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okay, this is quite specific. i only have 39 days to lose 43 pounds. i need to lose 7.72 pounds a week to rreach my goal. can someone please tell me how to do this? i really want to loose this wieght and make my doctor pproud. i no its aone miunute last thing but i mean come on. please help i will be giving 10 points who ever i think helps me the best and has the best answer.

2006-09-30 08:25:17 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

17 answers

Your goal of quick weight loss is a bit ambitious. Here are some aggressive but realistic ideas from my 360 Blog of September 10.

Don't target losing more than about 2 lbs per week. If you try to lose faster, your body will go into "starvation mode" and get very stingy about burning calories while at the same time very efficient about storing any calories that you do provide. And it will make you feel awful.

There is no site specific way of losing fat... the old myth about working your abs to burn belly fat isn't true. To get rid of love handles, you need to lose overall fat. That happens with exercise and watching your diet. More on that below.

The most effective way to lose fat is aerobic exercise in the "moderate" fat-burning range, ideally first thing in the morning before you eat. When you wake your body is ready to burn fat and your levels of growth hormone are highest at that time. Later in the day it can take up to 30 minutes just to put your body into a fat-burning mode.

Another overlooked way to burn fat is by lifting weights. Skeletal muscle has very high caloric needs... almost twice that of adipose (fat) tissue. Put on a little muscle and you will burn calories all day even at rest. Be aware that skeletal muscle weighs more, so with this approach you may see your weight increasing while your body fat is melting away. Not realizing this often stresses folks who think they should be losing weight as a measure of fitness. Forget the scale, look in the mirror and you will be happy.

To lose a pound of fat, you need to eliminate about 3500 calories. You can do this by burning more with exercise or by modifying your diet to reduce intake. If you do a Google search on say, "swimming calories" you will quickly find a website with tables of calories burned for a given exercise. You can use such lists to estimate how many calories you are burning up with your routine.

For diet, keep a diary for a couple of weeks counting calories, grams of protein, and grams of fat intake. It is easy with online sources of nutritional information (type the name of the food and calories into the Google search engine) and packaging labels. That will let you quickly figure out where the fat is coming from in your diet.

Fat gives you 9 calories per gram. So take the number of grams of fat, multiply by 9, then calculate what percentage the fat calories are of your total daily calories. Restricting the calories from fat to about 20% of your total intake is ideal for a maintenance diet... that isn't overly restrictive. Of note, you need some fat in your diet. For instance, the body uses fat to produce hormones. Once you have a picture of how to modify your diet, you can drop the diary and just go back to it occasionally if you are wanting to tweek things further.

There is a subset of questions that goes further and asks about "How to get a six-pack?" The answer is the same. Six-packs are 20% abdominal exercise and 80% diet. There is one caveat... abdominal muscles will form in the position that you work them, so be certain to pull them tightly toward your spine while doing crunches, etc. Also, during most lifting, the "core is active" which means that you should be stabilizing with contracted abs then too. Fail to do this and the abs will form, but bulging outward and the result is not attractive.

If you are trying to build muscle as a way to lose fat, then you may need to increase total calories and specifically your protein intake. I target about 0.8 g of protein per pound of body weight each day when actively building. That is far more protein than most people need in their diets.


2006-09-30 08:41:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

7.72 pounds per week is A LOT and kind of impossible..... the only way to do this is to eat an apple a day or something like that... either way, you're going to starve and that is very dangeroues and i don't recommend it.... if you eat an apple a day for 39 days you WILL lose a lot of weight but you will not have any energy and will feel tired all the time, because you need to eat a complete meal to stay healthy and energized...

You could try having fruit for breakfast and dinner..... and your main meal could be anything like chicken or fish with vegetables....
Drink 8 glasses of water EVERY day and try to do 1 hour of cardio each day...
Don't eat anything in between meals.... if you're feeling VERY hungry you could eat fruit only.....
Stay away from desserts and sleep enough!!

Maybe you won't lose exactly 43 pounds... but if you're missing 5 pounds, that's ok.. your doctor will understand... the truth is... it's better to be healthy and lose weight slowly, because that way you will keep it off long term.... if you lose it fast, you will gain the weight again because that's not the normal way you eat every day...once you lose the 43 pounds you will go back to your regular way of eating.

2006-09-30 08:38:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Co-incidently, I'm starting a rapid weight loss program myself tomorrow. I'm going on a 7 day fat free skim milk fast and I will take b6 b12 vitE folic acid and iron. I intend to lose at least 8 pounds and then for the remaining period I am eating 1 cup of french style green beans with carrots 5 times a day every 3 to four hours and continue with the supplements. Drink plenty of water too. I drink green tea and take chromium picolinate to boost my metabolism because I have NONE. STAY AWAY FROM ALL CARBS unless you incorporate weight training into your routine. White meat chicken has 0 carbs as well as fish and so on. My exercise will consist of 4 mile walks twice a day, ab crunches on a work out ball and leg presses using the ball. I know this plan will work because it is extreme. Make sure you are able to handle the physical demands before you try it. You could lose 30 pounds in 30 days with good health practices.

2006-09-30 08:42:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

jog 2 miles EVRY MORNING before breakfast
drink 10 glasses of water a day
before you go to bed do 100 crunches and 100 pushups, not all at once ofcourse
stay away from saturated fats, only eat fruits veggies and soy protiens, stay away from meat as much as possible

if you can strictly follow this for 39 days you will FOR SURE lose 43 pounds, but remeber, all of these things must be done everyday.

2006-09-30 09:06:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The worked out solution :
you have to ascend and descend the 3 story building or 3 flooors of ur building 5 - 7 times in single go in morning. but dont walk. do run on steps.. it will definitely looos fat from face and sides of ur abdmen
But it will bring u tired as well as the sweat a lot. but this is a good sign of workability of exrcise . work out and tell me within a week how much u loose ..... but b regular.

2006-09-30 08:38:52 · answer #5 · answered by Dr.Varun indiafivestar@yahoo.com 2 · 0 0

I was on a diet that I lost 35 lbs on!!! It was primarily white meat(chicken breast, tuna, fish etc.), steamed veggies with no butter or salt, fruit besides bananas and grapes, I could have fat free yogurt, pop smart popcorn, peanuts with no salt, skim milk, and eggs. For breakfast I would have 2 eggs, apple stix, and fat free yogurt. For lunch I would have either grilled chicken salad with very little light dressing or tuna fish, then I would have a bag of pop smart popcorn and a diet coke, For dinner I would have either grilled fish or grilled chicken breast and steamed veggies. Drink LOTS of WATER and limit your cokes to 1 a day or completely cut them out!!! I also rode stationary bike 30 min. a day and then after a couple of months I increased it to 1 hour a day. I also took water pills. You can buy them over the counter.

2006-09-30 08:35:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i would say eat 6 small meals a day workout out for atleast 90 minutes a day preferably in the morning to boost your metabolism no ating after 6 dont eat fast food often and try to stay away from sweets

2006-09-30 08:33:22 · answer #7 · answered by a 1 · 0 0

it's not really healthy for you to lose weight that fast. it's much, much, better to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week. your doctor won't be happy if you hurt yourself through weight loss- your body will think you're starving and your metabolism will slow down , causing it to be very hard to lose anymore weight.

2006-09-30 08:35:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

please please PLEASE don't go on one of these calorie, carb, points counting diets etc...... i don't know of anyone who has the willpower to actually do the counting let alone stick to the diet!

just start eating healthier, watch the saturated fat you eat (fat that is solid at room temerature e.g. bacon rind, the fat in cheese, beef dripping ...) don't deprive yourself of anything or it will just do your head in, you'll want it all the time!

if you fancy chocolate, have one of those little freddo bars by cadbury, tiny bars of chocolate that satisfy the craving. instead of crisps, try seasons by quaker: dont be put off by the fact they're crispbreads, its the same as eating anything made out of corn e.g salt and vinegar chipsticks, wotsits etc! they taste gorgeous (not 2 fussed on the cheese and onion ones tho, a bit bland for me!) and they only have 2.5g of fat, 0.4g of which saturates, fantastic! they do have over 100 calories, but if you're eating plenty of fruit and veg based meals throught the day this is fine.

try this site for healthy recipes (you can even filter the search results for recipes containing the most amount of calories and fat etc you want, or if you have to avoid certain foods you can use the filter to do this too, really good idea) http://www.recipezaar.com. its brilliant.

look for healthy soup recipes to take to work. they're so easy to make and last up to 3 days in the fridge so once you've made it you dont have to worry about what to have for a few days! just have a brown bread roll with it, i'm not keen but kingsmill ones are lovely. but always use stock granules, much healthier and easier, and i actually prefer using them. the knorr chicken one is brill, i havent tried the vegetable one yet though.

chicken and turkey are the leanest meats, and chicken is sooooooooo versatile theres so many recipes for it! even if its just grilling chicken with seasoning, like the schwartz shotz, little sachets of seasoning like chargrill, bbq, cajun etc makes it much more exciting and its so easy! served up with a nice big salad with a bit of fresh lemon or lime juice for more interest, or low fat dressing (you can buy the one you get with a macdonalds side salad in tesco!) and a small jacket potato or some new potatoes. mmmmmmmm!

the bbc food site has nice recipes, too. just look for simple ones that dont take too long or dont require ingredients you'll use once and throw away.

i haaaaaaate exercising but it does make a difference and you see the weight start to come off a bit sooner: grab a mate, a dog or a friends dog if you dont have one and try to have a few walks throughout the week. dont laugh at this bit, but buy a skipping rope and skip on the spot in the garden for as long as you can whenever you can, and try using a trampette when watching your favourite programmes instead of sitting there trying to fight the urge to snack!

hope this helps, if you want a few recipes or a few more tips, just let me know by answering one of my questions and i'll come back to answer more of yours! good luck :)

2006-09-30 10:46:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wish I knew the answer for you...I have been tying to lose weight too, the more I try, the more I seem to gain...The only quick fix I know of is ephedrine or ma-Huang diet pills...They worked for me before, but the weight comes back at a later time unless you follow a strict diet...Good luck!

2006-09-30 08:34:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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