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Ok, Spirit-filled Christians, I want to know what is the most amazing miracle you have seen/had happen to you? It could be anything... God knows no limits! We all know He's awesome, tell me what He has done for you.

Oh, and please no stupid answers from unbelievers... if you don't believe, fine, but take it elsewhere.

2006-09-30 07:50:13 · 12 answers · asked by DanielleJane 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Well Starla, you actually seem to be the only one so far who thinks that... if God hasn't done anything for anyone else, then how do you explain those who have just answered and showed God's goodness in their lives? No one tried to shove anything down your throat... I didn't force you to read my question, and I definitely narrowed the question down to "spirit-filled Christians" so, seeing as that isn't you... yeah well, anyway, what can you do? Sorry you feel that way! God bless!

2006-09-30 08:24:56 · update #1

I just wanted to add a few testimonies on here too!
Well, firstly, I will start with me, God has truly done so much in my life. I can so say my life-story is John 15:5 - You cannot do anything apart from Me." I am the Youth Pastor at my church along with my wonderful Fiance who I will be marrying soon, I lead the dance ministry & so much more, & I can honestly say that before I was saved I NEVER could have done any of those things...

As far as miracles I have seen, one night my pastor was praying for a young boy about 7 who had been deaf from birth, the mother is in our church. As pastor prayed for him, his ears just popped open, & he said "I can hear!" & everyone was shouting & rejoicing... so the Pastor leant down & whispered in his ear "hello" and the little boy looked at him & said "hello!"

Then there was also a woman who was in a wheel chair & hadn't walked for over 1 1/2 yrs. My Pastor laid hands on her & she stood up & walked clear across the room, & is still walking today!!

2006-09-30 08:38:01 · update #2

I also have a friend in my church who was diagnosed with Hepatitis C, and as you know it is an uncurable disease... well, uncurable by the doctors! She believed God for her healing and had hands laid on her for her healing and she went to the doctors and they were all in total shock, there was and still is no sign of Hep C in her body at all... the doctors cannot explain it...

I have soooo many more, but I won't take up the whole page... thank you for all of you that answered, God is so awesome. He really loves us... God bless ya'll!

2006-09-30 08:42:31 · update #3

12 answers

Space would not allow for my entire testimony. Let's just say I was not abused as a child, I was tortured in every way you can imagine, I still have emotional,spiritual, and physical scars..I blamed God for many years. I married an abusive man. Blamed God some more. Drank myself silly. Ate myself fat. Until I cried out one day, and there He was waiting for me, to accept me just as I was, didnt have to clean up or nothin'...I remarried..my Husband is now saved...17 years ago this husband prayed and fasted for 14 days before I was to go into sugery for a malignant tumor in my breast...guess what? right before surgery they did another xray...mammogram...whatever....the egg sized lump was gone...Thats right...it was just gone..
I know that I know GOD alone removed it...Praise Him, for He alone is worthy...
Now, has he answered all my prayers...YES..Sometimes its NO...sometimes its YES...and sometimes its WAIT....But He always answers..Amen?

2006-09-30 09:05:43 · answer #1 · answered by heresyhunter@sbcglobal.net 4 · 3 0

Ok I'll share this one. Four years ago, I woke up one morning with the song "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord" resounding in my head. And all day long it continued.( like when you hear a song and can't get the catchy lyrics out of your thoughts). I went to a church leader that I study with and asked the meaning, if any. Well he explained that " Prepare ye the way of the Lord was of John the Baptist. I was shaken. I had been asking in prayer to the Lord- "what is my mission " and could I please be given the gift of helping others to understand you, Lord, if that be your will. And this could be my answer. I must note that I hadn't heard that song in about 25 years!! And when I chose my confirmation name about 30 years ago I chose John the Baptist. My church leader explained that I may have been granted that gift that I requested and to cherish it and know the responsibility that goes with it. We prayed together and I now feel that if this is a gift, then I will not waste it. I encourage all who are reading this to pray diligently for all things and ask the Lord about your gift. He has one for you. God Bless

2006-09-30 15:07:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Thank you so much for the invitation to testify.

The most amazing thing I have been witness to was a man my prayer group had been praying for who had Parkenson's Disease.

He had had the disease for 20 years and was wheelchair bound for 18 of those years.

A month after the Charasmatic group at my church (St. Mary Magdeline Catholic Church in Melvindale, Michigan) began praying for him we hosted a Charasmatic Healing Mass and had Fr. Matthew Swizdore of New York come in to say the Mass.

The man was wheeled up to the altar to have Fr. Swizdore pray over him and lay hands on him to heal him of his illness.

About 6 months after that Mass I attended another Charasmatic Healing Mass at another Catholic church in the area and was amazed when that same man who had Parkenson's Disease walked (Yes, I said walked) up to the altar to give his testimony.

He stated that about 1 month after the Mass with Fr. Swizdore he began to feel different so he called his doctor and requested an appointment.

His doctor, thinking there was nothing he could do since his patient was in the latter phase of Parkenson's and wasn't expected to live much longer, told him to come in the next day.

When he was taken there the next day and walked into his doctors' office; his doctor dropped the chart he had been holding due to the shock of seeing his fatally ill patient walking and when he shook himself out of it said "I'M EXAMINING YOU NOW!!!".

The Parkenson's was gone, no trace, as if it had never been.

A couple of weeks later he had one of the priests of St. Mary Magdeline take him to the Michigan Secretary of State office to renew his driver's license.

The lady noticed that his license had lapsed 20 years previously and asked him why he had never renewed it in all that time and his response was "Um, I haven't been feeling all that well".

A couple of weeks later he took the same priest out and went dancing for the first time in 20 years.

That was in the spring of 1994 or 1995 as I recall.

I'm sure there are still parishoners there who remember that incident.

The Charasmatic group there is (or was, it's been some years since I was there) called the Light of Christ.

God, indeed, knows no limits for His children that are faithful to Him and ask Him for his help and mercy.

2006-09-30 15:18:28 · answer #3 · answered by sworddove 3 · 2 0

As cliche as it may sound, I'm going to have to go for the birth of my niece. She was three weeks early, my sister was just 18 years old, and she was the prettiest little thing you ever saw. She was so tiny, but screaming her lungs off and we all knew she was going to be a testiment to her parents (neither of which can be classified as quiet in the least). Cliche, I know... but she is the only miracle I've had.

2006-09-30 14:54:33 · answer #4 · answered by Suraya 3 · 2 0

The miracle I see everyday. From money being blessed on us right when we need it to my daughter being kicked off the top bunk of a bunk bed and not having a bruise on her. God fill my life daily with miracles and I'm so thankful to be saved and have Him in my life to bless me the way he does. I'm not sure how others survive or even able to live without Him. Praise the LORD!

2006-09-30 14:54:07 · answer #5 · answered by lilmama 4 · 2 1

Boy you are going to get it from the christian haters, but you are brave to ask the question. Isn't that what the religion section should be about? My mother was pronounced brain dead after a stroke. Her pastor laid hands on her and she woke up two days later. She is weak on one side of her body but other than that she is fine. God still does miracles.

2006-09-30 14:55:42 · answer #6 · answered by Stiletto ♥ 6 · 2 2

God saved the life of one of my sons who was seriously injured on a car crash. He had a Priesthood Blessing and the injuries found in the emergency room were gone within the hour when they rescanned him.

I was praying for my grandson, just because I felt prompted to do so. About that time he fell from a second story window on to some rocks. (he was just about 2 yrs old). By the time his mother got downstairs and got him in the car he had stopped crying. By the time he got to the emergency room they couldn't find anything wrong and wondered why she brought him in.

2006-09-30 14:56:09 · answer #7 · answered by Nora Explora 6 · 3 2

I believe the most awesome miracle that God had done for me lately is to let me see a robin up close and personal lay one egg in my Dad's backyard, and on more personal note, God made my bathroom situation more tolerable for me to live with, instead of living up to my Dad's wife's criticism of me all the time with the bathroom situation, My Dad moved into the same bathroom and she moved into another bathroom in the house and know I do not have to share a bathroom with her, but, I am more free with myself with my Dad sharing a bathroom with me instead of her.

2006-09-30 14:54:57 · answer #8 · answered by marcyfiorica 3 · 2 1

You put it out there sister! God has never done anything for me or anyone else!

Fine! I've put it here, right where it belongs the same way you tried to jab your opinion down my throat!

2006-09-30 14:55:06 · answer #9 · answered by Starla_C 7 · 1 3

the most amaizing thing God has done in my life has been his change in ME. i was not a nice person and i did not even try to be,

2006-09-30 15:04:53 · answer #10 · answered by Hannah's Grandpa 7 · 3 0

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