star trek would win hands down.
star trek came out in the late 60's early 70's
star wars came out in the late 70's early 80's
star trek was first man.
most people when asked a question like yours respond in one of these ways
1Q. In Star Wars, weapons are rarely, if ever, set on stun.
1A.all that this means is that star warians are murderous savages, they do have a stun setting but they only used it once in all the episodes (episode four at the beginning when the empire captures Pricess Leia) one faction of which is a fascist dictator ran empire.
2Q. The Enterprise needs a big engineering section with an anti-matter unit and normally requires a large crew to go into warp. The Millennium Falcon does the same thing with just R2-D2 and a Wookie.
2A. the enterprise is many times larger than the millenium falcon. this is like comparing a shuttle craft to the defiant. also the enterprise doesn't need to be repaired for fifteen minutes movie time (3 minutes our time) or longer every time the pilot decides he needs go into hyperspace (warp speeds). the enterprise is actually maintained by a group of professionals.
3Q. After resisting torture from an Imperial interrogation droid and Darth Vader, Princess Leia still looked fresh and desirable. After pithy Cardassian starvation torture, Picard looked like hell.
3A. leia was drugged and questioned maybe with a little bit of electronic mindprobing. picard was physically and emotionally tortured.
4Q. One word: Light sabers.
4A. easily made using a phaser and a force field projector. also easily stopped using a force field or shields, personal versions of both exist that can protect the whole body and be worn as an arm band.
5Q. Two words, THE FORCE
5A. One LETTER - "Q". more specifically entire Q Continuem
6Q. Darth Vader could choke the entire Borg Collective to death with a single glance and a gesture.
6A. the borg collective do not breath, so what good would it be to choke them?
7Q. The Death Star doesn't give a **** if a world is "Class M" or not.
7A. what would be the point of blowing up a planet nobody lives on? people only live on class M planets.
8Q. Luke Skywalker isn't obsessed with ******* every alien chick he encounters (just his twin sister).
8A. his "twin" "sister" enough said.
9Q. Jabba the Hutt would eat Harry Mudd for trying to cut in on his action.
9A. the Klingons would think Jabba the Hutt is some form of Gahh'
10Q. The United Federation of Planets would have to liberate any ship named "Slave I".
10A. no clue how to answer.
11Q. Picard pilots the Enterprise through asteroid fields at 1/4 impulse power. Han Solo floors it.
11A. Picard only needs two thrusters and the gravity wells of the asteroids themselves. Han Solo needs engines. who's the better pilot?
12Q. you don’t have to set star wars ships to go warp speed, they already are
12A. but they don't go anywhere near as fast as the enterprise does.
13Q. can anyone actually understand klingon? But plenty of people can roar like chewy
13A. but who needs to roar like chewy when you have a universal translator.
14Q. darth vader and darth maul could kick the whole enterprise's crew combined
14A. first thing they boarded the enterprise they would be met by a security team that would proceed to trap them between force fields and then would energize them to the brig or into space.
15Q. If you watch star trek today,your automaticly a geek. people will at least here you out if you watch star wars
15A. star trek is atleast based on real science and scientific theories.
now most of those are of no point what so ever.
and then there are the arguments that rely on techno-babble.
1. USS Enterpise vs. Death Star
the Death Star's laser would be unable to penetrate the Enterprise's Duetranium(Duranium) Hull. enterprise has Phasers and Photon Torpedoes.
Enterpise wins
2. USS Defiant vs. Millenium Falcon
highly manuverable warship versus slower basically harmless smuggling freighter.
Defiant wins
3. Q vs. Sith vs. Jedi
Q all powerful immortal gods
Sith and Jedi semi-powerful mortals
Q wins
4. Q vs. Emperor Palpatine
This is truly a no-brainer.
1.) Q is omnipotent; the Emperor is not. Advantage: Q
2.) Q is capable of multiple costume changes. The Emperor has thusfar shown only the oh-so-fashionable black gurney sack. Mentos-edge to Q.
3.) Q is omnipotent, capable of reshaping space and time. The Emperor is neither immortal nor possessing god-like powers. Umm, advantage: Q.
4.) The Emperor has appeared in three Star Wars movies. (Empire, Return, and that other recently released Hollywood bowel-movement) Q has appeared yearly across three Star Trek series. (Next Gen, DS9 & Voyager) Advantage: Q, on the weight of numbers, so we go to the tiebreaker: Q has NOT appeared in any of the abominations that are the Star Trek movies. The Emperor appeared in The Phantom Menace. Advantage: Q.
5.) Q is omnipotent; only another Q is capable of affecting his powers or harming him. The Emperor is not, and was killed by a middle aged man with one hand chopped off, who simply tossed him down a long shaft. Let's think about this carefully folks. Advantage? Q.
6.) After watching the Star Trek episodes with Q, everybody wanted to be Q. (total power, no responsibility? Sign me up. Who wouldn't want to be a walking ominipotent pile of id?) After watching the Star Wars movies, no one wanted to be the Emperor. Who wants to be a crusty old guy who can't even beat down whiney Mark Hamill enough to shut him up. If you can still whine and beg your evil, just-tried-to-kill-you father while you're being shocked by lightning, someone is obviously running on a very low battery. Police tazers can usually render someone incoherent from pain and muscle spazams. Advantage: Q.
7.) Q IS OMNIPOTENT. Rock may beat scissors, scissors may cut paper, and paper may wrap wrock, but (and this is a no brainer) TURNING SOMEONE INTO A COLLIE OR SNAPPING YOUR FINGERS AND TELEPORTING THEM INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE SUN BEATS THE HOLY HELL OUT OF SNEERING AND TRYING TO GOOSE SOMEONE WITH SPARKS OUT OF YOUR FINGERTIPS! Advantage: anyone, anyone, Anakin? Q!
are you going to vote for a guy who wears a black bathrobe and has jowls, or somebody who knew the best role in Robin Hood wasn't Robin, it was the Sheriff of Nottingham. Think about it.
Outcome: Q in a snap. - dok
Q wins.
5. star trek spans the time frame from the 1900s to the 3100s
also it covers the entire milky-way galaxy which is much larger than the star wars galaxy. (magnitude of 100)
star wars spans the time of two generations and covers the sculptor galaxy (magnitude of 7) and its sister galaxy (magnide of 2 to 3).
winner Star Trek
Basically what ever the argument is, Star Trek wins hands down.
startrek has almost unlimited resources.
threat........................... Defense
tie fighters ............. Valkyrie Fighters
death star ................................. Tholian Web
2006-10-03 17:59:33
answer #1
answered by Kuraimizu 3
Next Generation
Hey... if girls can answer questions asking for Sexy Male Photos..
Then I can answer questions looking for Geeky Scifi Girls...
And besides... I like Star Trek NG
2006-09-30 18:13:30
answer #4
answered by Tooler 3
Star Trek, love SciFi, but I have never been classified geeky before.
2006-09-30 18:13:40
answer #5
answered by swarr2001 5
Depends - don't really like the original Star Trek, but I like the Next Generation...
2006-09-30 17:54:53
answer #6
answered by Kat 3