OMG...forget what your think is your "habbit"! Use the spell check!
When you write a question in such poor English with total disregard to spelling, syntax and grammar you run the risk or mean "ancers".
Your self esteem will grow leaps and bounds when you study and use your brain rather than having concern for looks only. Cleve unto other shy kids and you'll find you'll have lots in common.
2006-09-30 17:20:06
answer #1
answered by answer annie 5
Doing better academically will boost your self esteem and make you more attractive to others. You might feel better if you studied more and got better grades. Your grammar and spelling and sentence structure are really bad for someone approaching high school. If you have success as a student this will led to success in other ways and you will feel better and feel more in line with others. You will have a great feeling of accomplishment. You will be more outgoing when you have more confidence. Ask your parents about a tutor. This is not meant to be a criticism, it is just the truth.
As for your skin, have your Mom pick you up some skin care products at the store and use them daily. Get a new haircut and style.
All teenagers are awkward and insecure. You are not alone. Some are simply better at covering it up. Try to make friends some some kids that you notice "don't fit in" so well too. You might make some great friends and you won't feel as lonely.
Try to develop some interests and hobbies and maybe get involved in a sport or at least some kind of exercise, even walking or riding a bike.
All things change and pass, but you have to put forth the work and the effort to make that happen.
Most importantly, why aren't you talking to your parents about all of this? You should.
2006-10-01 00:16:53
answer #2
answered by Island Queen 6
Hi - you just described me in grade 8. I was very late developing so I didn't look like all the other kids. They all had boobs and boyfriends and beautiful hair and seemed so happy and popular that I wondered what the heck was wrong with me????
I know what it's like to feel all alone and have no one to eat lunch with and nothing to do after school except go home and feel even more miserable. To look in the mirror and see only stringy hair and pimples and a frown and wonder why it was happening to me. And to dream about that cute guy who probably would just laugh if I told him I liked him. So you are not alone - lots of us go thru that.
The thing is, your skin will get better. You do not need to be rich to be happy. You need to do something that makes U happy - something you are good at! Could be sports, or math, or poetry, or dance, or writing. Could be helping the kids in special Ed. Learn to cook or do woodworking or paint - and meet the people in classes that are doing that too. Every night tell yrself that tomorrow will be better.
Also you are at an age where being sad and depressed is part of life - even the girls that seem so freaking happy you just want to smack them are probably sad sometimes too! It's called hormones, or adolescence, or whatever but it's very real and the pain is genuine. If U want to chat I am It took a while but I grew up & just had a baby a year after I married my dream guy - if U had told me that when I was yr age I would have said, "yeah right." But it did happen to me and it will 4 you too. Hang in there & I am here if U need to chat. My name is Samantha.
2006-10-01 00:34:01
answer #3
answered by Samlet 4
First let me start by saying beauty is only skin deep. Keeping this in mind, you must also know that you can make your personality but you can't control the way puberty affects your outer appearance. You must understand that this is a phase in everyone's life but it will pass. Yes it does affect some more than others but we all have to deal with it. You want to fix these problems that you have, then you must start by accepting who you are and feeling good about the things you got like being able to go to school to get an education, able to walk, talk, think, see, or just living. Think of all the retarded people in the world or handycapped, or the homeless who don't have where to sleep or what to eat, you should start looking at these first and start realizing that your complaints are petty. Everyone, whether rich or poor, young or old, have their problems and are insecure in some way about something in their life. You are not an island and you need to interact with others to gain knowledge and experience new things. If you have a crush on someone, there is nothing wrong with that. You are human. What you need to do is first start accepting all the glories you have in your life and then know that your problem stems not from your outer appearance but from your inner self that you are projecting to others. You need to stop thinking so negative about yourself and respect yourself. If you want others to think good of you, you need to first start thinking good about yourself first. The inner beauty can overcome the outer appearance. Outer beauty will only last for so long but inner beauty will last until after you die. Its what people will remember you by.
2006-10-01 00:37:33
answer #4
answered by osito 3
Crissy, it sounds to me like you do not have a friend in the world. The first thing you need is to develop a good friendship with someone. That in itself will put a smile on your face. Someone there that you can trust, play with, have good time together, confide in, share secrets, etc. You are very depressed and very self critical of your apperance in general. The thing is, that almost every girl your age is going through the same crisis as you are. Just others can hide it better. Find a friend who is just like you, an outsider who is also lonely and shy. You will be amazed at how quickly a good friendship will develop if you just give it a chance. Just be brave, and strike up a conversation with someone in your class or neighborhood around your same age. Don't compare yourself with the popular girls, because you will just feel intimidated. Goodness comes from inside, and you need to work on finding happiness in your Life and giving to others will also make you feel more fulfilled. Hang in there, and remember you are not alone in your feelings.
Good Luck!
2006-10-01 00:23:44
answer #5
answered by beautyofthesea 5
First for the sadness you may need some real help, not from us but mental health. Go to your school counselor and talk to them or to your local mental health clinic.. There may be a medication that can help you with that and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Get help. Second. No one can make you rich. You are a child of God and you are rich because he allowed you to be born in the USA and not Africa or Antarctica. So, that is not a problem we can help you with. Third, buy some cheap witch hazel at the pharmacy and use it on your face to get rid of the pimples. It works 90% of the time and is cheap. Then, Thank God every day that you are alive and don't dwell on all the negatives. Try to do something nice for someone every day and don't focus on ME ME ME all the time. It makes your problems bigger! Then when you are home or anyplace you can put on some uplifting music and sing to will change you on the inside and that is where your problem is. Be yourself and don't worry about boys at your age there is plenty of time for that. Try being who you are, smile in the mirror when you are alone and practice it, you are beautiful because you can walk, talk and go to school, over half the children in the world can't go to school or even have one friend. So, try just making one friend. Ther is someone you know that needs a friend just like you do. Try being nice to someone you know does need a friend. Good Luck Sweetie!
2006-10-01 00:26:32
answer #6
answered by MISS-MARY 6
You're in 8th grade, the truth is most of the people at school are also insecure. It's a tough age to be. The good news is that it does get better. You are not the ugliest person in the world, but if that is what you are expecting to see in the mirror, that is what is going to be reflected to you. And if that's how you think you look, you're going to make everyone else think you are. Start thinking positively. Smile at yourself in the mirror. Smile at other people, you'll find they will likely smile back. Look for someone else who seems uncomfortable and be a friend to them. You'll do yourself a world of good when you help someone else. You need to look for your good qualities and attributes and focus on those. When you look for the good, you'll see good. If you're looking for the negative, that is what you will find. Hold your head up. Don't look at the floor. Try to meet people's eyes and make eye contact. Don't even worry about boys yet, there's plenty of time for them later ;)
Now, if you are concerned about your unhappiness, it may be time to talk with your doctor or counsellor. Depression is not uncommon in teens, and if it's left untreated, it only gets worse.
Keep your chin up. You are a somebody!
2006-10-01 00:22:06
answer #7
answered by hopebaymama 3
In about 5 years (which will feel like a lifetime) none of these people will matter in your life. Their opinion of you now shouldn't matter. I was the captain of the cheerleading squad, head dog of the most popular crowd...appeared to have the world by the tail, but let me tell you....I felt so alone and like a fake because I felt like everyone around me "got it," except me.
You couldn't pay me to go back to 8th grade, even if I could take the wisdom I have now with me. Kids are cruel. Find happiness in your own little bubble...and you'll be surprised at how that happiness can make you feel stronger and eventually it starts to show on the outside.
Just watch Laguna Beach to see how stupid and trivial teenage matters are. Be good to yourself and good luck. Wish I had a perfect answer for you...but trust me, it does get better.
2006-10-01 00:22:38
answer #8
answered by annat35 1
You are probably experiencing the dreaded 'puberty', which we all lived through, even though we would never do it again if we were paid to. I feel really sad for you. One thing you could do to boost your self confidence is to excel in something. Maybe you could practice your spelling and use of language skills. I notice you don't have those skills right now, and at 8th grade, you are really behind. Maybe you don't have a good relationship with your parents, or maybe you don't have parents. But, there is most likely somebody there who is willing to be your mentor, if you ask them!
This life is very short, and temporary. If you could see eternity with the eyes of a person forgiven of their sins by the atoning work of Jesus the Christ, you could get through all of this and even more.
2006-10-01 00:19:31
answer #9
answered by ravin_lunatic 6
Ok...sum ppl can be plain NASTY. forget about them, they are nothing but a distraction - you don't need that. You're growing up, give yourself the space and time to do so even if no one else will. Oh, and the guy, dump him...he's also a distraction. You'll meet someone in a couple of years (yes...) once your hormones have balanced and calmed down a bit.
The acne...get a fresh lemon off a lemon tree once a day - when in season and lemon juice (pure) from the shops when not in season, and make yourself some lemon juice. A glass a day, should clear the acne away...don't go and spend mega monies over it. get a cleanser for normal skin and put only ONE drop of lemon juice in your hand with your cleanser when you wash you face at least once, most 2-3 times a day (once only with lemon - you're doing this every day til it clears! don't go crazy! you'll thin your skin out, then you will have to see a dermatologist). use a hydrating moisturiser, not a cream/moisturiser with oil AT ALL. your mom will know. acne is over production of oil, your skin needs to balance it's hydration levels = water. drink more water, keep your skin hydrated, do the lemon juice, read more books for you ability and age group balanced with TV time.
And OMG...stop the negative self'll be a wreck in a while if you see yourself in such a bad light/view. Love yourself...learn...ask your her like she's your best friend. If she starts interfering...say mom you're like my best friend, I should be able to tell you everything and sometimes I need you to just sit and listen to me. me back...I may take a while to net access...and let me know how you're doing...please. if you can't talk to anyone talk to me. send the email and trust that it'll get to me. CC your mom if you want. it's important she's a part of your life, trust me.
Good Luck.
Light W. :)
2006-10-01 03:22:18
answer #10
answered by Light W 2
Insecurity will always bring you down, I don't know how old you are but the zit thing,the awkward thing should be just a faze.You have to gain confidence, stop worrying so much about things because these feelings that you have now will stick with you till you're out of school.To me it sounds like an awkward faze that you'll recover from in time.
2006-10-01 00:16:54
answer #11
answered by Grazia 3