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this is for anyone....

what reading, study, research, personal experiences, ect has caused you to belive the things you do? wether its atheist or christian or whatever, obviously SOMETHING lead you to belive as you do.

and remember that an atheist saying "because its just not real" without further explanation is no different than a religious person saying "it just is real" or whatever, if not supported by other info.

I ask, because I've seen people post, seemingly honestly, things that through personal experience, I know to be untrue, and I am boggled by how people can belive these things.

2006-09-30 09:03:43 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Very difficult question to answer!! It's the same question I had to answer during the conversion process into Judaism, but the answer seemed to change from week to week. I think it was the "faith and spirituality" I disliked most about Christianity -- Judaism was like a breath of fresh air. As I learned about the commandments and how justice was administered I was astounded that Christians could have discarded them. When nations discard justice, they dissolve into anarchy. Perhaps that's what happened during the Crusades, the Inquisition, etc.

Learning to pray as a Jew was another delight. We remind ourselves what God does, remembering that we are made in His image and must work with Him in His creation.

I have never liked ritual or traditions, but much to my surprise, I've discovered that I love all the rituals and traditions I've experienced thus far. Perhaps one day I'll be able to participate more fully.

There is so much to learn! It started out as little bits and pieces which slowly began fitting together and is gradually becoming a beautiful woven tallit. This month, I'm savoring what little Hebrew I've learned. It's slow, but I've learned enough to know that I *can* do it.

Another concept I've discovered is that of community. After being inundated with threats about "personal salvation," I'm learning to think as part of a community, and how to use self restraint in order to not offend others.

I could go on and on, but I just don't have the words to tell you how many wonderful things I've learned about this beautiful religion/people. Not a day goes by that I don't learn something new and beautiful about Life!


2006-09-30 17:04:32 · answer #1 · answered by Hatikvah 7 · 0 0

Believe it or not, I used to be a nondenominational Christian. My life was absolutely miserable during this time. Further, I had so many questions that people were just refusing to answer. So I read up and researched about other religions/options.

When I found my pagan faith, after much research, it felt like a homecoming. Furthermore, my life has been wonderful. I could not ask for a better place to be in life.

I believe that all paths lead to the same place, and that most Gods/Goddesses are universal in nature. I think that everyone can find the path that works for them, as all purport love anyway.

The Christian path just did not work for me. It works for others. Perhaps I was supposed to have different experiences in this life, who knows?

2006-09-30 09:11:13 · answer #2 · answered by Ana 5 · 0 0

I'm a Hindu. I was raised a Christian, and then believed in Judaism for several years before ultimately deciding to become a Hindu. I have done much research on world religions before I made my decision.

I have studied Biblical Scholarship, and read tons of books on both sides of the issues, and just thought and thought and thought about it all. I analyze and scrutinize all the facts. That is mostly what has led me to NOT believe in those religions however, at least not in any literal way. I do believe they have much merit and "work" for people.

What led me to embrace Hinduism was reading the scriptures of Hinduism, and learning about the practices. I find that most of the Scriptures of Hinduism are truly spiritual, truly instruction books on how to relate to God, improve the self, and live a life of devotion and righteousness. For some reason, I did not find that in the Bible. In the Bible, I see a lot of purported history. I see a lot of prophecies of doom on various nations, lots of outdated laws, and some of them are even immoral. But what I don't find a lot of there is actual spiritual guidance. I don't find there lots of philosophical truth about the human being, God, or life. It can be inferred various ways - but it's not very explicit (which is why there is so much disagreement on those issues).

The Hindu Scriptures seem pure to me. They seem like they are really written by people whose main concern was how to live a devoted life the best way, and to convey that message for people everywhere. They didn't seem to have other political or selfish motives. Their motive was just to teach how one might have a relationship with God and be most fulfilled as a human being.

2006-09-30 09:16:54 · answer #3 · answered by Heron By The Sea 7 · 0 0

My beliefs are from education research reasoning logic and common sense, I believe if you have all five of these in tact, then the world around you becomes vary different from those who don't, It is the people that have these intellectual abilities that will change how and what we believe in the future, It is through them that our society will be ready to enter the 22nd century, leaving behind a religious perspective that has robed and raped the people for the last two millenniums, thus bringing in a new world order that maintains above all truth and peace for all mankind.

2006-09-30 09:32:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It would be too complex for me to fully explain why I believe what I believe but I've lived a very strange and far more brutal life than most people will experience-which isn't something I'm complaining about- but I've survived it I believe because I feel I have a spiritual side to me that gives me an inner strength. It's subjective, it can't be proved but to me it's such a strong conviction that it would be inconceivable that it weren't true. I am a spiritual being in a material body and that is what I feel 100%.

2006-09-30 09:12:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most of it is what they have been taught.I think people should respect each other for what they beleave in. Unless its harmful to their self or others. For my self if some thing really awesome happens for no reason and prayers are answered and you feel blessed with your day and thankful for a great moment and you stop and think maybe there is more than we could ever imagion. no one has all the answers to every thing thats why we continue to study for the right answers. But I know theres really something out there and what ever you beleave its real.

2006-09-30 09:25:21 · answer #6 · answered by Isabella 2 · 0 0

In a over dose,
I died and was on my way to hell,
I heard a voice, I felt such love,
And I believed the voice was the Son of God,
I turned to the voice, and said "Save Me from this place"
I have first hand, not words, can describe.
I was not a bible reader,
yet, the voice gave me scripture, and when I read the bible on my own,
and came across, the same Scripture,
No one can tell me, change me, or make me think, there is no God.
Your only here, because, your heart beat, beats due to a God who allows it to be so. He loves you.
Take your voice from inside you, let it come out, and ask, your own heart to tell you, there is no God.
Just ask it, "is there a God? Is your son Jesus?
God should wake up your heart. If your asking in truth. And not kidding around.
Then email me and let me know how you believe after wards..

2006-09-30 09:15:20 · answer #7 · answered by Faith Walker 4 · 1 0

Because people fail to examine their own conscience against their beliefs. I have studied all the religions I can find to a great extent (even Satanism, which everyone seems to be afraid of....) and my conscience leads me to believe that the Christian religion is best for me, but following a book is not. I practice Christianity with some Buddhist, Hindu and Wiccan influence. All of these things help me in my effort to follow Christ's example, because the Bible alone can lead you away from it as easily as it can lead you to it.

2006-09-30 09:09:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I've read the Bible. I won't say I am perfect. There are many smarter and more studied than I am. But what I am not postive of, I ask others. (my pastor, a pen pal, my sister (a previous missionary) and then I study the passage for myself and try to understand it that way.
On top of that it takes prayer. I wrestle with questions and pray about them and then one day it just comes to me and I say "Ahhhh, now I understand what it means"

No one will ever 'Know it all' But while we are on this earth we are expected to do our best while we can.

2006-09-30 09:08:17 · answer #9 · answered by helpme1 5 · 0 0

I have had experience with God answering my questions and prayers. I have read the Bible and other books on religion, I have studied other religions. But my testimony is that God does live and that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer of the world. God sent his only begotten Son into the world to save us from our sins and that only thru Jesus Christ can we go back to live with our Father in Heaven.
Open your heart to God and Jesus Christ and you will have your own experiences.
Jesus Christ died on the cross for you and for me, can you not accept that?? For it makes God and Jesus sad that one lamb from the flock may be lost.

Ask an atheist if they have ever seen their own brain?? Ask them if they have ever been to Pluto. They have seen pics, but have they held their brain or been to Pluto?? How do they know it exists?? They believe. That is what it is all about.

Come home to God and Jesus.
I pray you find the truth and the answers to your questions.
Another one of God's children and a sister to Jesus the living Christ.
With love.
God speed.

2006-09-30 09:15:39 · answer #10 · answered by nevada nomad 6 · 0 0

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