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And then tell you you're doing "demonic activity" or you're "lying about what happened" when your experience is a bit different from theirs? Is God not our judge?

2006-09-30 08:12:35 · 15 answers · asked by cirque de lune 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

I had 2 different experiences that I heard God talk to me (the still small voice within), but I was told that God doesn't talk to people like me.
The first one was just before my Dad died, I was asking why does this man who never hurt or talked bad about anyone have to suffer so much(he was bed ridden from strokes, he raised 14 children and had worked all his life, he lived his religion, he did not judge). I was working in a truck stop and the other cashier went to the restroom, there was NO customers in the place and it was clear, my answer came, "Jesus, had to suffer."
The second one, I was at work again, the day after my Dad passed away, and I was asking what my Dad's faults were, that still voice came again, "That's between him and I". I said, " I know who is answering me, God, and you are scaring the hell out of me," then I heard a soft laugh, like that's what I am trying to do.
Some people do not believe this happen to me, but I know what happened and so does the good Lord.
People don't believe you because so many of them have never had the experience and I believe they are skeptical about believing. Others that do have a experience don't believe anyone else is good enough to hear from God.
When you talk to God, you have to listen for the still small voice and be ready for answers that you may and may not like. God answers everyone, it is just that so many are not ready to hear His word.

God bless

2006-09-30 08:26:45 · answer #1 · answered by nevada nomad 6 · 1 0

Your last word (judge) is your answer. There is no way for people to judge. And you are correct. God is the judge and not man.

To avoid every man being a judge, God set forth His own Word. By that Word all things are judged of Him. Any experience must agree with the Word. No matter how right it seems, how good it feels, how similar or different or great it may be; it must meet the Word test.

I know nothing of your experience. I do know that if you have true dealings with the Holy Spirit (Jesus Christ) you will know when and where to share your experience. There are some things best kept to yourself and you will find no need to defend yourself.

If I were you, I would consider finding some people who tenderly care about what is taking place in my life.

2006-09-30 16:10:39 · answer #2 · answered by Tommy 6 · 0 0

I am not exactly sure what you by "experience", but what i can tell you is that I have a personal relationship with God our Saviour. Sure, you can say that God is our Judge, but he is also a merciful God, He sees all that we do everyday ahnd does not punishes us for what we do--He accepts us for who we are. Does not mean we should sin over and over again--that is not the point. Rather, we should repent of sins and asks God for forgiveness, cause He is the only one that can give us salvation.

To me, it sounds like someone has told you the wrong information about God and has made you bitter. I hope that this is not true.

Check out the Bible for answers, go to a church who will welcome you. Whatever you do, do not give up on God. You Can trust in Him! :-)

2006-09-30 15:32:55 · answer #3 · answered by m 3 · 0 0

"Why do people insist that their experience with God is the only experience? "

Because they have an illusion of security built around "THEIR" experience. If yours is different, then you are threatening the very thing that keeps their life meaningful. Sad, I know. That's why people get so crazy...its actually a matter of life and death to some.

Best thing to do have compassion for them and realize that its not with in your power to change them.

2006-09-30 15:29:22 · answer #4 · answered by rkalch 2 · 0 0

It is a control issue and has nothing at all to do with god...most christians just want to tell other people how to live and they also love to pass judgement because it deflects attention away from those who are the worst sinners of all...christians themselves.

Christians prefer to be the first ones pointing fingers yet they will get mad as the devil if you try to point a finger at them.

Keep in mind...christians are the absolute worse hypocrites on the face of the planet...liars too. Christians are sinners in disguise..all of them.

2006-09-30 15:19:53 · answer #5 · answered by stephenjames001 2 · 0 1

Oh hon, don't let them tell you that. If what you saw is biblical then don't worry about them, they know not what they speak.

But do check it for yourself, make sure that what you experienced is of God, okay? Sometimes the devil can play tricks on you and make you think it's from God and it's not.

You are right however, God is the judge and not your "friend".

2006-09-30 15:16:02 · answer #6 · answered by arewethereyet 7 · 0 0

For some, it is difficult to see outside oneself.

This holds true for those evaluating any other religious experience - Islam, Atheism, Jainism, Wicca, Judaism, Tribal Traditions, etc.

2006-09-30 15:22:28 · answer #7 · answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7 · 0 0

people tend to think that the way they think is the only way, and the right way, andeveryone else is not wrong, but they are not right either. confusing you yet? well, our brains are very vain and egotistical, it tells us things that are not necessarily true, but keeps us from becoming depressed. think about it, if everyone knew the real truth, wouldn't it be kind of scary? so people don't want to hear what is not comforting. did that explain anything to you? hope so.....what was your experience by the way?

2006-09-30 15:19:56 · answer #8 · answered by minerva 2 · 0 0

For as humans, all want to be right. Most want to judge, and nothing comes closer to the truth of how one expereinces God for themselves then to have the expereince themselves..

2006-09-30 15:19:36 · answer #9 · answered by yeppers 5 · 0 0

it is not the only experience, just the one most important to them.
God's judgement is always the best, don't worry about the opinion of them that thing they're gods judges, he doesn't have any, not anymore

2006-09-30 15:16:27 · answer #10 · answered by Hannah's Grandpa 7 · 1 0

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