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21 answers

Tell a short, funny story about the groom or the couple (that is Grandma-appropriate)--even if it's just something silly like the time the groom made the bride laugh so hard soda came out her nose. Then wish them the best and toast them. It's not that hard, but people who don't know the couple can't really write it for you.

2006-09-30 07:18:17 · answer #1 · answered by N 6 · 0 0

Sit down for an hour and think. Have a pen and paper nearby. Write down all the most memorable experiences you and the Groom-To-Be have had together.
Shorten that list to 4 or 5. Choose the ones that reveal different sides of his charcter - humour, kindness, foolishness, whatever.
Put each one under that heading, and write some background detail about it. Don't let yourself get too involved, and keep editing.
Your aim is to show the different things that make him who he is, and also why you two are so close. Just listen to your heart.
If he asked you to be his Best man, you'll know such things.
He's not asking you to impress anyone just to entertain and give him the attention he deserves on his special day. Remember there will be people there who don't know much about him, particularly from his Bride's side of the guests, so just introduce him through your own eyes and make sure it is mostly clean and positive!
Once you have got your speech down to your desired elements and time limit, rehearse it in front of a mirror. When you have started to memorise it, rehearse it in front of a few people you trust. And then, when you think speaking in public will cave you in because of nerves, go to a public place, such as a park or cafe (it needs to be fairly quiet even though there are lots of people passing by) and ask your trusted friends to sit somewhere close but not obviously in relation to you. Then take a deep breath and recite your speech, facing them but far enough away as to be scary. Don't feel anything, don't look at anything and don't listen to anything. You might get some quizzical glances at first from passers-by, but they will soon leave you alone.
If you feel you can't do this, try again on another day.
The day you can recite your speech in that environment with all the intonation and pauses right, is the day you will know you can do it at the wedding!
Trust me! I have put several nervous students through this and they won Speech Contests because of it.

2006-09-30 07:29:16 · answer #2 · answered by kiteeze 5 · 0 1

When I had to make a best man speech, i trawled the internet and came across various sites which had example speeches which were useful (like hitched.co.uk) but i think the most important thing is to get across to the audience the real character of the groom.

Unlike most other answers to this question, i would say don't just copy the one liners you see because it'll be obvious you didn't write them - everyone has heard of them before. Instead think of a few stories / experiences you've had with the groom - best if they are funny. I bought a guide from thebestmanweddingspeech.com which helped me a great deal because it wasn't just a bunch of speeches but a step by step guide to thinking of ideas for content and advice on how to deliver the speech - I was really scared of doing the speech and it really helped me get over the nerves. There are also other books (e.g. confetti.co.uk has a book which i looked at). It also had links to speeches on youtube and google video which were useful to watch!
The best advice though is to practice your speech to death until you can deliver it seamlessly - my speech went down brilliantly

Good luck with it

2006-10-02 09:31:51 · answer #3 · answered by hans 1 · 0 0

The best man's speech is the last of the three speeches traditional at a wedding.
He usually begins by recounting how he first met the groom.
Then there are thanks to the groom for his toast, on behalf of the bridesmaids, ushers, and other helpers.
It is the 'best man' who talks about the groom's life, experiences, and qualities.
Some jokes and anecdotes about the groom are usually welcome, and also perhaps some about the bride and groom, such as how they met.
The best man leads a toast to the parents.
Traditionally the finale is the reading of telegrams, cards and emails from people unable to attend. If there are many, it is pefectly appropriate to read just a selection.

Just keep it clean and short and talk about how in love they are. Most important is not to be pissed! lol


This site has a video of a speech, and if you want to cheat, you can buy a personalised sppech for a few quid!

I would copy what the man in the vid says and change the names!

Good luck xxx

2006-09-30 07:19:55 · answer #4 · answered by Rose 3 · 0 1

I have 2 suggestions which are completely the opposite....

First being, don't prepare and just say what comes to mind as this is more thoughtful. (Trust me I had to do one at my God Daughters christening, I was not even told that the God parents had to make speeches)

Second being.....baring in mind it needs to be unique as everyone goes on about how they met the groom etc etc.......So why not make it a memorable one.

Start by saying when he told you he was getting married it was a shock (this is to make the bride feel special, you never thought that he would find THE ONE the way he was going on, then crack off some joke about him being insecure and afraid off being left on the shelf just too lift spirits up)

Conclude with being extremely honoured to be his best man and saying how spectacular the whole day has been and may it be a start off a wonderful journey in life for them and may the next gathering be at the celebration in the welcoming news off tiny pitta patter off footsteps.

In all honesty say what is coming from your heart. before you start your speech make sure you have a nice alcoholic drink just to calm the nerves.

Good Luck !!!

2006-09-30 07:58:12 · answer #5 · answered by June 2 · 0 1

Wedding Speeches Completely Bowl Audience : http://Speech.findpolo.com

2015-11-18 02:06:40 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

well I've known this guy for many years but even I was shocked at what he got up to on his stag do! I wont go into anything here as a few ladies are present so heres to the happy couple (look at the bride and say) after the honeymoon can he still come out ever weekend?

2006-09-30 11:38:05 · answer #7 · answered by John "Freddie" West 3 · 0 0

Speech class was painful for me. The hardest part is being in front of the people. For your speech, just write how you feel, then practice in front of a friend or two. Do that alot.

2006-09-30 07:18:55 · answer #8 · answered by almostdead 4 · 0 0

talk about the important things like what the groom means to you as a friend, include funny jokes my husbands best mate was the best man at ours and the gag he used for us was 'may the only ups and downs they have be between the bed sheets' which got people listening and laughing not to say us (bride and groom) blushing lol

2006-10-04 02:00:37 · answer #9 · answered by shayney boy 3 · 0 0

first tell the bride and groom how pleased you are for them, then tell a funny story about the groom(it can't invole him and a previous girl friend)then hand over to the father of the bride to make his speach. remember stay calm and be yourself write out your speach on small cards so if you get lost then there is less words on the card for you to have to look thrrough. speak loudly and slowly and you will be fine

2006-10-01 06:52:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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