present in mouthfeel.
Easily available here (can't say that very often here in Canada) and there are very few others of this kind to compare, still I'm happy I can sip on McEwans Scotch ale.
[ serving type: bottle ]
beer review id: 402283 / 09-17-2006 01:07:12
beeroclock ( Jacksonville, Florida )
overall: 2.85
appearance: 2.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | mouthfeel: 2.5 | drinkability: 3
This pours dark, looks more like a coke than a beer, not much head to it if any. It smells sweet, but I can't make out any particular odors. Tastes sweet, more like a cream stout or something, probably be better as a dessert than a beer. I can't really explain the mouthfeel, kinda carbonated and light w/ some chocolate like aftertaste. It's not like a beer at all to me, but it's not terrible, just decent.
[ serving type: bottle ]
beer review id: 402082 / 09-16-2006 13:21:56
samuelsmith ( Fort Myers, Florida )
overall: 3.45
appearance: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | mouthfeel: 3 | drinkability: 3.5
Appearance: dark brown , quarter inch head , moderate lace.
Smell: Unfermented Malt sweetness, some slight roasty qualities ,Tad bit of cedar , yeast , slight dark fruityness , and some alcohol.
Taste: Sweet , dark malts flavors ,slight bit of spicy bite in the back , toungue coating sweet sugars and darker fruit , little bit of coffee , little hop.
Mouthfeel: Creamy and smooth , with a bit of biting carbonation in the finish.
Drinkablility: Quite drinkable , but more so as a dessert pairing or sipper , on the sweet side.
[ serving type: bottle ]
beer review id: 402053 / 09-16-2006 06:36:08
kimcgolf ( Where Are All The Taverns In Dacula?, Georgia )
overall: 4.05
appearance: 3.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | mouthfeel: 4 | drinkability: 4.5
Pours to a dark brown color with ornage tint, medium off-white head and okay lacing. Good aroma of chocalatey malt, with an over-riding smell of honey or molasses. Taste was a very good, honey-sweet flavor, but not syrupy like many thick bodied beers. As the beer warmed, the 8% alcohol made its presence known more, but not overwhelmingly. Finish was long and smooth. I really liked this beer.
[ serving type: bottle ]
beer review id: 399153 / 09-09-2006 01:49:55
ctbeggs5 ( Kansas City, Missouri )
overall: 4.15
appearance: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4.5 | mouthfeel: 4 | drinkability: 4.5
Serving type: Bottle
Appearance: Deep brown with slight hints of rust, minimum head
Smell: light, sweet
Taste: scottish night air, slightly acidic, hints of wood and brown sugar. Crisp.
Mouthfeel: slightly viscous
Drinkability: very smooth
A delicious beer. Similar to New Castle except darker both in color and flavor.
[ serving type: bottle ]
beer review id: 398481 / 09-07-2006 04:00:24
jasonjlewis ( Lubbock, Texas )
overall: 3.55
appearance: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | mouthfeel: 3.5 | drinkability: 3
Appearnce: Noce black color, decent head and retention.
Smell is a little too faint for me.
Taste" sweet, malty, very little hop backbone, but hop presence is somewhat there.
Mouthfeel: thick and malty, but it doesn't have that as much crispness and carbonation as I would like.
Drinkability: Not a hard beer to finish at all. It tastes fine, but the sweetness would have me looking for a new beer after a couple. I don't think I'd ever drink more than one or two of these at a time.
[ serving type: bottle ]
beer review id: 396770 / 09-03-2006 02:47:12
Dizzy ( Hurst, Texas )
overall: 4.25
appearance: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | mouthfeel: 4 | drinkability: 4.5
Pours a darker reddish brown with a creamy tan head which recedes into a thin film. Aroma is all malt, almost smells like an old ale or a barleywine. I'm picking up aroma reminiscent of raisins. Taste is malty, some carmel elements there. Medium bodied with a little bit of a bite from carbonation and some alcohol burn. This stuff is great.
[ serving type: bottle ]
beer review id: 395561 / 08-31-2006 02:57:03
Borjas ( Wisconsin )
overall: 3.9
appearance: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | mouthfeel: 4 | drinkability: 5
Well beer freaks,
I found this beer, thought it was the highest octane on the market - no doing, there are many that smoke that, up to 25% I understand! That’s ok though; I have more ‘sploring to do LOL!
For an 9% APV beer - on the bottle - that looks and tastes like Guinnese - at 4.7% APV - this is a great tasting beer! Most of the +/-8% beers I've gaged down - willingly:-) - taste like pure crap! This stuff has a strong flavor, a bit of a bite for an after taste, but overall a pleasant experience.
The coffee taste of a Guinnese, the kick of a skunk high gravity beer, a non-barf smell, and it even looks good. The price is out of my range as are all of the imports. But, this is a good one, when you want the kick so you don't have to drink a gallon. Because the mouth feel is good too, I give it a drinkability of 5. I just wish the price wasn't so darn high!
I think I'm gettin' better at reviewing beers;-) What do you guys think?
Machiavelli Borjas
[ serving type: bottle ]
beer review id: 394748 / 08-29-2006 02:43:05
2006-10-01 13:29:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous